Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 1, 2008

Jasmine: We saw a big heron across the street today! Bailey wanted to chase it really bad and got real excited, but I just wanted to sniff the grass. And we were so happy to get breakfast! Yum! -Jasmine

Mr. Bungle: I actually wanted alot of attention from the sitter today! I got really excited and kept running up and down the stairs! I made sure the fish got fed too! And when the sitter was leaving, Delilah climbed the window to say goodbye! She purrs alot... -Mr. Bungle

Daisy: I ran to the door so excited when the sitter asked if I wanted to go for a walk! Then while we were outside Harmon jumped out of nowhere and started rubbing against me! Crazy cat!

Snowflake: I ignored the sitter when he first got home but then he took me out and told me how cute I was and I started to like him! After our walk I stared at him and demanded treats! They're so good!

Cooper: It was a nice cool day for a run! The sitter wouldn't let me go full speed today! I had to run at Raven's speed! But it still felt very good to go on a nice jog!

Zoey: When the sitter came in I was frightened. Laika instantly took to him but I needed some convincing. Once we made friends he took us for a walk to the park. It was so pleasant outside.

Laika: Hurray! An evening walk with the sitter We went to the park where we got to see the fountain and try to eat pine cones. We also tangled the sitter up really bad, it was so funny! When we returned we jumped on him and soaked him with kisses.
Odysseus & Penelope: O boy! O boy! The sitter is here for our evening walk. We also were served dinner and during the walk when we practiced commands we were rewarded with treats.

Gus, Jesse, & Jack: The sitter came tonight to feed us and play with us. I explored the yard while Jesse kept begging to be rubbed and pet. Jack ran fast as lightning back and forth playing fetch with the tennis ball. It was a fun night.

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