Monday, May 31, 2010

5/31 PM - MR. PEEPERS: I think I might have turned on the tv in the office by mistake. I'll never tell, though!
5/31 MID - ROMEO: Our walk this afternoon was so nice! We both did our business and enjoyed how cool it was outside after all the rain.
5/31 MID FLUFF: We hid from the sitter but she found all of us! So much for our new hiding places!
5/31 MID BECKY: The sitter thought it was funny that I spin in circles so she chased me around and laughed!
5/31 MID - SOPHIA & GIOVANNI: We had so much fun on our walk! It just stopped raining when the sitter arrived. We went straight to our crates after our walk!
5/31 AM - DHARMA: Yum! The sitter is here to feed and pet me!
5/31 AM - BANJO: I was so sweet this morning. I just wanted to love on the sitter the entire visit!
5/31 AM BILLY: I sounded the alarm and wouldn't stop until the sitter gave me some pets!
on't seem to mind!
5/31 AM - MISSY: I was so happy to make a new friend! We hung out in the back yard this morning and walked around. It's storming pretty bad here, but I d
5/31 AM HONEY BUNS: I was so happy to see the sitter and after I ate I took a cat nap on her lap
5/31 AM - ANGEL & PRECIOUS: We ate all of our food and now we're ready for affection!
5/31 AM TINA: It was wet out but I was still happy to burn off some energy!
5/31 AM - RUPPERT: One of us had to poop, but only a little! Neither one of us peed inside! It's still pouring - yuck! It's supposed to clear up by this

Sunday, May 30, 2010

5/30 PM GINGER: We came in and snuggled and got lots of pets from the sitter!
5/30 PM - MR. PEEPERS: I wasn't in the mood to be around Buster tonight, so the sitter spent 1 on 1 time with me! Buster had to wait his turn :)
5/30 PM PRECIOUS: So happy! I jumped around and bounced right out of the door to do my business!
5/30 PM SANDY PAWS: I yelled at the sitter to hurry up and feed me as soon as she drove up! Gotta keep my girlish figure going!
5/30pm: I warmed up to my sitter. She gave us yummy food and cleaned our litter box. -winters
5/30mid: we are starting to find new hiding spots so the sitter takes a while to find us. -DK
5/30 MID - BROWNER: I would have layed outside all day if the sitter didn't call my name a bunch of times! The sun feels soooo good!
5/30 MID - ROMEO: It's so hot outside! We love laying on the cool tile in the kitchen.
5/30 MID BECKY: We were so happy to go outside and play with the sitter! We had a blast chasing her around.
5/30mid: the sitter cleaned up after my mess today and gave me a nice clean litter box. -Armani
5/30 MID - ZSA ZSA: The sitter knows I'm here because I ate all of my wet food and I used the litter boxes, but she still can't find me.
5/30 AM - DHARMA: I was more interested in breakfast than the sitters attention!
5/20 AM - DHARMA: I was so hungry and ready for affection!
5/20 AM - THE FOSTER CATS: We loved the sitter! She came in our room to freshen everything - and she played with us! We were ready for attention!
dry food, as well as getting into my food cabinet and knocking all of the cans off the shelf. I'm glad the sitter is here to play with me :)
5/30 AM - BANJO: I was sitting in the den window waiting for the sitter this morning. I haven't been eating my wet food, but I have been eating all of my
5/30 AM - BROWNER: When we got back from our walk, we saw a cat in the backyard. We got so excited that we almost drug the sitter up the driveway :)
5/30 AM HONEY BUNS: I rubbed the sitters legs until she tripped! She was still nice enough to fix my breakfast. I just can't help myself!
5/30am: we left a mess for the sitter to clean up, but then we went outside and did our business. -tina
5/30 AM - RUPPERT: Our walk this morning was great! We saw lots of squirrels and people!
5/30 AM ANGEL: The sitter went out and played with us and then fixed our breakfast!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

5/29 PM - BROWNER: We didn't poop on our walk, but we peed a lot!
5/29 pm: I was glad to see my sitter tonight. She cleaned our water bowls and gave us delicious treats. -Becky (woof)
5/29 PM - RUPPERT: We were so happy to see the sitter tonight! She gave us treats and loved on us.
5/29pm: I really appreciated it when my sitter cleaned out my litter box. I rubbed up against her the rest of the time she was here. -mr. Peepers
5/29 PM PRECIOUS: I was happy to go outside and the sitter gave me lots of pets and ear rubs!
5/29 PM MAX: We waited at the door until we found it was just the sitter, so we went back to minding our own business!
5/29pm: I hid from my sitter most of the time she was here, but she cleaned out my litter box and played with me and the laser so I was happy. -snowflake
5/29mid: I hid in my cat box most of the time my sitter was here today. Maybe I will be more playful next time. -armani
5/29 MID GINGER: We were surprised to see the sitter but she played with us outside and we had a blast!
5/29 MID - EVA JO: It's raining! We were really glad the sitter showed up to relieve our boredom :)
5/29mid: I've warmed up to my sitter a little. I think it's because she cleaned my litter box. -Joe
5/29 MID - ZSA ZSA: I like playing hide and seek. I picked a great spot because the sitter can't find me.
5/29 MID - ROMEO: I finally let the sitter pick me up and take me on my walk! The second treat is a charm ;)
5/29 AM - ROMEO: I kept biting the sitter when she tried to pick me up and carry me down the stairs. Hopefully ill warm up to her.
5/29 AM HONEY BUNS: The sitter saw me sleeing in the window and I was so happy to see her!
5/29 AM - DAPHNE: We were really hungry for some wet food - YUM!
5/29 AM BILLY: I was happy to see the sitter and she gave me lots of pets. I told her how my day was going, too
up my litter box again!
5/29 AM - BANJO: The sitter and I are friends now! I don't mind her giving me my medicine. She gave me fresh litter this morning - so now I can go dirty
5/29 AM - BROWNER: We were so happy to see the sitter! She fed us, played with us, and even brushed us outside! We can't wait to see her again!
5/29 AM TINA: So happy to see the sitter this morning! We were spinning and jumping and then she gave us ear rubs!
5/29 AM LACEY: I sounded the alarm but was still happy to see the sitter. She let us out and then fixed my breakfast!

