Thursday, December 4, 2008

December 3, 2008

Daisy: I get all excited when I have a visitor but then once I am outside and come back in I am pretty much done with them.

Harmon: Sitter says I have gotten so thin! But not too thin! I ate my treats up and rub all over the sitters new purse.

Jack: I played ball in the yard, I love playing ball! She only could get it from my by standing on the ball and getting it because I kept grabbing it up. The sitter let us out and we all did our business and ran around for a bit then we came in for some food. I didn't really want mine right away. Instead, I really wanted to play with my tennis ball. So me and the sitter got to do that for a bit.

Gus: I like my butt scratched. The sitter came in and had to take turns petting all of us with just one hand because he had his keys and folder in the other one and we wouldn't wait for him to go put them down! Of course, when he finally did put the down, we assaulted him with more demands to be pet!

Jesse: I put my head on the sitters lap and let her pet me, that's all I care for. When the sitter came in today, I got just a little too excited and had an accident on the floor. He said it was no big deal cause it was on the tile so cleanup was easy. Yeah, that's right, I had an accident and I'm 6 years old, what of it? Don't act like it never happened to you...

Raven: I hadn't seen the sitter in so long I actually jumped on her...thats a Cooper thing to do!

Cooper: We were lunging at cars and trucks...we need some fun!

Tank: I was a good boy on my walk today. I never really had to be reminded to keep moving. Sometimes I like to stop and sniff stuff but, what dog doesn't? After our walk me and the sitter just sat down for a bit and he gave me some real good head scratchings. Aaaaaaahh!

Lily - When will the weather make up it's mind!? Somedays it's like, "I'm warm!" then others it's all like, "no, I'm cold!" Sheesh, what a pain. It was ok for our walk tonight, though. Not too cold but, if you're going to get cold, just stay cold already!

Sams - When the sitter gives us our food, I always try to eat it right out of the scoop on it's way down to the bowl. The sitter doesn't let me but that won't stop me. I like to race Lily, too. I can usually eat my food about 4 times faster than her (about 8 seconds!). I'll forever be the champ!

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