Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday September 25 AM VISITS

Charlie Wilkowski

Charlie was so glad to see me this morning and didn't act shy at all! We enjoyed our walk then back home for breakfast, fresh water and treats. We even played a short game of chase the tennis ball. I have realized that Charlie is actually a Border Collie in Schnauzer clothing! Cute! Ok, til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne

Snowflake and Winters Brinsa

Winters is getting quite brave these days! Both he and Snowflake stayed out when I came in today. We played a rousing game of laser mouse then fresh food, dry and canned and clean water and clean litterbox and they are all set for the rest of the day! Til next time.

Meows, Suzanne

Sushi and Barkley Braund

Wow! I saw a flash as they both dashed by me and headed upstairs! At least I know they are ok! Fresh food, water and clean litter upstairs and downstairs, sprayed their cat tree with catnip spray, and scattered a few treats for them on the floor when they return. Ok, til next time.

Meows, Suzanne

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