Friday, May 28, 2010

5/28 PM - EVA JO: It's still really humid outside. Yuck! We're pooped. No messes in the house! Yay!
5/28 PM - BECKY: Yay! The sitter is here. We can eat and play now!
5/28 PM - BUSTER: I did all of my business outside and the sitter gave me a treat!
5/28 PM ANGEL: I was so happy to go outside and really enjoyed the attention the sitter gave me!
5/28 PM TOBY: I talked to the sitter while she fixed my food. Then she pet me and I even snuggled!
5/28 PM BAILEY: We had so much fun on our walk even if it was really hot outside!
5/28 MID LEXUS: I was so happy to go on my walk that I bounced around like a bunny!
5/28 AM HONEY BUNS: I was so excited to see the sitter and she cuddled me!
5/28 AM - BANJO: I took my medicine today like a champ! I am also more interested in the sitter today!
5/28 AM TOBY: I really enjoyed seeing the sitter this morning because she gave me breakfast! What a nice person. :)
5/28 AM THE GUINEAS: We had fun squeaking at the sitter while she fixed our food and water for us!
5/28am: I played chase with my sitter today. I also appreciated her for cleaning my face. -armani
5/28am: I was the only one that allowed the sitter to pet me. I thank her for re-filling our food and water bowls. -Zeus

Thursday, May 27, 2010

5/27 PM - EMMETT: The sitter fed us, gave me my shot, and then played with us! She was so much fun!
5/27 PM - LACEY: We were so happy to see the sitter. We were all so good she gave each of us a treat. I didn't like my treat, but I loved the sitter!
ld givre me as many treats as I want...
5/27 MID - WILEY: I had no problems coming down the stairs today. I also waited until my walk to do my business! The sitter was so proud. If only she wou
5/27 AM - BANJO: I was not very happy when the sitter gave me my medicine, buyst she played with me and made it all better!
5/27 PM - PJ: I peed in my crate, but that's okay! We got LOTS of playtime outside!
5/27mid: I had fun with my sitter today. After our walk I showed her all my toys and we got to play for a while. -Madison
5/27 MID - WILEY: I had no problems coming down the stairs today. I also waited until my walk to do my business! The sitter was so proud. If only she wou
5/27am: I was really excited to see my sitter today! We played tug of war with one of my toys. It was fun! -Riley
5/27am: i hid from the sitter the whole time she was here, but it was nice of her to freshen up our water bowls. -fluff
5/27am: I was really happy to see my sitter today. I showed her some of my toys and we played together for a while. -Armani

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

5/26mid: I really enjoyed my walk today and I did my business right away!-Madison (woof)
5/26am: my sitter played with me a lot. I loved rubbing up against her and she gave me a nice, clean litter box. -Armani
5/26am: I was a very good boy today. I took my medication without being fiesty. I think I'm starting to warm up to my sitter. - banjo

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

5/25 PM MARLEY: After some playtime the sitter made sure I had some food and gave me pets while I ate.
5/25 PM LULU: I couldn't sto talking to the sitter and told her all about my day. Then she gave us dinner and that shut me up! No talking with your mouth full!
5/25 PM LEXUS: We took a walk but boy was it hot! The horse flies were pretty bad too!
5/25 MID PIXEL: Our walk was really nice and I enjoyed getting out and about!
5/25 MID WILEY: I really enjoyed my walk today but left a mess by the backdoor before the sitter could get here. I'm sorry!
5/25 mid: I really enjoyed my walk today. I did my business too! I'm such a good boy! -Riley
5/25 MID BAILEY: What a nice day for a walk! I really enjoyed getting out to smell the flowers!
5/25am: I was glad to see me sitter this morning. We went on a nice walk. -Madison
5/25am: I hid well from my sitter today but she eventually found me and gave me my meds!-banjo
5/25 AM WHIMSEY: I greeted the sitter at the door and let her pet me but I was happy to see her go after she gave me a pill!
5/25 AM PAN: I got to snuggle with the sitter and really enjoyed myself!

Monday, May 24, 2010

5/24 PM - PIXEL: We got to go on a long walk tonight! It was nice and cool since its been storming all day. Yawn! We're pooped!
5/24 pm: I was so happy to see my sitter! She even cleaned out my litter box. Yay! - fuu
5/24 mid: we went on a jog and man am I tired. I can't wait to see my sitter again!
5/24 PM - MILES & SILO: It was nice and cool outside after the rain we've been getting all day. We both pooped and now we just want to relax :)
5/24 PM MONA: It was nice to get some pets from the sitter. I really enjoyed the secial attention!
5/24 PM TOBY: The sitter gave me a lot of attention after I had my dinner, and I really enjoyed the ear scratches!
ble to go explore!
5/24 MID - PAN: We did not want anything to do with the outdoors again this afternoon - it was pouring! Hopefully it will be clear tonight and we'll be a
I seemed okay on my walk, and I am fine right now, but I'll let you know if my paws start hurting!
5/24 - WILEY: I didn't make any messes in the house! When the sitter got here I was hanging out upstairs - I got so excited that I slid down the stairs.
5/23 am: I was in a better mood today. I couldn't stop rubbing against my sitter. I can't wait to see her again!-banjo
5/24 AM GENO: I ran to see the sitter when she walked through the door and rubbed her even when she was scoopin poo!
5/24 AM - BO: It rained pretty hard on our walk this morning. We all got soaking wet, but I don't seem to mind. I'm just one of the dogs!
5/23 am: I was very good about taking my pills this morning. I received a delicious biscuit for being so good! -penny
5/24 AM HARMONY: We had so much fun running around and playing with the sitter!
y, I won't make anymore messes in the house.
5/25 AM - PIXEL: I finally pooped upstairs, yay! The sitter was starting to wonder if I was eating. I'm just a little shy and scared of storms. Hopefull

