Monday, October 5, 2009

October 2-4, 2009

October 2, 2009

Crombie: Yum yum, I love turkey! I think I shall have myself a nap after this delicious snack.

Solly: I had lots of fun cuddling with the sitter when she came by. Time for a cat nap!

October 3, 2009

Greta: We had such a good time playing in the yard when the sitter got here this morning. Shayna was shy at first, but after breakfast she warmed up.

Crombie: Cuddled with the sitter when she came by this morning. It seems like a good day to bask in the sun by the window.

Solly: I was happy to see the sitter when she came by before she put eye drops in. But she made up for it by giving me lots of love after wards.

Greta: Dinner was delectable this evening. We will have wonderful puppy dreams tonight.

Bailey: Had a nice romp in the yard before our dinner. We even got a treat for dessert because we were so well behaved.

Ellie: We were both in the living room waiting for the sitter when he got here! Kacey demanded some attention, but I let the sitter come to me and start scratching my neck! Purr!

Tucker: The weather was perfect for a real long walk, so that's what we did! The sitter even jogged with us some, but we kept getting distracted by our noses! There are so many interesting smells that we had no choice!

Maggie: As soon as we got out the door I took off! I hope the sitter can keep up, because I'm ready to run around!

October 4, 2009

Chelsea: Brr! It's cold outside this morning. We had to take a long walk just to warm up!

Captain: Wow were were so full of energy this morning we showed the sitter the entire neighborhood... Well almost. Now for some yummy breakfast!

Kacey: Ellie was feeling shy this morning and didn't come out to see the sitter, more attention for me!

Princess: Ah, nice cool, refreshing water. And cuddles! I think it's time for a cat nap.

Merton: I was very friendly when the sitter came in! I got a bunch of petting, and then I was ready to get my medicine! I knew that I would get some delicious shrimp after wards! I can't wait!

Fluffers - boy I am playful and having lots of fun - no idea why mom was worried about being gone for a week!

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