Tuesday, November 30, 2010

11 30 sushi and barkley are doing fine today

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday November 29 AM and MIDDAY VISITS

Winters and Snowflake - We were so happy to see the sitter! We played some laser mouse then had breakfast! It was delish!

Bacarri and Mircea - Oh my goodness! We got to go outside and play chuckit for a long time until our tongues were hanging out and we were really tired puppies! Then we rested some before having a wonderful breakfast! Bacarri got her medicine too!

Coconut, Pineapple and Chiquita - Two of us are still in hiding but one of us is out and all over the place! She is really too funny and should be in a circus!

Venus, Mattapan, Oscar, Midnight, Ms. Charlotte and Abigail - We are all still in hiding but the sitter saw one of us as a "lump" under the sheets on the sofa. We got fresh water and food and clean litter boxes and then lots of "Temptations" scattered about for us! We might eventually come out but who knows when!

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - We enjoyed seeing the sitter! We got treats while Liberty got to go on her walk and then got lunch!

Sunday November 28 PM VISITS

Bacarri and Mircea - We were so happy to see the sitter! We got to go outside then have supper and treats and lots of loving!

Blue, Taylor, Squeak, Maxx and Figaro - We were glad to see the sitter! We kitties enjoyed our supper while the puppies enjoyed going outside then in for supper and lots of loving! Everyone got their medications too!
11 29 skyler and ollie are doing fine this morning

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday November 28 MIDDAY VISIT

Blue, Taylor, Squeak, Maxx and Figaro - We enjoyed an early dinner today! It was scrumptious!

Sunday November 28 AM VISITS

Brady and Manny - We had a good time on our walk and we enjoyed breakfast!

Bacarri and Mircea - We enjoyed breakfast and playing in the yard! Bacarri took her medicine!

Blue, Taylor, Squeak, Maxx and Figaro - We enjoyed breakfast too!

Toby and LuLu - We enjoyed breakfast! Today is going to be a great day!

Chiquita, Coconut and Pineapple - We are mostly still in hiding except for our black, bold girl! She was ALL over the place today doing circus tricks like leaping over the sitter's head while she was washing dishes at the sink!

Brady and Manny - We enjoyed our midmorning walk too plus treats!

Saturday November 27 PM VISITS

Toby and LuLu - We enjoyed our supper tonight!

Brady and Manny - We enjoyed our walk and our supper!

Blue, Taylor, Squeak, Maxx and Figaro - We enjoyed our supper too!
11 28 maddie and mimz are doing fine today
11 28 honey buns is doing fine this am
11 27 burbank and dharma are ok this am
11 28 sherman and rivers are doing great this am

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday November 27 MIDDAY VISITS

Brady and Manny - We had a great walk and good treats!

Maggie - I really enjoyed my walk today!

Venus, Mattapan, Oscar, Midnight, Ms. Charlotte and Abigail - We were all too shy to meet the sitter but I am sure we will enjoy our lunch once she leaves!

Blue, Taylor, Squeak, Maxx and Figaro - We had a great outing and lots of fun at lunch!

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - Liberty enjoyed her walk and a late lunch! The kitties had treats!

Brady and Manny - (mid-afternoon) - We had a good walk and some treats!

Saturday November 27 AM VISITS

Blue, Taylor, Squeak, Maxx and Figaro - We enjoyed breakfast this morning!

Brady and Manny - We had a good walk and a great breakfast!

Maggie - I enjoyed my breakfast and got my meds! I also had a very productive walk!

Toby and LuLu -We had a very good breakfast and a great game of chase the feather!

Whimsy - I took my pill then curled up for more napping before my breakfast feast!

Chiquita, Coconut and Pineapple - One of us is still hiding but Chiquita and a black kitty were very friendly. They enjoyed their breakfast!

Friday November 26 PM VISITS

Toby and LuLu - We enjoyed our supper tonight! It was truly delicious! Toby is waiting til later tonight to eat his pill pocket!

Whimsy - I was glad to see the sitter tonight and I enjoyed supper too and got my meds!

Maggie - I had a good walk!

Tina, Becky and Ginger - We were so glad to meet the new sitter! She let us out and gave us plenty of treats!

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - Liberty enjoyed her walk and supper while we kitties enjoyed our treats and attention!

