Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday September 30 MIDDAY VISIT

Josey Weil

Josey was especially energetic this afternoon! He was feeling pretty good! Of course we visited the fountain as always. He enjoyed getting the biscuit increase too! Back inside for biscuits and tummy rubs. Til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne

Thursday September 30 AM VISITS

Aspen and Parkie Hudzinski

Aspen and Parkie had a good time today! They enjoyed their walks today. Aspen is enjoying the cooler weather and wanted to keep on walking. Parkie always wants to keep on going! She is the ever ready bunny! Back inside for treats and now its nap time.

Woofs, Suzanne

Josey Weil

Josey had a good time today. He enjoyed touring the yard front and back and of course the fountain. Back inside for biscuits and now a nap! Til later.

Woofs, Suzanne
9/30 (mid) We were sooooo excited to see the sitter! He let us go outside to go to the bathroom and we got treats! -Darwin & Blossom
09 30 tucker and harley were glad to see me today

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mid Day Visits:

Blossom and Darwin were very happy to see me today! They enjoyed going outside and then getting treats and lots of attention when they came back in!

Aspen and Parkie couldn't wait to go outside today. They must have liked the rain and cooler weather because they didn't want to come back in! But they finally did and they both got treats for being such sweet girls!

Wednesday September 29 AM VISITS

Butters, Snowflake and Winters Brinsa

Butters is the cutest girl! Snowflake and Winters were not seen today, must be sleeping in! When they emerge tho, they have fresh water, food and clean litter to enjoy!
Butters enjoyed her walk and her "Busy Bone" and is now napping as I leave.

Woofs, Suzanne

Aspen and Parkie Hudzinski

Aspen is very energetic these days with the slightly cooler weather! Parkie was also energetic! They enjoyed their walks and treats so til next time...

Woofs, Suzanne

Josey Weil

Josey enjoyed his walk today and his treats. Now he is napping as I leave. Til next time...

Woofs, Suzanne

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday September 28 MIDDAY VISIT

Josey Weil

Josey was a bit more chipper this afternoon. Maybe he just isn't a morning person! Well, we toured the yards, the fountain then back in for treats...oh and Josey wants me to ask if he can have 4 treats instead of the 2 he usually gets??? Paleeze!? Ok, til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne

Tuesday September 28 AM VISIT

Josey Weil

Josey was a little slow this morning! We toured the back and front yards then went by the fountain then in for treats and now a nap! Til later today...

Woofs, Suzanne
09 28 harley and tucker are doing well today

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday September 27 MIDDAY VISIT

Josey Weil

Josey was really ready to go this afternoon as he was standing by the back door wagging his tail as I came in. Out we went for a nice tour of the yard, some water and then back inside for treats and more water then ready for a nap.

Woofs, Suzanne

Monday September 27 AM VISITS

Bronson Daniel

Oh my! Oh me, oh my! Bronson was very busy last night redecorating the foyer and living room with kitchen utensils! At least he was creative in his choice of colors using some white and some red items. So, needless to say Bronson has be relegated to the laundry room with the baby gate! He has lost his kitchen privileges! He enjoyed his walk and treats afterward but he barked a lot as I left even tho he has his KONG, his other toys, his rawhide bone, his food, water and bedding to make him happy. He doesn't have his people so...Hurry home family!

Woofs, Suzanne

Josey Weil

Josey was doing great this morning! He was sleeping by the door so as not to miss me as I came in! Nice walk, treats and he is ready for a nap now. Til later.

Woofs, Suzanne

Sunday, September 26, 2010

9/26 PM Visits:

Charlie was excited to see me tonight! We went on our walk and then came back and got lots of attention, he's so sweet!

Bronson was waiting at the door for me tonight, he was ready to go outside! When we came back he got his dinner and played with his toys.

Saturday September 25 PM VISIT

Charlie Wilkowski

Charlie was so happy to see someone tonight! He did a little play bow and woofed in greeting! He enjoyed his walk and treats when he got back. Fresh water and he is all set for the night. Til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne
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9/26 (am) The sitter came by and took us for a nice walk around the block. We also got some delicious treats for going potty. -Harry & Dodley
9 ing! We went for a nice walk and then he got to eat breakfast.
9 9/26 AM Visits:
Charlie was very happy to see me this morning! We went on a walk and then we played with his toys.