Sunday, May 23, 2010

5/23 PM ZEPPY: I was so happy to see the sitter and she played tug with me after cleaning up and giving me my dinner!
5/24 PM - PAN & PIXEL: We didn't go far tonighgt, rthe thunderstorm freaked us out.
5/23 PM - FUU: The sitter pet us for a long time. I even got some one on one time with her!
5/23 PM - THE GUINEA PIGS: We ran out of pellets and the sitter couldn't find anymore, but that's okay. We love Timothy Hay!
5/23 MID - THOR & ZEUS: We loved hanging out with the sitter after she walked the dogs! She pet us and played with us!
5/23 MID - MOLLY: We were restless and ready for a walk. I'm the only one that pooped!
5/23 MID GENO: I ran up to the sitter and rubbed all over her. She gave me a bowl of fresh water too!
5/23 AM TOBY: I decided to hide from the sitter this morning. I think I'll wait for her to leave before I eat my breakfast!
5/23 AM BANJO: I was a little scared at first but warmed up to the sitter! I got my meds today too!
5/23 AM MELON: I was extremely excited to see the sitter! I couldn't help but lick her and really enjoyed my breakfast
I was comfy and ready to eat!
5/23 AM - WHIMSY: I was a little unsure of the sitter at first, but she let me sniff her for a long time, then she brushed me! By the time that was over,
5/23 AM - SILO: I pooped, but Miles didn't!
5/23 AM APOLLO: I enjoyed a nice meal while the sitter cleaned yp my poop. She played with me outside and gave me lots of treats!
5/23 AM - PAN: Neither one of us pooped this morning, but we did pee a lot!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

5/22 PM TOBY: I greeted the sitter with a meow and then waited patiently for my dinner. I'm such a good boy!
5/22 PM - PIXEL: I still haven't pooped today, but I think it's just because I'm shy and I just can't seem to find a good spot!
5/22 PM - Molly: I am so sneaky! I try to eat everyone's food when the sitter isn't looking. She sure does keep an eye on me!
5/22 PM KO: I was really excited to go outside and run around. The sitter even played fetch with me!
5/22 PM - MILES & SILO: Both of us pooped tonight - yay! The sitter was so proud of us!
5/ 22 MID - PAN: I pooped, but Pixel didn't. We went on a long walk and I really enjoyed the cool rain. Pixel...not so much, she really just wanted to go home.
5/22 MID - MOLLY: We went on long walk, and I'm the only one that pooped!
5/22 MID APOLLO: I greeted the sitter by licking her to death then she gave me some food! I loved it!!
5/22 AM GENO: I was happy to see the sitter this morning. I couldn't stop rubbing against her. She cleaned my litter box too yay!
5/22 AM MARLEY: We ran to see the sitter and were so hapy to get fed. She even gave me some ear rubs!
5/22 AM KO: I was really happy to see the sitter. We went outside and I got to run around!
5/22 AM - BO: I love going on walks with the sitter, too! I also really love teasing Silo, I just have to be careful not to make him mad.
shy around the new sitter.
5/22 AM - PIXEL: I didn't feel like walking this morning. I kept wanting to turn around and go home. Neither one of us pooped, either. I think we're just
5/22 AM SYDNEY: I wasn't in the best of moods this morning but I did enjoy my carrot treat.

Friday, May 21, 2010

5-21 pm Zeppy: I had so much energy! All i wanted to do was play with the sitter :)
5/21 PM APOLLO: Boy did I have fun with the sitter. She gave me a lot of pets!
5/21 PM - THE DOGS (Melon, Penny, and Molly) - One of us made a huge mess in the computer room, but we'll never tell who it was!
5-21 pm Bonnie: it was so nice out tonight. We had such a great time outside!
5/21 PM GENO: I was really happy to see the sitter and she gave me lots of belly rubs before making sure I had plenty of food and water!
5/21 PM - MILES: I got so excited on my way out the door to go on my walk, that I threw up dinner. I feel much better now, though!
5/21 PM NEEKO: Boy did we give the sitter a good show but we calmed down once we sniffed her in the garage.
5/21 PM KO: We went outside and I played fetch and pooped a lot! What a good day!
5/21 PM LEXUS: We got to show the sitter some of our tricks and play tug after a short potty walk. It was way too hot to be out today!
5/21 MID JOSEY: I had a really nice walk with the sitter and then a drank some cold water!
5/21 MID COOPER: It was hot outside and I wanted to go in after my poop. It's so nice to lay on the cold floor!
5/21 MID STELLA: Today I had some diarreha but I felt ok on my walk. We had a lot of fun!
5/21 MID - WILEY: I pooped in the house today but I peed a lot outside. The walk was really nice.
5/21 MID BAILEY: I really enjoyed my walk today and we were so well behaved! I'm glad to come in out of the heat though!
5/21 AM M: I came out to get some ear rubs and supervise the litter box cleaning. Rey just wanted to hide!
5/21 AM THE CATS: The sitter found us despite our best efforts of hiding then she cleaned up our sick messes. How nice!
5/21 AM BOGEY: The sitter had to clean up a spot from the dog she found but I was a good boy and just hung out and minded my own bizz!
5/21 AM - LEI: Nothing too exciting this morning, just some other dogs and lots of pee time.
5/21 AM - MILES: I decided to show the sitter how great of an escape artist I am! I wasn't gone for long - I just ran around the block and under the house.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