Blue, Taylor, Squeak, Maxx and Figaro - We enjoyed our supper and everyone got their meds.!
11 27 rivers and sherman were glad to have some attention this am

Friday, November 26, 2010

11 26 poncho and others are all in their beds for the night
11 26 dorado and riley are getting along good
11 26 billy and his buddy are ok today
11 26 honey buns was glad to see me today
11 26 dharma and burbank are doing fine today
11 26 scooby and tut were doing ok today

Friday November 26 Midday VISITS

Chiquita, Coconut and Pineapple - We enjoyed meeting the sitter today! We really enjoyed our lunch too!

Bogart - I enjoyed a nice walk and more of my Mom's homemade treats! Yum!

Maggie - Oh! I really enjoyed getting out again today! I was a VERY good girl too!

Blue, Taylor, Squeak, Maxx and Figaro - We enjoyed getting out some today and the extra attention our favorite sitter gave us!

Friday November 26 AM VISITS

Dizzy, DJ, Jeremiah, Ruth, and Esther - We were so happy to meet the new sitter today! She gave us fresh food, water and clean litter boxes!

Bogart - It was good to see my sitter! We had a great visit! I enjoyed breakfast and more of my Mommy's homemade treats!

Maggie - I enjoyed my walk and breakfast and got all my medications!

Toby and LuLu - We enjoyed our breakfast and morning visit!

Whimsy - I got my morning medications and enjoyed my breakfast feast!

Dusty, Oscar, Ruby and Griz - We are still a little shy but getting braver! We enjoyed our breakfast and so did the outside kitties too!

Thursday November 25 PM VISITS

Dusty, Oscar, Ruby and Griz - We were glad to see the sitter when she came tonight! We enjoyed our supper!

Maggie - I am feeling much better and enjoyed my walk and supper tonight!

Toby and LuLu - We had a lovely supper and great company tonight!

Bogart - I really enjoyed the visit tonight! I really enjoyed supper and the wonderful treats my Mommy baked for me!

Blue, Taylor, Maxx, Squeak and Figaro - We were all glad to see the sitter tonight! Everyone ate supper except Taylor. Don't know why. Maybe Taylor will be hungry tomorrow morning!
11/26/10 am. The sitter came by to feed me and take me for a walk! I'm so energetic but sweet! A couple of belly rubs made my day! - Crash
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11 26 rivers and sherman are doing fine this morning

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thursday November 25 Midday VISITS

Whimsy - I enjoyed getting my lunch today!

Bogart - I enjoyed going outside for some fresh air and then getting some treats!

Blue, Taylor, Squeak, Maxx and Figaro - We enjoyed seeing the sitter again! We enjoyed our time outside and the extra attention too!

Thursday November 25 AM VISITS

Blue, Taylor, Maxx, Squeak and Figaro - We were certainly glad to see the sitter this morning! We really enjoyed our breakfast and the dogs enjoyed going outside some!

Bogart - Oh! It was so nice to see the sitter this morning! She fixed a great breakfast and then gave me treats!

Maggie May - I am feeling more like myself and enjoyed breakfast!

Toby and LuLu - We loved our breakfast!

Dusty, Ruby, Oscar and Griz - We enjoyed our breakfast too!

Wednesday November 24 PM VISITS

Maggie May - I am feeling a bit better tonight! I ate my supper!

Toby and LuLu - We were glad to see the sitter tonight! We had a scrumptious supper and Toby got his medication too!

Whimsy - I was glad to see the sitter tonight! She is so nice about giving me my pill! And then I enjoyed my supper feast she prepared!

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - We really were glad to see the sitter tonight! We enjoyed our treats and Liberty enjoyed her walk and supper!

Blue, Taylor, Squeak, Maxx and Figaro - We were all so very glad to see the sitter tonight! We really enjoyed our supper and those of us who were to get medications got them no problem!
11 25 billy and friend are getting along fine
11 25 moose was playful this morning
11 25 poncho and friends are all doing great this am
Dakota & Bonnie: Happy Thanksgiving! We had our feast for breakfast! Where's the turkey?
11/25 am. Alice: happy thanksgiving. I'm thankful for my sitter, fresh water, food for my belly, and this yard to run in

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

11 24 sherman and friend were doing fine tonight

Wednesday November 24 AM and Midday VISITS


Taylor, Blue and Squeak, Maxx and Figaro - We enjoyed meeting the new sitter this morning! We enjoyed going outside while the kitties stayed inside.