Bronson was ready to go out this morn

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday September 25 AM VISITS

Charlie Wilkowski

Charlie was so glad to see me this morning and didn't act shy at all! We enjoyed our walk then back home for breakfast, fresh water and treats. We even played a short game of chase the tennis ball. I have realized that Charlie is actually a Border Collie in Schnauzer clothing! Cute! Ok, til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne

Snowflake and Winters Brinsa

Winters is getting quite brave these days! Both he and Snowflake stayed out when I came in today. We played a rousing game of laser mouse then fresh food, dry and canned and clean water and clean litterbox and they are all set for the rest of the day! Til next time.

Meows, Suzanne

Sushi and Barkley Braund

Wow! I saw a flash as they both dashed by me and headed upstairs! At least I know they are ok! Fresh food, water and clean litter upstairs and downstairs, sprayed their cat tree with catnip spray, and scattered a few treats for them on the floor when they return. Ok, til next time.

Meows, Suzanne

Friday September 24 PM VISITS

Charlie Wilkowski

Charlie was a little shy at first but soon warmed up when he realized not only did I have treats for him but he was also going on a walk! Yippee! He enjoyed his walk, back home for treats and fresh water! Til tomorrow.

Woofs, Suzanne

Harry and Dodley Walker

Harry and Dodley were waiting by the door when I got there! They barked a little bit but were glad to get some treats and then go outside in the backyard for some romping and roving! Food bowls filled, fresh water, a few more treats and they are good to go!

Woofs, Suzanne

Bronson Daniel

Bronson is such a good boy! He waits so patiently for me to walk down the stairs when we go out for our walks! We had a good time on our walk and back in for supper, treats and fresh water.
Til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne
Misty and Molly - We put our toys in the sink and water bowl!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday September 24 MIDDAY VISITS

Bronson Daniel

Bronson was happy to see someone this afternoon! He is basically one happy dog! Out on our walk we had fun but didn't see anyone we knew. Back inside, food and treats and cuddles and he is all set til later tonight.

Woofs, Suzanne

Friday September 24 AM VISITS

Bronson Daniel

Bronson was dancing at the door, happy to see me this morning! Off we went on our walk and guess who we ran into...Levi! Wow! Bronson really likes Levi! They had a little
"lovefest" then off we continued on our walk! Back home for breakfast and treats. Ok, til this afternoon.

Woofs, Suzanne

Snowflake and Winters Brinsa

Hey! Both Snowflake and Winters stayed out to see me as I came in the door. No more Mr. Shy Guy, Winters, he was brave this morning! Fresh food, dry and canned, clean water and clean litterbox and they are all set for the day!

Meows, Suzanne

Josey Weil

Josey was very energetic today! We took a quick tour of the yard, the fountain was a stop of course then on we went! Back inside for treats and cuddles. Til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne

Thursday September 23 PM VISITS

Liberty, Bug and Gizmo Dykema

All three met me at the door tonight! Liberty was so happy to see someone and eager to go on her walk! I filled her food bowl, fresh water to kitties and Liberty and now they are all set until Mom comes home! Til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne

Bronson Daniel

Bronson was waiting at the door to go on his evening walk and get his supper and some treats in his KONG toy! Life is good! Til tomorrow.

Woofs, Suzanne
Misty and Molly - Toys have been moved, so we must do lots of playing while the sitter is away!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday September 23 MIDDAY VISITS

Traveller Willis

Traveller was very glad to see me today! I have a feeling he is happy most of the time tho! What a neat dog! We played and had treats and he also ate his food too so with fresh water he is all set.

Woofs, Suzanne

Josey Weil

Josey was napping again but got up for an extended tour of the back and front yards! Stops by the fountain too...treats and back to naptime!

Woofs, Suzanne

Bronson Daniel

Bronson looks great after his surgery! His incision looks good and he doesn't seem to be bothering it at all. I fixed his KONG tho so he would have something to do and he was very happy~! He enjoyed his walk and I will be seeing him tonight also.