5/20 PM - LEI: Yay! I pooped! I also saw some other dogs and growled. I just like my alone time :)
5/20 PM - SILO: We sure did love the new sitter! We didn't poop tonight, but we peed a lot.
5/20 PM - LEXUS: I didn't poop, but I made sure to sniff everything I could outside. The sun felt so nice!
5/20MID - LEI: I still haven't pooped. I think I'm just nervous in front of the sitter.
5/20 MID - LEILA: I did all of my business outiside, then I tried to chase down every dog and squirrel I saw!
5/20 MID - STELLA: It was so hot outside today. All I wanted to do is roll around in the shade.
5/20 AM COPPER: I was so happy to see the sitter and she took me for a long walk so I could check my pmail!
5/20AM - DAKOTA: I didn't poop because I was too busy showing the sitter my giant stick! Having fun is totally distracting.
5/20AM - LEI: I was too busy sniffing and checking out other people - I was too excited to poop!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

5/19 MID LEI: I was a little unsure about the sitter but I warmed up after a nice walk!
5/19 MID LEILA: I had a nice walk and got to potty. I had a lot of fun today.
5/19 MID JOSEY: I took a nice walk and hung out with the sitter. I even kissed her hello when she showed up!
5/19 MID LEXUS: We were so good today the sitter wants to know if aliens stole our bodies! I had to pee and enjoyed smelling the flowers.
5-19 am Charlie: We had such a fun walk! It is so nice today and the heat wore us out.
5/19 AM RAVEN: After a good walk some peeing on bushes and seeing a squirrel we came home for some yummy yogurt!
5-19 am Bogy: I didn't really feel like being petted this morning. I only let the sitter scratch my head a little.
5/19 AM COPPER: I got to play in the backyard while the sitter cleaned up my kennel. She laughed at me while I did donuts around a stick!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

5/18 PM COPPER: The sitter took me for a walk so I could check my pmail. It felt good to get out and move around!
5/18 MID DAKOTA: The sitter cleaned up after us while we played in the backyard. Boy were we glad to see her!
5/18 MID LEILA: We took a long walk and I got to sneak some cat poop before the sitter could stop me. I had a lot of fun.
5/18 MID STELLA: I was so happy to see the sitter today and we had a really good walk.
5/18 AM BOGY: I hid from the sitter on the stairs but let her get close enough to give me a head scratch. I'm really enjoying the quiet house!
5/18 MID MAX: Our walk was short because of a stray but we all did our business and got some yogurt. I got an ear rub because I'm such a good boy.

Monday, May 17, 2010

5-17 pm Josie: The thunder scared us! We didn't want to stay outside long because we felt so much safer inside.
5-17 pm Scout: I didn't want to be left alone today. I chewed at the front door trying to get out. When the sitter came she took me for a nice walk since it had stopped raining.
5/17MID - SCOUT: The walk today was so nice and cool after the rain, I rolled around in the grass!
5/17 MID WILEY: I was sleeping on the couch and didn't really feel like getting up until the sitter went to the treat place! We then went on a really good walk.
5/17MID - LEILA: We had a great walk in the rain. I pooped and peed!
5/17 MID BAILEY: We did our stuff and then went for a really long walk. How relaxing!
appy today for the sitter!
5/15MID - STELLA: Our walk today was great! I did my business and the sitter used a harness and regular leash to prevent accidents. I was calm and very h
5/17 AM JOSEY: Today I took a big poop on a bush and then we went for a walk. We had to avoid a yapper that was loose but I was a very good boy.
5/17AM - M: Man, the sitter is really great at finding us now. I'm just too lazy to find a new hiding spot! :)
5/17 AM RAVEN: I was excited to go on a walk and I had a lot of fun smelling and peeing on everything. I had to take a big poop but Cooper didn't feel like it.
5/17 AM EMMA: I got to check my p-mail on my walk today and then I tried to chase a bird that flew right in front of me!
5/17 AM COPPER: I got to run around and act crazy before eating some breakfast. Boy did I have to pee!
5/17AM - BOGY: I'm not sure if I want attention or if I want to be left alone, but I sure am interested in the sitter!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

5/16 PM COPPER: I took a walk and was a very good boy. I even got to pee on a mailbox and scare a cat. It needed some excitement in it's life!
5/16PM - HENRY: I still didn't poop, but I saw so many cats outside. I got really excited!
5/16 PM SCOUT: We took a long walk cause it wasn't hot and then we came in and I got to have another treat and ear rubs. Boy did I have to poop though!
5/16 MID SCOUT: After a short walk the sitter and I hung out and I got lots of ear rubs! She's the best and I even got a treat!
5/16MID - HENRY: I'm a little shy and I didn't poop, but I love the new sitter :)
5-16 mid Elle: I think we're getting a little better at being home alone. We didn't make nearly as big of a mess. We went potty outside for the sitter and then she gave us a hotdog!
5/16MID - TAYLOR: I'm still not hungry for my dry food, but the sitter gave me some peanut butter! Yum!
5/16MID - LORRISON: I like to sniff AND pee on everything outside. The sitter told me I'm the cutest dog, ever!
5/16 AM NEVAEH: After having my breakfast I followed the sitter around begging for some pets! We even snuggled a bit.
5/16 AM COLE: The sitter fixed my breakfast and then gave me a great rub down after my shot.
5/16AM - CODY: I was so hungry! I actually woke up to greet the sitter, instead of snoozing in the closet, like I've been doing.
5/15AM - MAXX: I love hanging out in the sink. The sitter keeps giving me water in a bowl, but I like to drink right out of the faucet!
5/16 AM SHEBA: Breakfast is my favorite part of the sitters visit. It's always nice to have a full tummy!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

