Saturday, October 31, 2009

10/31 Phloyd: all these kids are running around outside in weird outfits. It makes me want to hide.
It really started to heat up out there but the sun felt so good. After our walk we got some treats, It is halloween after all! buck
10/31 Penny - I was up on the counter again today and the sitter scratched my head and neck so good that I drooled a little on his folder! Everyone giggled!
I tried to escape today but i was no match for the sitter so i had to walk with everbody else. I was so good i got lots of cuddles! shorty
10/31 Stella: we went on a spooky walk through the fog this morning, just in time for halloween
10/31 Gabby: I was in the halloween spirit this morning and spooked the sitter by hiding in a chair. What a nice start to the day.

Friday, October 30, 2009

10/30 Kitty: I was hiding on the shadowy staircase when the sitter came to find me for dinner. We cuddled and now I'm ready for some lovely kitten dreams.
10/30 PHLOYD: yummy! Dinner was especially delectable tonight, and I was waiting anxiously for it. Gabby didn't seem to share my enthusiasm though..
10/30 mid Snowflake No excitement in the neighborhood today..just a nice quiet walk:) Im still ready for a nap..after my treat of course!
10/30 mid Snowflake No excitement in the neighborhood today..just a nice quiet walk:) Im still ready for a nap..after my treat of course!
10/30 mid Yogi There were lots of men outside making lots of noise..i got a little nervous on my walk so we played inside:) treat time!
10/30 Toby,Penny,Patty & Baby I(Penny) sat on the counter right next to the sitter while she got our food ready..had to make sure i got to it 1st!
10/30.Roscoe:I love wrestling with the sitter to warm up for a walk. Today I was actually more interested in playing then walking. But we walked and it was fun!
10/30 Pearl: we had such a nice romp in the brisk fall weather! There were lots of people out who admired our beauty.
10/30.Wiley:I walked like a soldier dog today. Right next to the sitter the whole way. I concentrated so hard I didn't even notice the dogs trying to meet me.
10/30.Colbie:Zoe and I had an exciting run today! We almost made it to the park. I needed to turn around though. Even super orange dogs have limits!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

10/29 Toby - I was so hungry for some of that wet food today that I was waiting by the door for the sitter's arrival. Thanks for feeding us, mr. sitter!
10/29.Roscoe:Those cars with the booms and the bangs freak me out! I am not use to it. I prefer the quiet sunny park. So peaceful it sets my mind at ease.
10/29.Thea:The sitter and I went on a beautiful walk today. Slow and asy and free of anything that would stress me out. I feel very refreshed.
10/29.Wiley:Those squirrels are teasing me. The sitter and I tried to sneak up on one but it ran up a tree and laughed at us. He doesn't get a treat though. Ha!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thank goodness for blue skys today. On our walk the neighbor dog said hello to us and i said hello back its the polite thing to do. snowflake.
10/28.Roscoe:I took the sitter for a walk today. I chose the coolest streets in town. When we got back, it was wrestling time in the backyard. Now its naptime!
10/28.Wiley:I was in super Wiley mode today. I jumped right off the couch for some walking action. Plus I had to do some business outside, lets go sitter!
10/28 Patty - Even if it is kind of silly, the sitter said he likes to put down each "flavor" of food for us so that we have options each day! thanks!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

10/27.Trouble&Sphinx:I thought I had the perfect hiding place. But the sitter knows me too well. He found me so he could brush us. I think i'll grab a bite too.
10/27.Roscoe:I am not a fan of the rain. The sitter and I got trapped under a tree waiting for the downpour to stop. And it did. Phew, so close to going swimmin
10/27.Thea:I was so well behaved today and I got a delicious jerky stick! As soon as we got back home I jumped right back on the couch. So what if im a potato?