Woofs, Suzanne

Thursday September 23 AM VISITS

Aspen and Parkie Hudzinski

Aspen was very lively today! She needed to go out NOW! And we just did make it! Parkie was also very energetic and both dogs were very good!

Woofs, Suzanne

Josey Weil

Josey was sleeping by the door when I arrived but he quickly got up to greet me and we went on our walk! What a sweet boy! Til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne

Wednesday September 22 Midday Visit

Traveller Willis

Traveller was very happy to see someone today! He is such a friendly dog! I will look forward to seeing him tomorrow too!

Woofs, Suzanne
Molly and Misty - We hid today from the sitter, she was wanting us to come out and play!
9/23(am) The sitter cleaned our litter boxes and gave us food and water. Then he played with me for a little while.Champagne must be hiding! -Coco

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday September 22 AM VISITS

Giada and Tank Wenk

Giada and Tank were very good puppies today! They both went outside and had "double headers" which was very nice indeed! Back inside for treats and cuddles! My how Giada has grown in just a few days! Til next time!

Woofs, Suzanne

Josey Weil

Josey was sleeping by the door today when I arrived! He got right up when I put the key in the door tho! We had a good walk around the yard, visiting the fountain for a "fill-up" then back inside for treats and cuddles! Lucky Dog! Til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne
9/22 (am) The sitter took us for a walk then we got treats. He also gave us some fresh water- Parkie

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bronson PM Visit

Bronson was very happy to see me again! He enjoyed his walk and playing with his toys!

Tuesday September 21 MIDDAY VISIT

Josey Weil

Josey was soundly sleeping when I stopped by this afternoon. But he got up when I called him and headed to the door for his walk! We strolled the yard front and back and visited the fountain twice! A few treats and back to napping! Good Dog! I'll see him tomorrow morning!

Woofs, Suzanne

Tuesday September 21 AM VISITS

Bronson Daniel

Bronson was happy to see someone this morning! He was happy to go on his walk and happy to get his treats! I told him to "live it up" today because tomorrow was his big day! I am glad he has his Kong to play with too! Ok, til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne

Josey Weil

Josey was very spry this morning, waiting at the door for me to come on in so we could get going on our walk! We toured the yard and of course "filled up" at the fountain! Back inside for some treats then down for a mid-morning nap! Ah the life of the retired retriever!

Woofs, Suzanne

Monday September 20 PM VISIT

Bronson Daniel

Bronson was very glad to see someone tonight! He was dancing! Out we went with his new Easy Walker harness and we toured the neighborhood. Bronson got down to business soon and then we returned for treats and cuddles! What a sweet boy!

Woofs, Suzanne
September 21, 2010 Parkie and Aspen midday: They were glad to see me and they both did their business and got treats when they came back in!
September 21, 2010 Bronson midday visit: Bronson was very happy to see me and had a lot of fun on his walk!
09 21 coco and friend are doing well today
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Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday September 20 Midday VIsits

Aspen and Parkie Hudzinski

Aspen and Parkie were in rare form this afternoon even tho it was really hot! They both wanted to stay outside! Good puppies! Inside for treats and cool water! Til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne

Bronson Daniel

Bronson is so cute waiting to get his Easy Walker harness put on then waiting for me on the steps while I slowly walk down. Nice walk tho its a bit hot this afternoon. Back inside for cool air and water! Til tonight!

Woofs, Suzanne

Monday September 20 AM VISITS

Bronson Daniel

Bronson was sure happy to see someone this morning! Oh, and that is great that he has his Easy Walker harness! Super! And he loves his Kong too! What a sweet boy! Ok, til midday...

Woofs, Suzanne

Aspen and Parkie Hudzinski

Aspen and Parkie are both very energetic this morning! They both enjoyed their walks and some treats afterward! Til later...

