Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7, 2009

Yogi: I was running around the house and barking at the sitter when I got back inside from the walk. I was in a very playful mood...I guess because when I was outside I was scared of all the noises.

Gizmo and Gadget: We purred loudly again today. She sat on the couch and we almost jumped on her we were just so excited to have company! Our litter box is ...but not for long! We made a good dent in the dry food! hmmmm!

Cujo: I didn't feel like walking so the sitter brought me ice and I was still not happy but when she brought me some meat I decided to be happy and get on my leash.

Bailey: I was so scared of the sitter man. But he calmed me down by rubbing my head and I let him put my leash on. Then we went for a walk but I was scared of all the noise so I did my business and then we played inside.

Spike: It sure has been awhile since we hung out with this sitter. He looks so different he spooked us a little. We went for a nice walk. It was really hot, but there was a soft cool breeze.

Ultra: The sitter came for dinner and an evening walk. I love me some green beans! Spike wouldn't eat all his dry food so I started to help him. The sitter told me I had already had enough. Hmph!

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