Monday, October 26, 2009

10/26.Sphinx&Trouble:The sitter came over to clean everything and refill our foods and waters. I was playing with a marble and spooked him. Teeheehee.
A brisk walk is just what we needed today. All the smells of the park were particularly wonderful this evening. stella
Falls definitly in the air. I could smell it all over everything. And i mean everything. I also tried to say hi to a kitty but it was to fast. mattie
10/26.Roscoe:I was so skitterish today. I just didn't feel like going so far from home. The sitter calmed me down and when we got to the park I was fine.
10/26.Wiley:I made a lot of friends today at the park. There were all kinds of dogs walking there. A lot of squirrels too. I'm going to get you!
It was to earlybwhen the sitter came. We were still sleepy. She tried to get us to play but... So instead we got lots of good pats. sydney

Sunday, October 25, 2009

10/25am Shorty & Buck The sitter is here! Buck didnt trust her at first but i wasted no time asking her to pet me and showing her my toys:)
for them..maybe:) Toby
10/25 Toby,Penny,Baby &Patty I was waiting at the door for the sitter to arrive..nobody else is excited about breakfast so i guess ill have to save some
10/25 Jessi Im so happy the sitter is here to feed us! She's putting something in Sassy's ear glad i dont need medicine in my ear:)
It might have been a little chiily this morning but neeko warmed up running around the yard while i soaked up some rays. sydney
Breakfast time is the best time. Delicious! After that it was time to play woth the red snail. Now we're thinking nap! roscoe
Oct 25 am Ebon: It was kind of chilly out this morning so I did not want to stay in the yard very long. Yummy breakfast though!
Oct 25 am| beamer: ahh cool morning air! We were having such a good romp in the yard we didn't want to have to come back in. Can't wait for more playtime later.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

10/24 pm Maggie The sitter is here!! I got to go for a long walk, there were so many new smells outside:)
10/24 pm Ebon I was a little nervous when the sitter but i let her pet me after a few happy its dinnertime!
10/24 Toby, Patty, Penny & Baby We had a new sitter today..we all came out to watch her clean our litter boxes & get our food ready
10/24 Winston: I was so happy to be out and about this evening! The weather was delightful for dancing through the squares.
Night time is so much fun in the yard. Running and playing and the cuddles. Can't forget about the cuddles. That's the best part. neeko
The sitter keeps coming in with the strangest things from the mailbox. 1st goggles. Today a plastic ball. Who keeps leaving us all these treasures? bucky
I was so hungry i gobbled all my food up but stella didn't touch hers. There were so many people to look at in the park our walk was awesome! chevy
So glad the afternoon shower stopped so we could get out of the house. All that walking made for thirsty time. daisy
I thought i recognized the sitter, then i realized i did! We played in the yard & bruschi found a lizard. Yuck! beemer
Oct 24 am Ebon: I was still out like a light when the sitter got here this morning, so it took her some work to get me up and outside.
10/24 am Stretch: morning! I'm so excited to go on a walk! I can't wait to be outside! Omg there's a person! Yay!!!
I thought i had found the perfect hiding spot but today i was discovered! Who would've thought she'd look under the couch? kitty
A crazy looking duck tried to eat haley's food this morning but the sitter shooed him away. We thought we might have to step in for a minute! :) roscoe
What a great morning for running in the yard & playing with the octopus. Or at least neeko thought so, i just relaxed on the porch. sydney

Friday, October 23, 2009

Today when the sitter stopped by she told us we were the coolest dogs ever! I don't know if she could tell but i blushed a bit. :) neeko.
After dinner today we didn't much feel like doind anything. The sitter kept saying something about playing but we just wanted to laze about bucky
10/23.Roscoe:Gotta drink up! Gotta stay hydrated! The heat miser is back in Savannah making everything sweaty. Atleast there is a cool breeze blowing too.
Oct 23| chloe: woke up early this morning to play catch with the sitter. I wasn't too into it before breakfast, though. I think its time for a midmorning siesta
Oct 23 Snowflake: I did not feel like walking at all today. I stopped every few feet to smell something and refused to move until it was thoroughly investigated
10/23 Penny - all 4 of us went out on the porch with the sitter today and, once she got up the courage, Baby was all over the sitter!
We were still sleeping this morning when the sitter came over. After class some breakfast and a carrot we played in the yard and got lots of cuddles! sydney