5/15 PM ALEX: I wasn't sure what to think about the sitter waking me up from my nap but she made up for it with some treats!
5/15 PM ELLE: I raced out the door and took a poop and then I even let the sitter give me good ear rubs. After that I followed her around the house!
5/15PM - TAYLOR: I haven't been very hungry today, but I do love affection from the sitter!
5/15 PM COLE: I was watching the sitter come back with Leila and I tried to make my break! I wasn't fast enough but every cat needs a little excitement!
5/15PM - MAGGIE: The walk was so much fun - I was too excited to poop, but I sure did pee, as soon as I saw the sitter :)
5/15PM - CALICO: We love the sitter coming to feed us! I didn't run under the bed tonight, I wanted to get a good look at the sitter, from a distance :)
5/15MID - BLUE: We were really thirsty! We drank all of our water this morning and drank a whole bowl while the sitter was here! No messes in the house, yay!
5/15 MID SAMSON: After going potty outside I came in and took a nap. When I turned over I rolled off the couch! Everyone was laughing.
5/15 MID THE CATS: Today we all decided to hang out on the porch and soak up some sun. How relaxing!
5/15MID - LORRISON: I was so good for the sitter. I did my business then I just wanted to play. :)
5/15 MID COOPER: We enjoyed taking a nice stroll and I had to pee on every bush around me! Gotta keep up with my pmail.
5-15 am Begherra: I didn't want to come down off my cat tower to eat, so the sitter let me eat up there so that Figaro couldn't get my food
5-15 am Rey: I let the sitter find me really east so she would set me, but M had a better hiding spot. The sitter changed the litter today too.
5-15 am Jezebel: We had quite a few accidents last night, but the sitter took care of it. Then we went outside for a bit, but we didn't ant to stay out long.
5-15 am Buddy: The sitter have us all of our meds and 2 treats. Them we want outside for a few min.
5-15 am Lewlend: We really liked the sitter, especially when she gave us tuna :)
5/15 AM LEILA: After a quick walk the sitter refilled my bowl and I chowed down. I think it'll be ok as long as I get lots of treats!
5/15AM - CALIN: Forget the food, I just want to cuddle!
5/15am lola: we were a loud bunch this morning, we couldnt wait to get outside, then of course came breakfast! alice and libby were the most excited to eat
5/15AM - TAYLOR: We were so ready to go outside and play!
5/15 AM THE RATS: We were so happy to get some fresh carrots and the sitter replaced our water too!

Friday, May 14, 2010

5/14 PM SEYMOUR: I greeted the sitter as she drove up and then supervised everything she did. Had to make sure she was doin it right!
5/14PM - FIGARO: Yum! I love my medicine. I even warmed up to the sitter.
5/14 pm: alice: we were all nutty tonight. we had so much fun playing with the sitter. we should sleep good tonight
5/14 PM GUI: We ran around outside and burned off some energy before coming inside for some hotdog treats!
5/14PM - CODY: Mmmmm, dinner! The sitter knows exactly what to do to make us happy!
5/14 PM BUDDY: I watched the sitter take care of our food and water and then we went on a short walk!
5/14MID - LEXUS: The sitter took us on a different route this afternoon. It was so exciting, we just wanted to sniff everything!
5/14mid blue: i was singing to the sitter when she got here. then we all went outside to take care of business & water the plants too!
5/14 MID SHEBA: We had so much fun with the sitter. She chased us we chased her and by the time we were done we were dog tired.
5/14mid maddie: it felt so good to stretch a little today. i even rolled in the grass some. the sitter kept a close eye on me to make sure i didn't hurt myself.
5/14 MID LEILA: Today we went in the backyard and the sitter chased me around and we played keepaway!
5/14mid yogi: i must be the most popular guy in the building because everyone knows me & always wants to stop & say "hello". :)
5/14 MID RAVEN: I was more interested in eating grass than walking, and the sitter told me I was being "stubborn", which I think means she likes me a lot!
5/14AM - BAILEY: We jumped all over the sitter this morning. We eventually sat when we saw the treats hiding in her hands!
5/14AM - FIGARO: I decided to show how nice I am to the sitter - I let Begherra eat all her food, while I sat cute close by!
5/14am cody: we were waiting by the door when the sitter got here this morning we were both hungry...for attention!
5/14 AM JOSEY: Today I felt really good so we went for a jog on the grass. I ate some cat poop and then got a cookie!
5/14AM - SCIAFU: I was so sweet to the sitter when she first arrived, but after she put down my food I went into protection mode!
5/14AM - BANDIT: Everything went smooth this morning! We were fed and loved.
5/14 AM ZOE: I was happy to see the sitter and even let her pet me. She gives good ear rubs and then fixed us breakfast!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

5/13 pm: henny: i was excited to get inside with everyone and cuddle with the sitter on the couch. kit teased abby and mad her real mad
5-13 pm Summer: We had a great time on our walk today! We had so much energy to burn off.
5-13 pm Alex: I was the only one who wanted to go for a walk today, but the sitter and i had fun!
5/13PM - CALIN: I want the sitter to think I'm the only cat here, that was I'll get aaaall the attention! :)
5/13MID - LEXUS: It keeps getting hotter and hotter out there! Neither one of us pooped, but we found a nice front yard to roll around in.
5/13mid yogi: i'm getting so brave on my walks the sitter is sooo proud of me. we get a little further each day, well most days anyway. baby steps. :)
5/13mid riley: yay! running & smelling things! and going to the potty too. i had my super thirst on whenn i got back home.
5/13MID - COOPER: It is so hot outside! The horse flies are pretty bad today, but we still had fun!
happy as can be!
5/1MID - STELLA: I got so excited and happy running around this afternoon that I slipped and fell. I hurt my paw, and I am limping a little bit, but I am
5/13mid maddie: we took it easy with a nice short walk then we hit the backyard where i tried to mow the grass...with my mouth! :)
5/13mid wiley: i had a minor accident on the floor today but once we got our walk on i showed the sitter i still remembered where i was supposed to go.
5/13AM - BAILEY: Our walk was great. We had lots of energy this morning!
5/13AM - Rey: The sitter found our hiding spots. Now we have to find new ones!
5/13am calico: i was trying to get my munch on when the sitter came in to tidy up my box so i had to make a mad dash for the bed!
5/13am henry: i pulled a magic trick on the sitter and disappeared for a minute. she found me though. i guess i better keep practicing. :)
otta keep up this image ;)
5/13AM - ROCKY: The sitter thinks I'm so easy going. I just want to eat and lay around while she's here. I won't tell her what I do when she's gone...I g