Maggie May - I am not feeling so good today. I have a tummy ache. The sitter will be calling my Mom to get me some help!

Toby and LuLu - We enjoyed breakfast! It was scrumptious!

Boo Boo - I enjoyed my TUNA today!

Gizmo - Ah Ha! The sitter saw me today! She said I was such a pretty boy that I shouldn't hide! Maybe I will come out more now that I have met her...she's nice!

Midday VISIT

Taylor, Blue and the kitties - We were glad to see the sitter again this afternoon! We enjoyed some time outside. We can't wait for her to come back tonight!

Tuesday November 23 AM and PM VISITS


Toby and LuLu - We enjoyed breakfast today! Then some playtime!

Aspen and Parkie - We enjoyed our walks then treats now naptime!

Boo Boo - I enjoyed breakfast today and my fresh tuna!

Gizmo - I am still in hiding from the sitter but I really enjoyed my supper last night. It was all gone this morning. When she leaves I will enjoy breakfast too!


Toby and LuLu - We enjoyed supper tonight!

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - We were happy to see the sitter tonight! Liberty enjoyed her walk and supper and we kitties enjoyed our treats!

Monday November 22 PM VISITS

Gizmo - I am in hiding from the sitter! I like my hiding place. After she leaves I will enjoy the feast she has prepared for me!

Toby and LuLu -We had fun tonight! Enjoyed our supper and playtime!
11/24 pm. Libby: oh sweet heaven. Belly rubs are my favorite things. I could lay here all night next to the sitter
11 24 mimz and maddie are doing fine today

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

11/23 pm. Abby, I'm a ninja kitty again. You can't find me...oh. here I am. Silly me
11 23 sushi and friend are doing well today

Monday, November 22, 2010

11/22 pm. Alice: yippie the sitter is here. I'm always so excited to see her. I love going to bed with a new chewie
11/22 am. Jake: uh oh. I might be in trouble. I went into moms room and made a huge mess for the sitter to clean up.

Monday November 22 AM and Midday VISITS


Toby and LuLu - We were happy to see the sitter this morning! She gave us a scrumptious breakfast and then we went to take our morning nap!

Sands - I was happy to see the sitter too! She made breakfast for me and gave me fresh water and then I was ready to take my morning nap too!

Boo Boo - The sitter arrived this morning and gave me fresh water, food and fresh tuna! Today is a good day!

Domi and Ronny - Yeah! The sitter arrived this morning! We loved getting some breakfast and treats. Ronny even played a little laser mouse with her!


Darwin and Blossom - We were glad to see the sitter today! She let us out then gave us treats and lots of pets!

Sunday November 21 PM VISIT

Toby and LuLu - We were happy to see the sitter tonight! We enjoyed our visit and supper was delish!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

11/21 pm. Abby:I'm a ninja kitty. I only come out at night. The sitter thinks in hiding in the caninets. But I'll never tell.

Sunday November 21 AM VISIT--

Toby and LuLu - We were happy to see the sitter and get breakfast!

Saturday November 20 PM VISITS

Toby and LuLu - We were very glad to see the sitter tonight! Supper was scrumptious!

Brady and Manny - We had a good walk tonight and some treats!
11/21 am. I just wanted to play and play this morning. I ran around the yard with Lola until it was time for breakfast. Love, Jake

Saturday, November 20, 2010

11/20 pm. The sitter took a different way of getting us all pottied and ready for bed. One by one. Worked very well! Love, Libby
Fri Pm - Summer and Josie - Time for our evening walk and not too chilly tonight. Sat PM - Summer and Josie - Dinner time! Boy we were hungry tonight!!!

Saturday November 20 MIDDAY VISITS

Brady and Manny - We had a good time this afternoon on our walk! We walked right by some crazy barking dogs on a porch but we kept our cool! We got lots of pets and a treat or two each!
We hope the sitter comes back soon!

Anna Belle - Wow! I saw the sitter again! We had a great walk and I ate all my afternoon meal for her! She put a few more pieces of kibble in my bowl in case I got hungry before Mom comes home!
I am going to take a little nap til then!

Saturday November 20 AM VISITS

Brady and Manny - Boy! Were we glad to see the sitter today! We had a great walk then breakfast and lots of petting and even a couple of treats!