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oct. 22 pm| cat: I was so excited to see the sitter when she stopped by! I could not stop talking until she gave me some dinner. Yummmmm!
I was so excited to see our new friend today. Sydney was a little shy but i think tomorrow and a few more carrots and all will be well. -neeko
Roscoe was running around like a maniac today. He was so fast i could hardly see him! -bucky.
10/22.Patsy Cline:I am a big beautiful babe. The sitter and I walked through a bunch of squares and I made so many fans. They all told me how beautiful I am.
10/22.Roscoe:The sitter and I walked today down a street filled with wonderful smelling mysteries. We were both a bit hungry by the time we got back.
10/22.Thea:It's a beautiful sunny day and I enjoyed every step of my walk. The sitter took me down a street with flowers everywhere. The smells were so calming.
10/22.Wiley:I was ready as ever for my walk when the sitter arrived. I jumped on him and gave him a Wiley hug. Then we went exploring.
10/22 Baby - even though me and the sitter were great friends last time he came over, I decided to hold back while the other 3 got all the attention!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The sitter couldn't believe what good dogs we were when she came over. We got lots of pats for being on our best behavior. -bucky
10/21.Patsy Cline:I love walks with the sitter. We always find something fun. They are setting up for a movie outside, I want to be in it! I could be a star!
10/21.Roscoe:The sitter came over to play and take me on a walk today. We saw a whole bunch of crazy stuff. A building got torn down and turned into a rock pile
10/21.Wiley:I had a crazy dog party before the sitter got here. After he cleaned it up we went on a magnificent walk through the park. I saw so many squirrels.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10/20.Patsy Cline:Mmm... What a delicious meal! And so well deserved after a glorious evening walk. So good I'm going to eat it all up fast!
10/20.Roscoe:Woo! What a great workout! We jogged a bit today to work up some dog sweat and release some of my patented Roscoe energy. I feel great!
10/20.Wiley:Today was even better than yesterday! Everyone was telling me how beautiful of a pup I am. So Mr. Sitter, does this beautiful pup get an extra treat

Monday, October 19, 2009

10/19.Patsy Cline:The sitter came thinking he was taking me for a walk. But I definitely took him for a run instead. He gave me a delicious dinner after. Mmm!
10/19.Roscoe:Today was brilliant! I had so much fun adventuring and exploring on my walk I didn't realize how much I need a nap. Ahhhhh relaxing time.
10/19.Wiley:I tried to eat a few squirrels today. But they were so quick. If only the sitter would get in the squirrel eating spirit!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

10/18 am| dusty: hooray for breakfast! I don't really care too much about the sitter, but the food deserves my undivided attention.
Were we hungry when the sitter got here! After breakfast a walk and then our favorite part...PATS! -BUCK

Saturday, October 17, 2009

10/17 pm Giovanni & Sophia We were so perfect for our sitter, we even went right to our crates after dinner, she didnt have to tell us:)
10/17 midday Trinty, Lainey,Sookie& Dharima What a nice day to play fetch with our sitter! Time for a nap and treats!!
10/17 midday Roxy Its such a beautiful morning..i love being outside but if i go back inside i get a treat! Mmm
10/17am Sophia & Max What a nice morning to play outside with our sitter and breakfast was yummy:)

Friday, October 16, 2009

10/16 pm| Tuck: I was in need of some serious cuddling and would not let the sitter do anything else until that was attended to.
10/16 Roxy - the sitter came over and let me out cause I had to potty! I was great about taking my ear drops and then I had some dinner!
10/16.Roscoe:What a disgusting muddy walk. I'm a big dog though and I can handle it. The sitter and I leapt across giant puddles and avoided mud traps!
10/16.Wiley:It was dreary and grey and very wet, but I still enjoyed my walk. Especially the end when I got a treat. The sitter said I really deserved it.
10/16.Colbie:What?! No run today cuz of my foot? Awww... Well I had lots of fun with Atlas in the yard. Zoe and the sitter got stuck in the rain.
10/16.Oscar&Dusty:Mmm! All of this delicious wet food. I hope Dusty doesn't mind that I slurped up all the juices! But they are so good with their meaty juices!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

10/15 PM| Tuck: we were so excited to see the sitter when she cam by this evening. Had to work off some energy before bed.
The sitter told me today she's never seen such a happy dog before. After our walk i showed her all the tricks i can do. -mercedes
Ah sunshine! We stopped and smelled all the flowers today. And a neighbor told me how good looking i am. Thats the life! -roscoe
10/15| snowflake: I had a distinct youthful pep in my step today. I think it must be the weather.
10/15| Tank: Today I saw the fuzziest 3 kittens ever! I was really intrigued by their scent, but they seemed pretty harmless so I didn't mess with them.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I guess got lots of ear and tummy rubs from the sitter. On our walk tuck followed us for a bit but then gave up his pursuit. -maggie
Boy was it raining when the sitter got here! When we were outside our neighblr told me i was the prettiest girl on the block. I didn't disagree. -mattie
Thank goodness the rain let up long enough for a stroll. I was ready to go out, if ya know what i mean! -roscoe