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

5/12 PM THE RATS: We were excited to have some blueberries for dinner and the sitter even played with us!
5/12 PM CODY: We chowed down and I even played with the sitter! Then we wnt outside for some fresh air.
5/12 MID JOSEY: I was so tired that I didn't even hear the sitter come in! After my walk I went back to sleep
5/12mid yogi: i used the potty today! outside! the sitter could barely believe it. she gave me soooo much praise for being such a good boy. :D
5/12 MID COOPER: I was the only one who had to poop today but it was a good one! Our walk was cut short because of a stray :(
5/12mid wiley: there was lots of sniffing before i found a good place to take care of business but once i did i felt a lot better! :)
5/12 MID STELLA: We romped around like we were crazy and I took a big poop right next to a cop car! I had a lot of fun today.
5/12 AM JOSEY: After a long walk I stood in the fountain because I like "foot water" no matter what the sitter says!
5/12am calin: we didn't eat a whole lot this morning, we were more interested in getting lots of attention. :)
5/12 AM SCIAFU: We were excitedto eat but I was a big grouch! I ate all my food and then gaurded my bowl.
5/12 AM BLUE: I got sick on the floor but the sitter cleaned it up. We didn't feel like hanging around so we hid under the bed.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

5/11 PM SPARKLES: I was waiting at the door and followed the sitter to my food bowl. I was thirsty too!
5/11 MID LEXUS: We went for our walk and loved the sunshine. It was great to be able to stretch out for some fun!
5/11 MID JOSEY: We went for a walk and explored some weeds. I found some cat poop but the sitter made me spit it out.
5/11mid yogi: today i explored further than i ever have with the sitter...all the way to the park next door! i didn't potty but maybe next time.... :)
5/11 MID LEILA: I was excited to see the sitter and I raced out the front door to go on my walk. It was a very exciting day!
5/11mid riley: i was full of energy today & zoomed all over the place on my walk. i only slowed down to potty! now i'm ready for a nap!
5/11am bailey: we were jumping all over the sitter to say hello. we know it may not be the right way but it sure is the funnest. :D
5/11 MID STELLA: I wasn't up to a walk today. I put on the brakes a lot and even sat down. I still went potty and when I was done we came inside.
5/11 AM JOSEY: We took a nice stroll and I dug in some pine needles. We saw a small rabbit and when we got back home I had cookies and water.
5/11 AM M: The sitter found my hiding spot, refilled our bowls, and then scooped our litter while Rey watched to make sure she did it right!
5/11am sparkles: i wasn't hiding this morning. i ran right out to say hello to the sitter so she could give me some pats & let me out to play! :)
5/11am rosie: i didn't just want to stop & smell the flowers, i wanted to eat them too! after i made some room for them of course.

Monday, May 10, 2010

a flower from the flower pot up front - the sitter was too slow, she didn't notice until it was all gone! Yummy!
5/10PM - TANK: The sitter thinks I'm a different dog. I was soooo excited to go outside! I walked around the yard, peed,saw some kittens, and I even ate
5/10PM - SPARKLES: The sitter scared me away at first, but I came back shortly after she started calling me! I was thirsty!
hed me until I was content :)
5/10AM - SIMI: After breakfast, I went right to my table and started nuzzling the brushes for the sitter to see, hint...hint! She's a smart one, she brus
5/9AM - CHARLIE: I wasn't very hungry this morning, I just wanted to lay around on the bed and snooze.
5/10mid sparkles: i'm sooo sneaky i was at home the whole time. i was hanging out on the porch when the sitter left.
5/10 MID BAILEY: We jogged a little, mostly walked & the sitter gave us cold water. We needed it! I was a good dog today & we played for a little while
5/10mid Yogi: There was an awesome breeze on our walk today. My hair was blowing all over the place. I looked like a rock star!
5/10mid Maddie: I was sniffing everywhere trying to find my toy. I even poked my nose through the fence. I eventually gave up & ate some grass.
5/10MID - STELLA: I was so excited to go on my walk today! I played with some bugs, chased some birds, and I pooped!
5/10 AM JOSEY: I had to go potty so I found the nearest grass! After that we went for a long walk. It was a lot of fun to get out of the house!
5/10am Sparkles: Iwas playing hide & seek with the sitter this morning. i totally won she never did find me. :)
5/10am Rosie: i like my new friend we had a great walk. we made a few pit stops but other then that we just enjoyed the morning. :)
5/10 AM JASMINE: The sitter took us for a walk and I really had to go! After our walk she gave us our breakfast and then played with us when we were done.
5/10 AM LUCY: Today we went for a walk and played with my toys. The sitter gave me a treat and we snuggled while she rubbed my ears!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