Woofs, Suzanne

Josey Weil

What a dear old man Josey is! He enjoyed walking around the yard and visiting the fountain for a "fill up!" Inside for some treats and a nap! Til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne
9/20 (mid) The sitter cleaned my litter box and fed me. I hissed and growled at him too -Bones
9/20 (mid) We went on a nice walk today! I was smelling everything! When we got back, the sitter gave me a treat but i played with it before eating it. -Maggie

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday September 19, Midday VIsits

Elephant, Chicken and Sam Skelton

Sam was the first to greet me at the door! Elephant and Chicken were soon to follow. Then Sam ran to the kitchen and began eating like he hadn't eaten in days tho I know the food bowl was topped off just 24 hours ago! So fresh water and 2 cups of food to top off the bowl and they are three happy puppies! New piddle pads and they are all set. Til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne

Saturday September 18, PM VISITS

Maggie Reisz

Oh, now Maggie is one cute Beagle girl! SOoooooo cute! She was a very good girl tonight tho she did try to chase a cat or two! My Beagle boy, Wyatt would sure like to meet her! He likes to chase possums! A few treats and some cuddles and Maggie is ready for bedtime.

Woofs, Suzanne
9/19 (am) The sitter gave me some fresh salmon and water. Then he cleaned my litter box. - Bones
9/19 (am) The sitter fed us and cleaned our litter box. Then he played with us for a while. -Hiratio

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday September 18, AM and Midday VISITS


Charley Brock

Charley was sure glad to see someone this morning! He was very energetic! We took a tour of the square letting him sniff and explore to his heart's content! What a sweet boy! Til next time...

Woofs, Suzanne

Bones Dilling

Bones is still in hiding! Hopefully she will come out soon! Fresh salmon wouldn't even get her attention as long as there was a stranger in the house! Oh well, at least I know she is eating good tho since her bowls were almost empty again this morning!

Meows, Suzanne

Fluffy, Zeus, DK and Joe Conrade

Zeus stayed around after I came inside this morning to supervise the proceedings! No sign of the other kids! Fresh food, water and clean litterbox and they are all set!

Meows, Suzanne

Horatio, Nogui, and Cross Eye Turner

All three were in attendance as I came inside this morning! A rousing game of Ribbon for some exercise and fresh food and water and clean litter and they are all set for the day!

Meows, Suzanne


Elephant, Chicken and Sam Skelton

What a neat trio of puppies! They were all so glad for some company! Plenty of food and water, clean piddle pads and they are all set for the day. Til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne

Friday September 17 PM VISITS

Greta and Shayna Tratt

Greta and Shayna were happy to see someone! They had a spin around the yard then in to eat supper! What super girls! Til next time,

Woofs, Suzanne

Bella and Jack Armitage

Jack was happy to see me but Bella took some more convincing! Finally they both ate a little then settled down for a nap in their crate! Good puppies!

Woofs, Suzanne

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday September 17 AM and Midday Visits


Bones Dilling

Bones was hiding out this morning upstairs but I did hear her moving around some so maybe she is starting to come out of her shell some. She ate all of her salmon and most of her dry food so she has a good appetite! Well, fresh water, food and clean litter and all is right with Bonesie's world except she misses her Dad!

Meows, Suzanne

Horatio, Nogui and Cross Eye Turner

Horatio, Nogui and Cross Eye all met me at the door this morning wanting breakfast and company! They had a party from the looks of things last night! Front rug askew, all the food gone and someone had a party in the water bowl! What a blast!
Fresh food, water and clean litter and a rousing game of Ribbon for all three and we will call it a day!

Meows, Suzanne

Fluff, Zeus, DK and Joe Conrade

I actually saw a glimpse of Joe as he dashed away but Zeus stayed to see what I was going to do!
Fresh water, food and clean litter and they are good to go! Til next time...

Meows, Suzanne


Darwin Hall

Darwin was a very good boy today tho he did miss Blossom. I hope she is feeling better tonight.
He was good in the back yard and got treats when he came in then we cuddled on the sofa for a while! What a sweet boy! Til next time...

Woofs, Suzanne

Cooper and Raven Bogley

Cooper and Raven were excellent on their walk today! What good boys they were!
It was so good to see them again after so long! Cooper hasn't forgotten any of his training!
Til next time...