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10/13 Socks I had so much fun playing with my sitter this afternoon!
10/13 Mercedes I was so happy to see the sitter today that i had a little accident! She still took me for a walk and gave me a treat!
10/13 Stella My sitter loves me so much, she brought me my own journal so i can leave notes for my mommy everyday:)
I made a new friend today. When we went on our walk there were lots of loud noises outside. I was glad to get back home. -thea
Was i ever excited to see the sitter today. On our walk we couldn't make up our minds about who was walking who. -roscoe
Today was a great day for a walk. I might have stopped to smell the plants but the sitter kept me moving. -mattie
I met another new sitter today! She really liked me i could tell. On our walk everyone told me how pretty i was! -wiley.

October 9-10, 2009

October 9, 2009

Wilson: There was no way we could control our excitement over dinner! Bunker and I raced to be the first one done, and it was too close to call! After that I went out back and played some ball with the sitter, and Bunker played defense!

October 10, 2009

Silo: We're always so excited to go for a walk that we don't even pay attention to our food! We just want to walk around and sniff stuff! Let's go!

Nina: I was unusually friendly with the sitter today! I usually let him pet me some, but today I let him pet me a lot! Jackson did too, of course! And we must have been real good, because we got treats! So delicious!

Gadget: I sounded like a horse when I ran downstairs to greet the sitter when he got here! Gizmo and I gathered around him for some attention, but once Gizmo had enough I got all the petting!

Molly: We got so excited when we heard the sitter come in! It must be time for a late night walk!

Monday, October 12, 2009

10/12 Oliver & Chelsea I was so hungry after our long walk the sitter had to distract me with toys so i wouldnt eat Chelseas food!
10/12 midday Stella My new sitter told me im the cutest pup she's ever seen! I was such a good girl on the leash! I got lots of hugs n kisses
10/12 mid Bunker & Wilson We spent lots of time outside today playing fetch and running around with our sitter..time for a nap:)
I showed the new sitter my stuff today! I walked right beside her the whole time! She was really impressed. -MATTIE
The weather couldn't make up its mind today. Sunny one minute cloudy the next. Can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store! -Roscoe
Gloomy days are the best for lots of tummy rubs! Then we went outside for a bit a discussed the weather with the neighbors. -Larry

Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 11th PM| Bruschi: We gave the sitter quite a fright by sneaking up on her in the dark. We played out back then had a yummy dinner.
The sitter stopped by again tonight and were we glad to see her! We played ball and had a blast. Now its sleepy time. -Wilson
10/11 am Annabelle & Cairo Yay our sitter is back to give us love and breakfast!
10/11 mid Mona Yay our sitter is here, now we get to eat and get lots of cuddle time!
10/11 am Sushi & Barkley The sitter almost saw us today when she came in but we made it to our secret spot in time!
10/11 am Larry & Moe We had a nice visit with the dogs next door, we had so much to talk about..time for breakfast
I made a new friend today! I was shy at first but we had a lot of fun together. I can't wait until she visits again! -Beemer
I was so excited to meet the new sitter! We gave her lots of kisses and played in the back yard -BUNKER
October 11| Billy: I could not stop talking today, I don't know what it was. I didn't even want to stop long enough to eat my tuna... But I did anyway. Yum!
October 11th| Trinity: We were really tired this morning and moving around pretty slow. We went outside to get ourselves moving then had a nice breakfast.
October 11th AM| Bunker and Wilson: we gave the sitter lots to do when she came over by leaving a present on the kitchen floor! What would she do without us?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