Anna Belle - It was good to see the sitter this morning! The weather is perfect for taking a walk! We had fun then back for breakfast and treats!

Toby and LuLu - We were so happy to see the sitter today! We showed her the way to the kitchen again and supervised the preparation of our morning meal! It was sooooo good! Ok time for a nap!

Friday November 19 PM VISITS

Toby and LuLu - We were happy to see the sitter tonight! We were hungry! We met her at the front door and ran ahead of her to the kitchen to show her where everything is located! Toby got his pill no problem. We will hope to see her tomorrow too!

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - Liberty enjoyed her walk and supper while we kitties enjoyed our treats and some special attention! We hope she comes back soon!

Anna Belle - I really was happy to see the sitter tonight! I was ready for supper and treats and my walk! Yippee! Then I curled up on the sofa for a nap!
11 20 lucy and shep were fine this morning

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday November 19 AM and MIDDAY VISITS


Anna Belle - It was fun to see the sitter this morning! We had a really nice walk and then I ate some breakfast for the sitter! It seems to make her happy! Then I got some treats too!


Anna Belle - She came back! We had another great walk then I wanted to go out in the backyard and sunbathe for a little while! Then in for some treats!

Butters - I was so surprised to see my sitter as I raced by the front of her parked car! She was just as surprised! At least my Mom got to meet my favorite sitter! Hee hee! And I got two walks this afternoon and lots of squirrel stalking! It was great!

Thursday November 18 PM VISIT

Anna Belle - I was so happy to see the sitter tonight! We had a great walk and then back home for some treats!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday November 18 AM & MIDDAY VISITS


Anna Belle - Oh it was so good to see the sitter today! I enjoyed my walk then ate some breakfast for her. That seems to make her happy! Funny humans! Then I got some treats and now I am settling down for a nap!


Anna Belle - Wow! The sitter came back already! We had a good time on our walk and then more good treats! I need a nap!

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - We kitties were glad to see the sitter especially after she got the go ahead from Mom to give us some treats when she comes! Liberty had a good time on her walk and enjoyed her treats too!

Wednesday November 17 VISITS


Anna Belle - I was so glad to see my sitter today! We had a really good time on our walk and I loved getting my treats! I even ate some of my food for the sitter!

Butters - I was happy to see the sitter today! We had a really good walk and then I got a super special treat afterward!


Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - We enjoyed seeing the sitter tonight! We loved getting our treats and Liberty enjoyed her walk!

Anna Belle - It was good to see the sitter again! I loved my walk and scrumptious treats!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday November 16 AM and MIDDAY VISITS

Joey, Lucy and Winston - We were so happy to see the sitter today! She gave us treats and let us outside in the backyard!

Butters - I was so happy to see the sitter today! She took me on a nice walk and gave me a treat afterward!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday November 15 AM VISIT

Lainey, Sookie, Trinity and Dharma - We were all so happy to see the sitter this morning! We were ready for breakfast! We had fun outside too!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday November 13 PM VISITS

Whimsy - I am doing great! I was downstairs tonight sitting by the window. The sitter brought me my pill and then she set out a supper feast for me! It was delish!

Peanut and Friends - We were all so happy to see the sitter tonight! We whistled when we heard her crinkle the greens bag from the fridge! Yuumm! Fresh greens and sweet hay in our manger and fresh water is all so good.

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - Liberty enjoyed her walk tonight. It was brisk and chilly! We enjoyed our treats and Liberty her supper and treats. Ok, til next time, Meows, Gizmo and Bug.
Sat PM - Simba and Bucket - Glad its not chilly yet! We liked having company earlier than we expected and will be even more excited to see our parents tonight.
Sat AM - Simba and Bucket - Breakfast time! Glad its sunny and warmer today!
Fri PM - Simba and Bucket - Its chilly outside, but we went outside and walked long enough to take care of our business and come back inside and play where warm

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday November 13 AM VISITS

Dharma, Trinity, Sookie and Lainey - We were so glad to see the sitter this morning! We didn't bark much at all this morning! We were glad to get our breakfast and enjoy some time outside!

Neeko and Sydney and The Chickens - Oh boy, the chickens gave us 2 eggs this morning! We got our breakfast and our treats and everyone is happy!

Zeus and Friends - We were all so glad to see the sitter tho some of us are still in hiding and letting Zeus be our "spokes kitty" We got fresh food and water and clean litter!