Woofs, Suzanne
09 17 hazel was doing just fine this morning

Thursday, September 16, 2010

09 16 hazel was sort of glad to see the sitter tonight

Thursday September 16 AM Visits

Jingles and Hammy Roberts

Hammy was hamming it up this morning! Jingles still in hiding, boo hoo. They got fresh dry food and canned food and fresh water! Clean litter and they are all set for the day! Til next time.

Meows, Suzanne

Bones Dilling

Bones was hiding in her closet today but I caught a glimpse of her...very pretty! She got fresh salmon, dry food and water as well as clean litter! She is all set for the day!

Meows, Suzanne

Horatio, Nogui and Cross Eye Turner

Wow! I got a triple greeting this morning! All three met me at the door! Fresh food, water and clean litter and they are good to go for today. Cross Eye and I cuddled in the red chair for about 10 minutes. What a cutie pie! And what a motor! Til next time.

Meows, Suzanne
09 16 hazel was doing well this morning

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

09 15 hazel was a little more friendly this evening

Wednesday September 15 AM and Midday Visits


Aspen and Parkie Hudzinski

Aspen was especially chipper this morning! Must be the cooler air! We had a good time on our walk then treats and tucked back in for the day. Parkie was also very energetic this morning! Good Dogs!

Woofs, Suzanne

Horatio, Nogui and Cross Eye Turner

Cross Eye met me at the door wanting some breakfast. Horation was more reserved and stayed back a bit and no sign of Nogui yet. Fresh food, water and a clean litter box and guess who showed up finally...Nogui! What pretty kitties!

Meows, Suzanne

Jingles and Hammy Roberts

Hammy was living up to his name this morning! No sign of Jingles...finally found him hiding under the bed and that was ok. Clean water, food and litter boxes and all is great with the day!

Meows, Suzanne


Blossom and Darwin Hall

I wish everyone was as happy to see me as Blossom and Darwin were today! What cute puppies!
They were also very good outside in the yard and did just what they were supposed to do! I hope to see them again very soon.

Woofs, Suzanne

Aspen and Parkie Hudzinski

Aspen was happy to be outside on her tie out tho it was a bit warm today. Parkie had an excellent time...picture her with paws up and index toe and pinkie toe pointing to the sky in a "this day rocks!" pose! Just as she was going out the front door, some scent caught her she went in a flash! Then I saw what all her excitement was about...she killed a mole quick as you could blink. So Parkie had a very good day...mole not so good. But what's a little JRT to do?
Ok, til next time...I know what Parkie will be dreaming about tonight!

Woofs, Suzanne
09 15 toby was glad to get his wet food today
09 15 hazel was a little more friendly this morning

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

09 14 hazel was not happy tonight everytime i got near her she hissed at me

Tuesday September 14 AM Visits

Aspen and Parkie Hudzinski

Aspen is such a grand 'ol Lady! She was glad to go on her walk! Parkie is certainly perkie! We had fun on our walk too! Parkie told me she would like to come to our Group Obedience class at Catnip n Biscuits that meets on Tuesdays from 6 to 7pm so she can learn how to walk without pulling so much! Aspen and Parkie really like me since I gave them a second breakfast by mistake thinking they were a regular pet sitting instead of a "daily walks only" pet sitting! Oops! They didn't complain tho! Ok, til next time!

Woofs, Suzanne

Fluff, Zeus, DK and Joe Conrade

I got a glimpse of DK but the rest were in hiding! Fresh water, food and clean litter and they are all set for the rest of the day! Hopefully next time they will venture out for a meeting! Til next time.

Meows, Suzanne

Monday September 13 PM Visits

Hazel Gotwalt

Hazel is a beautiful persian kitty! Can't believe she is a senior! She was happy to see me at first until she realized I wasn't her special person! She hissed and swatted when I tried to move around the room. I tried offering her some dice! She won't be so easily bought! Well, she was pretty upset and so I didn't try to continue to give her the lasix pill because she was already so stressed. I did leave the 1/2 tablet in a small amount of canned food. Maybe next time we will have better luck!