10/10 pm Dharima, Lainey & Tinty I crept up behind the sitter to sneak outside w/ my sisters but she saw me, guess ill go eat
10/10 mid Oliver & Chelsea Looks like a storm is coming..our sitter got here just in time!
10/10 am Beggar Mmm my hairball medicine tastes like chicken..can i have more please?
10/10 Sushi & Barkley As soon as the sitter is done watering the plants we can come out and eat..yay!
10/10 Greta & Shayna We're so happy the sitter came to feed us breakfast..time for sat morning cartoons:)
10/10 am Remy I got to go for a walk this morning and the sitter only had to tell me to sit once:)
10/10 mid-day| Moe: the sitter was laughing at us in the yard today because Larry was following me around and we looked like synchronized swimmers!
10/10 midday| Wilson: we player monkey in the middle in the yard this afternoon. Bunker is getting the hang of it.
10/10| Billy: The sitter came over to hangout and feed me just in the nick of time; I was getting hungry and waited by the door for her.
10/10| Lainey: There were so many people walking by to bark at when I was outside to so some business. What a productive start to the day!
10/10| Larry: We were woken up bright and early this morning for some breakfast. Love that rotisserie chicken!

Friday, October 9, 2009

10/9 pm Greta & Shayna had fun outside but we were ready to come back in for dinner and dessert..yummy
10/9 pm Remy I was a little nervous when my new sitter first came in but she took outside and gave me a treat..cant wait til morning:)
10/9 pm Silo & Miles we had a nice walk in the park there was so much going on but it got dark so we went home for treats!
10/9 pm Beggar I wish those drops tasted as good as the medicine my sitter let me lick off her finger but i got treats after i was done:)
10/9 Larry & Moe our new sitter is nice! She let us play outside but it was so hot we were ready to come in and get some treats :)
10/9 Oliver & Chelsea we had a nice walk this afternoon..chased a butterfly but it got away
9/10| Moe: we were getting attacked by mosquitos outside tonight, what's with that?
9/10| Dharima: Lainey was alarmed when the sitter came by to play with us. She didn't stop barking until the sitter convinced her she was nice through cuddles.
9/10| Nina: ahhh yes, cuddles in the evening.. What could be better? And a treat too?! Delightful.
October 9th: Snowflake: today on our walk a yellow butterfly followed us for a while! It was just like a disney movie.
October 9th| Shayna: I was feeling a little lazy when the sitter got here this morning and it took some coaxing to go outside.. But ones I was there is was fun!
October 9th| Billy: I was basking in the sun when the sitter dropped in to give me some food. Yummy tuna!
October 9th: wow! It was hot today! But Shayna still didn't want to come back inside! She was having so much fun roaming around and playing with the sitter.

October 8, 2009

Billy: I was so excited when the sitter came today, and I told her all about it! Miss you.

Snowflake: I didn't like all the bugs out today. I was rearing like a little pony to try and abate them!

Roscoe: I had fun reliving old memories by reading, and chewing through the journal today. After wards the sitter came by and we went for a brisk walk in the sunshine.

Chelsea: Had a nice moonlit walk this evening after which we got lots of pets and cuddles from the sitter.

Greta: Had a nice dinner after a romp in the garden. It was most excellent. Lots of affection from the sitter too! Hooray!

Marley: Yum! Snack time. I feel a catnap coming on.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

10/7.Roscoe:I love the park so much! It is much much bigger than my backyard. Plus there so many other dogs there. We rule the park!
10/7.Wiley:The sitter and I had a revolutionary idea today. Instead of staying on the sidewalk at the park we meandered through the grass areas. It felt so good

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

10/6.Tank:I went for a nice long walk tonight. I even ran for a few feet. I was so thirsty and tired when I got home. Naptime!
10/6.Greta&Shayna:We went outside to play with the sitter for a good while. Shayna wasn't in a playful mood but I was. Throw that toy my way!
10/6.Roscoe:Weee! I got walked by the sitter today! We went to the park and walked around through the trees and grass. It was such a fresh adventure.
10/6.Wiley:I was acting qite peculiar today. I grabbed every stick I saw and crunched it up into pieces. I was super excited all during my walk.
10/6.Ellie&Kacey:Us lazy kitties were chilling on the sofas when the itter came in to serve us lunch. Wow, a fresh clean litter box too? Now that's service!

Monday, October 5, 2009

10/5.Roscoe:It is so wet outside! I Am so over all of this sky water. I've done my business Mr. Sitter so let me back in where its dry and I can chew shoes.
10/5.Wiley:It rained all day and I got wet when the sitter and I went out for a walk. He toweled me off when I got back though so I wouldn't make a mess.
10/5.The sitter man came and cleaned out our litter boxes and left fresh food and water out. We were sleeping in our hiding places passing the time by.
10/5.Smokey&Princess:What a grey day! Good thing the sitter is here to check on us! Plenty of cuddles and fresh food and water!