5/9 PM BAILEY: After a long walk the sitter gave us some lovin and fresh water. We were so excited to go out and we jogged a bit!
5/9 PM LUCY: After a walk the sitter gave me a good rubdown and a treat. Today was a very fun day, but I can't wait for Mom and Dad to get home!
5/9 PM SPARKLES: I wasn't home so the sitter wished me luck. I plan on having some fun tonight!
5/9 PM LULU: We were very hungry, but after eating I wanted to play! The sitter thinks I'm adorable when I chase my toys.
5/9 MID CHLOE: I couldn't wait to play fetch so I brought my ball to the door when the sitter arrived. It was a great day for being outside.
5-9 mid Rey: I had a great hiding place today. The sitter looked all over for me, but i evaded her.
5/9 MID LUCY: I am lovin this today! The sitter took me on a walk & we played fetch in the yard because it was still cool. The grass felt good on my paws!
5-9 mid Toby: Everyone wanted to keep their distance today except me. I followed the sitter everywhere.
5/9 MID JASMINE: The weather has been cool today so I really enjoyed my walk & potty break. A bunny crossed the road & we wanted to chase it, but we were good!
5/9 AM SPARKLES: I said hello at the front door and then ran to the back to be let out. It was so nice to have the sitter come take care of me!
5/9 AM BAILEY: What a nice day! It was cool for our walk & we both enjoyed stretching our legs. I was so hungry that I smooshed my nose into my food!
5/9AM - DAKOTA: We were super exciteds to see ther sitter! We took her around the back yard and I played fetch with a stick twice my size!
5/9 AM LUCY: It was a chilly morning so I did donuts in the front yard to burn off energy. We found some baloons on the ground & played fetch. I ate, too!
5-9 am Chloe: I could play fetch all day long! But coming in for food is good too :)
5/9AM - TOBY: We've gotten used to our sitter. We even ate in front of her this morening - all of our food!
5/8 AM BUCKET: It was such a chilly morning that my ears got cold! I still did my biz & then the sitter gave us both bones! What a great way to start the day.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

5/8PM - JOSIE: The sitter decided to re name me Josie the jumper. We were too excited to poop, but we loved cuddling with the sitter :)
5/8 PM LUCY: We went for a nice stroll around the block and then went inside to lay fetch! The sitter made me do my tricks for treats and we played tug.
5/8PM - CHLOE: The sitter told me I'm her favorite dog! I was so great for her!
5/8PM - MAGGIE: I was so excited to see the sitter and go on my walk tonight!
5/8 PM JASMINE: It was a nice evening and I enjoyed our walk with the sitter. She sat down and rubbed my ears for me!
5/8 PM DAKOTA: It was nice to have some company and the sitter thought it was funny that I ignored the little stick she threw so I could chew a big one!
5/8 PM SPARKLES: I was ready to come inside but I was scared of the sitter. I'm sure I'll enjoy the food and fresh water later though!
5/8PM - LULU: I wasn't very hungry tonight. I might just be too excited, because I made a new friend. I just like to look at her from under the table.
3:30 MID LUCY: We walked forever! I took a poop, smelled some poop, and chased a baby bird until the sitter had to fuss, but I still think I'm perfect!
5-8 mid Simi: We ate all our yet done again last night! We really liked getting brushed by the sitter!
5/9 MID CHLOE: After a walk we went in and I drooled water all over the sitter! I wanted more food but I got a few treats instead to tide me over til dinner. :)
5-8 am Baby: We were very friendly to the sitter and she petted us :) We had several accidents but she took care of them.
5/8AM - SCOTTY: Mmmmm, we looooooove catnip! The sitter is our new best friend, besides you, of course!
5/8 AM BAILEY: It felt great to get out of the house for a long walk, and I got to pee on all the bushes!
5/7AM - LULU: I didn't want to get too close to the sitter, I just wanted to eat and lick myself :)
5/8 AM CHLOE: It was a nice morning so I took the sitter for a walk after playing some fetch. I checked my Pmail, left some of my own, and had a lot of fun!

Friday, May 7, 2010

5/7 PM BAILEY: What a nice stroll! I peed on bushes, hid behind a tree to poop, and then I got some dinner! Fantastic!
5-7 pm Chloe: We played catch outside and it was a lot of fun! Then we came inside and the sitter petted me :)
5/7 - SCOTTY: I was waiting patiently at the door for affection this evening!
warmed it up!
5/7 - TOBY: We were so hungry when the sitter arrived. I was more interested in Lulu's food, more so than my own, but I ate most of mine after the sitter
5/7 PM BAILEY: Another hot one but it was nice to pee and smell some flowers. Lexus wanted to steal a kids ball but the sitter played with us when we got home!
5/7 PM JASMINE: It was hot out, but we enjoyed our walk. Boy was it fun rolling around in the grass! Bailey had to take a big poop but I took a little one.
5/7 MID CHLOE: It was hot out so after a stroll we came inside where I played keepaway with the sitter and my ball. It was a lot of fun!
5/7 - MADISON: What a beautiful day! The sitter and I lounged around the back yard after my walk. I love getting fresh air.
5/7mid YOGI: The sitter is starting to believe i'm all bladder because i never need to potty when she's here. I told her i'm not a bladder silly, I'm a yogi! :)
5-7 mid Penny: I saw a squirrel and i barked at it. Then I went potty outside :)
5/7 MID LEXUS: We had a blast on our walk today! We were good in the pen so the sitter had more time to explore! We also heeled on leash and waited at the door.
5/7mid STELLA: Whoa! Was i well behaved today! The sitter asked if aliens had stopped by & replaced me with another dog but i knew she was just teasing! :)
5/7am CHARLIE: We ate all our wet food last night. It was just too delicious to resist so the sitter had to make freddie his very own plate. :)
5/7 - TOBY: We were a little too shy to eat in front of the sitter this morning, but we were curious and watched her put our food in our bowls.
5/7am M: The sitter completely changed our litter today. That means its time to make it all stinky again! :)
5/7 - NINA: We were so happy to meet the new sitter. We showed her all of our toys.
5/7 AM MERTON: I didn't want my shrimp but I took the shot like a big boy. I really enjoyed it when the sitter sat down and pet me! She gives good head rubs.
5/7 AM CHLOE: We went out and I did all my bizz but then I found a turtle laying eggs near the deck! I was so freaked out that we played ball in the front!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