Meows, Suzanne

Kira and Ellie Vose

Wow! What a gorgeous pair of Lab ladies! They were glad to see someone. Fresh water, food and Greenies with a dessert of tooth brushing and we are all set. Kira got her Aspirin and Ellie got her Pepcid. Ok, til next time,

Woofs, Suzanne

Greta and Shayna Tratt

The girls were sound asleep when I arrived but they quickly changed all that and were ready to tango by the time I got the door open! They are shedding a lot. Wish I could find a brush for Shayna especially! Well, fresh food, water and treats all around and they were tucked in for the night! They seem to be doing pretty good hair loss noticed. Til next time...

Woofs, Suzanne
9/14 (mid)We went outside and did our business. Then we played inside for a while. -Riley
9/14 (mid) The sitter fed us and cleaned our litter boxes. -Jingles
09 14 greta and shayna are doing well today
9/14 (mid) I enjoyed the sitter very much! He took me for a nice walk nd i obeyed his commands. -Mattie
09 14 toby was glad to see me and ate his ham
09 14 hazel is doing well today she had her morning meds with some wet food
? nd got treats!!! ~blossom
? 9/14 mid. We love when the sitter comes because he loves to pet us! He keeps telling us how good we are but i dont know... We went out and went potty a
9/14 (am) I got a clean litterbox and food and water. - Bones
9/14 (am) When the sitter got here we went for a nice long walk! I saw and smelled so many things! He wore me out! -Rosie

Monday, September 13, 2010

8/13 (mid) We went outside for a bit and played. Then we hung out inside because it is so hot!! -Parkie
9/13 (mid) Had fun with the sitter today! He played with us with the ribbon pole and fed us. Then cleaned the litter box. -Cross eye
9/13 (mid) When the sitter got here we went for a walk. It was nice outside and we both went 1&2! We are good cute dogs. -Riley


Snowflake and Winters Brinsa
Snowflake was even more friendly today and so was Winters! He didn't dive under the bed like last time! Fresh food, water and litter and they are all set for a quiet Sunday afternoon! Meows, Suzanne


Flop Alvira
Flop was SOooooooooo happy to see someone today! He talked and talked about it! He got fresh food and water. He was actually telling me he was thirsty and he drank almost all the water I put down so I refilled it before I left! Then we played some and cuddled some! What a sweet, sweet boy! Meows, Suzanne

Bones Dilling
Bones was in hiding when I arrived. I gave fresh food and water and talked to her tho she did not appear. Maybe she will show herself next time! We just had a bad rain storm and the power is out but hopefully it will be back on soon! Meows, Suzanne

Carbon and Chi Cullers
Chi met me as I came in and Carbon joined in later to see what was for breakfast! Both are such beautiful kitties! Til next time, Meows, Suzanne

Snowflake and Winters Brinsa
Snowflake met me at the door when I arrived but I saw Winters on the bed before he dashed underneath! Guess he is kinda shy! Fresh food, water and litter box and all is good for the Brinsa kitties, Meows, Suzanne

PM Visits

Whimsy Register
Whimsy was still on the window ledge resting. He got his pill tonight and was so good about taking it. Fresh water, food and litter and he is all set! Meows, Suzanne

Zelda and Elke Britton
Zelda is still in hiding but Elke was the social butterfly! She got her pill and enjoyed a game of chase the feather toy! Til next visit, Meows, Suzanne


Maggie and Tuck were glad to see me this morning! Tuck wanted his canned food and Maggie wanted....guess what....her frisbee!!! Maggie enjoyed a few tosses then down to her morning business! Til next time, Woofs, Suzanne

Zelda and Elke Britton
Elke met me at the door! Zelda was in hiding! Elke got her pill in the pill pocket which she loves!
Ok, til next time, Meows, Suzanne

Whimsy Register
Whimsy was lying down by the front window when I arrived. When he heard me in the kitchen he came in to see what was for breakfast! What a sweet, regal, gentleman kitty! Meows, Suzanne

Jingles and Hammy Roberts
Jingles met me at the door meowing for his breakfast! Hammy soon followed! What pretty kitties they are! Til next time, Meows, Suzanne
9/13 (am) I went right outside and did 1 and 2. Tank just chilled on the couch until the sitter made a trail of treats to go outside. -Giada
9/13 (am) The sitter gave me fresh wet/dry food and water. He also cleaned out my litter box for me. -Bones