Whimsy - It was nice for the sitter to drop by this morning! She made me breakfast and gave me my pill and other medicine in my food! Now time for a nap!

Friday November 12 PM VISITS

Whimsy - I was glad to see the sitter tonight! I got my pill and fresh canned food, dry and clean litter! Yum!

Neeko and Sydney and the Chickens - We were so glad to see the sitter tonight! The Chickens are asleep but we are awake and ready for our supper! It was great!

Lainey, Sookie, Trinity and Dharma - We were so glad to see the sitter tonight! We barked a lot at first because we had not met her before but when we saw she was bringing treats...well, we just welcomed her right in! Everyone was happy to get supper!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday November 12 AM and MIDDAY VISITS


Neeko and Sydney and the Chickens - Well, no eggs this morning! Guess the girls are sleeping on the job! Sydney and I enjoyed our breakfast and carrot treats!

Zeus and Friends - We enjoyed seeing the sitter today tho some of us stayed in hiding! She set out a nice breakfast!

Whimsy - Good to see the sitter today. I got my pill and other meds and enjoyed breakfast just fine!


Mattie enjoyed meeting the new sitter! She played fetch with her and took her on a walk! She was fun!

Joey, Lucy and Winston - We had a good time with the sitter today! She gave us treats and took us outside for some exercise!

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - Liberty enjoyed her walk and lunch! Gizmo and I enjoyed getting OUR treats finally! Today was great!

Thursday November 11 PM VISITS

Whimsy - I had a good supper tonight and lots of scritches just where I like them!

Neeko and Sydney and the Chickens - We enjoyed our supper and company while the Chickens were already asleep!
11 12 mimz and friend were friendly today
11 12 sherman and friend were doing fine this am

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday November 11 AM VISITS

Whimsy - I was hiding this morning! My sitter fixed a big breakfast spread for me anyway! Maybe I will come out tonight!

Neeko and Sydney and the Chickens - We were good puppies today! The Chickens were great also and produced 3 eggs! We were all so happy!
11 11 mimz and friend were glad to see me today
11 11 luke and friends are all doing well this morning

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday November 10 Midday VISIT

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - Liberty - I got my walk and ate my left over breakfast! Gizmo and Bug are getting ready to kittycott not getting any snacks! Their lawyers will be in touch so they tell me!

Wednesday November 10 AM VISITS

Neeko and Sydney and The Chickens - No eggs this morning...wonder why? We puppies had a party last night and left some confetti on the kitchen floor! But we had a good time and hope we don't get into too much trouble! Hee Hee! Breakfast was fabulous tho!

Whimsy - I had fun hiding from the sitter this morning! The sitter is wondering if last night wasn't Halloween since she is being tricked so much today! Well, I'll take it easy on her and let her find me! Ok, now I have had my pill and canned food and its time for a nap!

Tuesday November 9 PM VISITS

Whimsy - It was nice to see the sitter tonight! She gave me fresh food and of course I got my pill too! My supper spread looks pretty amazing!

Neeko and Sydney and the Chickens - Yeah! The sitter came again tonight! We got a great supper!
The Chickens left an egg on the floor of the coop but they are all in bed now!
11 10 maddie and friend are doing well today
11 10 tybee and friends are all ok this am

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday November 9 AM and MIDDAY VISITS

Neeko and Sydney and The Chickens - We were so happy to see the sitter this morning! Breakfast was scrumpcious!~

Whimsy - The sitter prepared my breakfast feast for me! I took my medicine like a good boy!

Giada and Tank - We were so happy when we saw the sitter today! We enjoyed going outside and getting treats!

Joey, Winston and Lucy - We were so happy to see the sitter today! We enjoyed getting out some today and soaking up some sun. We also loved getting our treats!

Monday November 8 PM VISITS

Whimsy - It was so good to see the sitter tonight! I enjoyed my supper and got my meds like a good kitty!

Neeko and Sydney and the Chickens - Yeah! The sitter is back! We enjoyed supper! The Chickens were asleep!

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - We enjoyed seeing the sitter tonight! Liberty enjoyed her walk!
11 09 bandit and all his friends are doing well

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday November 8 AM VISITS

Silo and Miles, The GPs and Bo the cat - We were so happy to see the sitter! We got breakfast and walks! Well, not the GPs!