5-6 pm Chloe: We had a lot of fun tonight! We ran around outside and played fetch.
5/6 MID BAILEY:It was hot out so as soon as we both peed the sitter brought us inside for water and then we played ball in the backyard!
5/6 - MADISON: It was so hot outside. I did my business, then I just wanted to lay down in the air conditioned house!
5/6 MID CHLOE: We went for a few laps around the house and I took a poop, but then tore after a squirrel! Then I played with my kong and relaxed.
5/6mid STELLA: I may have accidentally been dragging the sitter all over the place today! A nice treat tells me its alll good though! :)
5/6mid YOGI: So many loud noises outside today. I wanted to go back in but we walked around to see if i needed to take care of any business but i didn't. :)
5-6 am Cooper: We had a great run today! I pooped but raven didn't.
5-6 Penny: I didn't want any treats, but i rang the bell and pottied outside for the sitter :)
5/6 MID LEXUS: We were so happy to go on a walk that we left paw prints all over the sitter after saying hello! I peed but didn't feel the urge to poop!
5/6mid WILEY: Its good to see my old pal today. We had a great walk. There was pooping & peeing & even stalking a bird! :)
5/6am SIMI: I creeped up on the sitter & rubbed her leg & then she rubbed my head. Pretty sweet deal i think!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5/5mid CHARLIE: Cool the sitters here! I'm ready for some belly rubs & a good brush! I even tried to brush myself while she was feeding us!
5/5mid YOGI: There was lots of sniffing to be done on our walk today but i never did find that perfect spot to do my business!
5/5mid STELLA: Holy moley its warm out there! It was time for a seious cool down after our walk!
5/4mid PENNY: I wanted to lounge in the shade so after i pottied we came back home so i could cool myself on the floor instead. Soooo cooool! :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

5/4pm JOSIE: Summer was walking so fast tonight she didn't even want to slow down while i pooped. Then i realized it was cuz she really had to go too! :)
5/4pm TANK: The sitter tricked me into going outside by throwing treats out there. I was chasing them down the whole walk before she let me enjoy some! :)
5/4mid LEILA: It was raining but I still pooped and peed. We came inside but i still didn't feel like playing so we cuddled and i got a good belly rub.
n the livingroom with the sitter.
5/4 mid - YOGI: I didn't feel like walking in the downpour this afternoon, but I did it anyway because the sitter was so nice. I really had fun playing i
5/4mid MADDIE: I took a walk and smelled some flowers and then i poop! We played in the backyard some too! It was a blast even with all the rain! :)
5/4 - RILEY: I had so much fun on my walk today! I rolled around in the grass and chased the sitter all over the neighborhood!
5/4mid lexus: our walk was great! Fresh air, rain, and i took a poop! Bailey just wanted to stop & smell the flowers. :)
5/4mid STELLA: I had so much fun walking the sitter around so i could find just the right spot to poop! :)
5/4mid PENNY: Water water everywher! i was pulling like a horse to get to the puddles & then i tried to eat the towels when i was being dried off! :)
5/4am REY: My nap was ruined by the sitter... I was all cozy hiding n dads suit bags in the corner of the closet! M was in the art room cabinet. I win!

Monday, May 3, 2010

5-3 Summer: I was so excited to go outside. I just wanted to walk and walk.
5/3mid MATTIE: Not only did i poop today but i found someone elses & rubbed my face in it! I hope i don't have to take a bath it smells so good!
5/3mid STELLA: It was full speed ahead on the walk today! Except for when i stopped to poop of course! :)
5/3 - MADISON: I took my ball on my walk today! The sitter loves playing with me in the backyard with my ball.
5/3 - WILEY: I didn't poop today, but I did stop and sniff all of the pretty flowers!
5/3mid PENNY: The breeze was super great today on our walk. It kept us nice & cool.
5/3am LILY: I hit the ground running when i was spotted today & zoomed right past the sitter in search of a better hiding spot. :)
5/2 - ELFA: One of us is sick, but I don't know which one because I like my hiding spot under the couch. I sure hope the feel better!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

5-1 Ultra: I was feeling really lazy in this heat. All i wanted to do was lay around.

May 1, 2010

Blue: Under the bed was our favorite hiding spot today. We thought it was a good spot but the sitter still found us.

Remmy: I was afraid of the sitter at first. But once I knew we were going for a walk, I warmed up to her really quick. :)

Raven: We had a great time running and we both went potty for the sitter

Mona: I was really hungry! I played with the sitter until she got my food. Then I just wanted to eat.
5/2 - MARI: We were all cuddled up on the couch when the sitter got here. We were too comfy to move!
5/2 - RENNY: There were so many cats outside this morning that I wanted to play with. I was so excited I didn't poop!
5/2 - GRACIE: I showed the sitter how I can sit, shake, and play chase in the backyard!
5-1 am Spike: I love the new sitter! We went for a great walk and both pooped. But I think i'm out of wet food.
5-1 am Lucy: K love the new sitter, especially when she rubs my back!
I love the new sitter, especially when she rubs my head!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

5/1pm GRACIE: Oh boy was i excited to see the sitter! I was bouncing all over the place. We went outside & i got lots of back scratches! =)
5/1 - ULTRA: I didn't poop, and neither did Spike, but I rolled around in the grass and licked the sitter right on the face!
5/1pm RENNY: I was so hungry after the walk i really chowed down. I got a treat too for being so good! :)
5/1pm - LUCY: I sat on the porch, nuzzled the sitter, cleaned myself, and wished I was outside!
5/1pm - MAGGIE: The sitter and I ran all over the neighborhood this evening. I didn't poop, bust I stopped to sniff everything I could!
5/1 - SPIKE: I'm feeling really lazy today. All I wanted to do on my walk was come home. Yawn!
5/1mid GRACIE: Sun bathing time! I wasn't so much into playing catch but i did enjoy some awesome pats from the sitter. =)
5/1 - SNOWFLAKE: We wouldn't let the sitter come very close to us, but we liked showing her all of out toys!
5/1 - TANK: I did not want to go outside today, but the sitter threw a treat on the porch and I couldn't resist!
5/1 - LUCY: I love the new sitter! We sat on the porch together and watched the birds.
5/1 - GABRIEL: We were excited to meet the new sitter. She fed and played with us!
5/1am GRACIE: What a great morning to eat some grass! It tastes soooo good. Yum!