Sunday, September 12, 2010

09 12 toby was glad to see me today
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09 12 reilly was doing ok this morning

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Liesl Bailey Dixie-Enjoyed our afternoon outdoor playtime until it started sprinkling on us and we had to come inside for our treats. After sitter, it thunderd
Liesl, Bailey, Dixie - Good morning! We wanted to sleep in to this morning - we were all curled up together on the couch and didn't bark when sitter came in
9/11 am. We were so good for the sitter today so he gave us treats!! He also gave us lots of attention! ~ charlie

Friday, September 10, 2010

Liesl, Bailey, Dixie - much more fun to play outside then watching the news when it is depressing all day! We have had a blast this evening.
09 1toby was ok today
8/10 am. We were very happy today when the sitter came! We got fresh food and water, and treats too! ~ charlie
Liesl, Bailey, Dixie - good morning! We all look well rested, but its definitely time for tv now!
Liesl, Bailey, Dixie - thur pm - We have been waiting to see why we had somebody drop off huge boxes at the front door & block our perfectly good view we enjoy

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hammy and Jingles

9/8 (AM) The sitter gave us wet food and cleaned our litter boxes.

Hammy and Jingles

9/9 (AM) The sitter cleaned the room with our litter boxes. We are messy kitties! Then I came into the kitchen where the sitter was preparing our wet food, and started rubbing against him. I finally became brave! But still no sign of Jingles!


9/7 (AM) Got some fresh water and more food. I tried chewing on the sitter's fingers. I still got my treats!


9/8 (AM) Today, all that I wanted to do was rub up against the sitter. He scratched my belly when I rolled over. It felt so good! He cleaned my litter box, gave me some fresh water, and food.


9/9 (AM) When the sitter got here I was happy to see him! He gave me food and water because I was completely out! I kept wanting to dig my claws into everything but the sitter said not to mess up your things.
09/09 horatio and friends were fine today
9/9 (Mid PM) There was a bunch of mail that the sitter brought in. He cleaned my mess from going to the bathroom. -------- Skitter
9/8 (pm) I make such a mess when I eat. The sitter cleaned it up and tried talking to me but I just huffed at him. ----- Skitter
9/7 (pm) The sitter changed the paper towels in my cage and cleaned it. He gave me some fresh food and bath water. ------Skitter
9/9 am. What is this red dot i keep seeing!?!? I cant catch it!!! :-). ~juno
9/8 (am) The sitter gave us wet food and cleaned our litter boxes. ---Hammy and Jingles.
9/6 (am) We stayed well hidden while the sitter was here. He cleaned our litter boxes and left us food. I finally came out at the end. ---Hammy
9/7 Am Got some fresh water and more food. I tried chewing on the sitter's fingers. I still got my treats! -----Flop
Liecel, Dixie, Bailey - Breakfast time! Yuck - the backyard is damp - how are we supposed to play without getting our feet wet?!?! (Thurs Am)
Liecel, Dixie, Bailey - Dinner time! We played until we were tired and then the tv was turned off for bedtime. (Wed Pm)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Liecel, Dixie, Bailey- wed am - glad to be educated by the news on tv today while our parents play!
9/8 am We peed and pooped and had lots of fun playing with the sitter outside! ~aspen

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9/7 pm. We went potty and played for a bit and then treats before naptime! ~parkie

Sunday September 5, 2010

Grey: Tybee was in the window looking for the sitter this morning. I wasn't far behind, we both met the sitter at the door. Summer still is in hiding

Reilly: I was wearing to go this morning. She was on the look out for the possum we both saw last night. Fiona took it all in stride, and ignored me.

Wiggley: Kitty was still outside in the backyard and he didn't come when the sitter shook the treat bag. Guess he's shy. I'm not going to miss him at breakfast tho!

Annabelle: I'm so beautiful! and what a good girl I am! I walked around the block with the sitter and got some treats.

Greta: We were glad to see the sitter when she arrived. We walked out in the yard then inside for supper! We both sat for biscuits. We're such good girls!

Saturday September 4, 2010

Reilly & Fiona: Reilly was loose in the house when the sitter arrive, but we promise we didn't have a house party before she got there. Reilly enjoyed a long walk and ate breakfast.