October 2-4, 2009

October 2, 2009

Crombie: Yum yum, I love turkey! I think I shall have myself a nap after this delicious snack.

Solly: I had lots of fun cuddling with the sitter when she came by. Time for a cat nap!

October 3, 2009

Greta: We had such a good time playing in the yard when the sitter got here this morning. Shayna was shy at first, but after breakfast she warmed up.

Crombie: Cuddled with the sitter when she came by this morning. It seems like a good day to bask in the sun by the window.

Solly: I was happy to see the sitter when she came by before she put eye drops in. But she made up for it by giving me lots of love after wards.

Greta: Dinner was delectable this evening. We will have wonderful puppy dreams tonight.

Bailey: Had a nice romp in the yard before our dinner. We even got a treat for dessert because we were so well behaved.

Ellie: We were both in the living room waiting for the sitter when he got here! Kacey demanded some attention, but I let the sitter come to me and start scratching my neck! Purr!

Tucker: The weather was perfect for a real long walk, so that's what we did! The sitter even jogged with us some, but we kept getting distracted by our noses! There are so many interesting smells that we had no choice!

Maggie: As soon as we got out the door I took off! I hope the sitter can keep up, because I'm ready to run around!

October 4, 2009

Chelsea: Brr! It's cold outside this morning. We had to take a long walk just to warm up!

Captain: Wow were were so full of energy this morning we showed the sitter the entire neighborhood... Well almost. Now for some yummy breakfast!

Kacey: Ellie was feeling shy this morning and didn't come out to see the sitter, more attention for me!

Princess: Ah, nice cool, refreshing water. And cuddles! I think it's time for a cat nap.

Merton: I was very friendly when the sitter came in! I got a bunch of petting, and then I was ready to get my medicine! I knew that I would get some delicious shrimp after wards! I can't wait!

Fluffers - boy I am playful and having lots of fun - no idea why mom was worried about being gone for a week!
10/5.Merton:I love playing with my shrimp before I eat them. It tenderizes them. My neck is a little tender too but these juicy shrimp make me forget about that

Friday, October 2, 2009

10/2.Penny&Molly:The sitter came in the evening when the sky was glowing orange and purple. After a good dinner we went outside for some playing and loving.
10/2.Rutledge,Lucy&Roscoe:Today we saw a cat working for the enemy sneaking around. We chased it but it got away. The sitter didn't realize it was spying.

October 1, 2009

S. Fish: Glub Glub, I'm flouting here all alone, when are you coming home? Miss you!

Snowflake: It was really hot outside when it was time for my walk, I hope it cools down later!

Chelsea: We were really wound up when the sitter go here tonight! We had more of a run than a walk.
10/2.Wiley:Today on my walk I pooped three times! I was very particular about where my transactions occured. Wood chips were a must.
10/2.Colbie&Zoey:We had a wonderful run today. Except on one block. It started to rain acorns and we had to be quick. Zoey and I make a great team.
10/2 Smokey & Princess - Hey! we remember you, mr. sitter. we like you cause you give us treats! thanks for checking up on us and making sure we were all set.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

10/1.Roscoe,Lucy&Rutledge:We were super crazy today. Leo came to play too and we used up all of our energy running and jumping around like maniacs. Nap time.
10/1.Thea:My walk was so quiet and comfortable today. No crouching or hiding. The sitter picked the best streets to walk down.
10/1.Wiley:Today the sitter and I came upon the strangest thing. Police riding horses around in one of the squares. I just stared as we walked past them. Odd!
10/1.Madison&Maggie:We ran all over the yard playing fetch with our toys. The sitter chased us around and when he caught us he gave us the best belly rubs!

September 29, 2009

Gracie and Stella - we were very playful today and liked our clean litter and fresh food! We kept knocking the sitters notes off the counter in an attempt to make her stay longer. This worked for awhile, but I think she eventually caught on!
10/1 Baby - I went out on the porch with everyone else and decided I wasn't scared anymore! I rubbed all over the sitter's leg while he scratched me all over!