Whimsy - It was so nice to see the sitter today! She gave me my meds and treats!

Neeko and Sydney and the Chickens - Oh, it was good to see the sitter today! Breakfast, glorious breakfast...it never gets old!

Sunday November 7 PM VISIT

Neeko and Sydney and the Chickens - We were happy to see the sitter tonight! She gave us supper and treats....The Chickens were asleep already!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday November 7 AM VISIT

Neeko and Sydney and the Chickens - We were glad to see the sitter this morning! Breakfast was good and we enjoyed our treats!

Saturday November 6 PM VISITS

Whimsy - I was glad to see the sitter tonight! She gave me my pill before my meal and then mixed the other capsule in the canned food so I wouldn't taste it! Sweet! I am looking good if I do say so myself! Ok, I am all set for the night!

Silo and Miles, GPs and Bo the cat - We were all so glad to see the sitter tonight! We enjoyed supper and our walk! We had so much fun!

Neeko and Sydney and the Chickens - We enjoyed seeing the sitter tonight! Supper was good! We are all set for the night!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saturday November 6 AM VISITS

Sydney and Neeko - We enjoyed seeing the sitters today! We enjoyed our breakfast and treats!
The Chickens enjoyed the bread treats with their breakfast!

Silo and Miles -We enjoyed seeing the sitters today! Silo says he is feeling so much better! The GPs are doing fine and so is Bo the kitty!

Snowflake and Winters - We were so glad to see the sitters today! We played laser tag and got canned food! Yippee!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday November 5 MIDDAY VISITS

Lucy and Winston and Joey - We were glad to see the sitter today! We enjoyed our outdoor time and our treats!

Darwin and Blossom - We enjoyed seeing the sitter today! We had fun going outside and getting our treats!

Friday November 5 AM VISITS

Neeko and Sydney and the Chickens - We were glad to see the sitters this morning! We had a great walk and a good breakfast! Treats were enjoyed by all!

Silo and Miles - Silo's doing much better today! Silo and Miles enjoyed their walk and breakfast! The GPs enjoyed their hay and Bo the cat enjoyed her food and her morning walk!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday November 4 Midday VISIT

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - I enjoyed my walk today even tho it was a bit wet and rainy! We kitties enjoyed some extra attention!

Wednesday November 3 PM VISITS

Sydney and Neeko - We enjoyed seeing the sitter tonight! We loved getting our supper!

Miles and Silo - We enjoyed seeing the sitter tonight! Supper was good too!

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - We had fun with the sitter tonight! Supper was good too!

11/4/10 mid day

The sitter came by and let us outside. Then we got treats and a bunch of attention! We are such good dogs!

- Darwin

11/4/10 Noon

I really enjoyed meeting the new pet sitters and getting my rump scratched! Winston played catch and Joey didn't have much interest in being outside that long. But everyone did their business and got treats! Yay!


Thursday November 4 AM VISITS

Neeko and Sydney - We were glad to see the sitter today~ She gave us breakfast and our carrots!
We Chickens got our breakfast and bread treats!

Silo and Miles, The GPs and Bo the cat - We were all glad to see the sitter this morning! Yeah~! Breakfast and treats!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tuesday November 2 PM VISITS

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug - We were glad to see the sitter tonight! Liberty enjoyed her walk and supper! We kitties enjoyed some extra attention!

Silo, Miles, GP's and Bo the cat - We enjoyed meeting the new sitter! She was fun and gave us lots of treats!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Summer and Josie - A little chillier tonight on our evening walk, but we still had a great time!

Tuesday November 2 AM and MIDDAY VISITS

Charisma, Miracle and Jezabelle - Yeah! The sitter is baaacck and she gave us canned food again!
Yeah! Lots of attention too!

Aspen and Parkie - We enjoyed our walks and the special attention our sitter gave us!

Blossom and Darwin - We enjoyed our outdoor time, our treats and the special attention our sitter gave us!

Monday November 1 PM

Charisma, Miracle and Jezabelle - Wow! Were we ever glad to see the sitter tonight! We loved getting our canned food!!!!! And then she gave us more dry food, fresh water, clean litterbox and lots of attention! Can't wait to see her again!
Summer and Josie - Dinner time! Boy it was nice night for our walk outside! Wish all Novembers felt like this.