Kitty & Wiggly: We're a cute pair of kitties, we were snoozing on our plush beds. Kitty was the first outside to explore but same back in to eat. Wiggly got it right tho, eat first then go outside.

Beggar: I was getting some serious zzzz's on the chair in the living room when I arrived. I followed the sitter into the kitchen and complained a bit when I wasn't getting my breakfast fast enough! I took my medicine like a champ!

Tybee: I met the sitter at the door with Grey not fair behind. Summer was shy!

Fiona: Reilly was super tonight! Had a long walk in the yard and then I got all my attention.
9/7 am. We got treats and went straight outside! Then we played with our newspaper sqeaky toy!!! ~aspen
09/07 greta and shayna are happy today

Monday, September 6, 2010

9/6 am i loved playing with the sitter outside with my rope! I loved when he scratched my back!!! ~ Annabelle
09 06 reilly was fine today

Sunday, September 5, 2010

9/5/10 (Pm) i had fun on my walk today. We saw doves and a squirrel and even a beetle! Then i came in to cool off and get some fresh water. - Annabelle
09/05 miles and friends are all well today
9/5/10 (Am) i made an appearance but when i saw it was the sitter i hid. Jingles didnt come out. We did get fresh food and litter though :) - hammy
9/5/10 (Am) still dont like the sitter. I took my medicine and got fresh water and clean litterboxes. -Bogy

Saturday, September 4, 2010

9/4/10 (Pm) i took my medicine then ate dinner while the sitter cleaned my litterbox. Then i sat in her lap and purred and purred :) -beggar
9/4/10 (Pm) i didnt fly away from the sitter today! I watched her clean my cage and give me fresh food and water - skitter
09/04 snowball and friends are well this am
09/04 tybee and friends are fine today
9/4/10 (Am) we stayed hidden, but one of us meowed. When we did come out we found fresh food and clean litter boxes :) -hammy + jingles
9/4/10 (Am) didnt like the sitter, kept hissing and Trying to scratch her. I took my medicine and got fresh water and a clean litterbox. -Bogy
9/4/10 (Am) we enjoyed our breakfast and had lots of fun playing outside. We both pottied and got treats. oles ear is still bothering him :( - skyler + ole

Friday, September 3, 2010

9/3/10 (pm) had a nice long walk and pottied like a good boy. Then i got fresh water and a treat! - Charlie
9/3/10 (Pm) took my medicine, then i got fresh food, fresh water, a clean litter box and fifteen minutes of a belly rub. You cant argue with that! -Beggar
09/03 greta and shayna are doing well today
9/3/10 (Mid) we all three went out for a walk, we had fun. A lizard got on ravens leg :) we all peed and cooper pooped, 9o paper towels -raven,cooper, + max
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09/03 skyler and ole were glad to see us
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Thursday, September 2, 2010

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9/2/10 (Mid) We hung out outside for a bit and both pottied. Then we came back in for some cool water, dinner and a treat! - shayna + greta
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9/2/10 (pm) im tired this afternoon. I got some fresh water and a new can of food. I also got a clean litterbox and some petting -whimsy
9/2/10 (pm) we had a nice walk and got some dinner. We both peed. Sparkles came in and we got ouir pool filled! - Stella + chevy
9/2/10 (pm) the sitter was nice, i got fresh food and water and some treats. I also got clean towels! -Skitter
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9/2/10 (Am) i was so happy to see the sitter today! I got treats and fresh food and water. -Flop
9/2/10 (am) we hid from the sitters, hammy stuck his head around the stairs then vanished! We got fresh food and a clean litter box too. - Hammy + jingles
9/2/10 (Am) got fresh food and water and a scooped litter box. I got lots of petting for taking my medicine. -Whimsy
09/02 ole and skyler are doing well today

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

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09/01 ike and tina are doing fine today
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9/1/10 (Am) i went outside and pottied like a good girl but tank refused to go out. He wouldnt play with me either :( -giada
9/1/10 (Am) lots of purring for the sitter today. I think ill help write this note, too! Got treats and fresh food and water! - Flop
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