Monday, June 8, 2009

June 6, 2009

Ebon: I was awake when the sitter come in but pretty unresponsive! I'm tiiiired! It rained yesterday so I was hesitant to get outside but I finally did. The sitter gave me a good breakfast too!

Vinischu: I greeted the sitter at the door with a low meow and scared him! Hehe! Ooops! He gave us a good breakfast and I got some cuddles!

The Other Siamese's: We didn't really want to come out and get cuddles so we just stayed put. The sitter cleaned out litter though and we'll come out later for food!

The parrots: The sitter gave us some tasty nuts and things. We started eating them right away!

Bella: I was a little shy at first but then he fed me and I was all happy! We played outside and then came in for a treat! I slip and slide all over the floors! Yay! The rain stopped! I was so glad because now the frisbee won't be so slippery and I can bring it back to the sitter even more. He said I was a frisbee catching pro!

The kitties: Bella chases us! We love it! The sitter made sure we had lots of food and water!

Charlie: The sitter came over and I was crazy excited to see him! He's getting pretty good at calming me down quickly, though. It's hard for me! I just LOVE people! We got all set up for a walk and off we went. It was a nice morning and the rain had stopped so that was nice. We saw some people drive by and every one of them waved at us. Ok, now it's time for breakfast! Hello again, Mr. Sitter. The sitter said that, since it rained again today it'd be best to go on a walk instead of play. we don't wan to get all dirty. When are him and I going to get to play out back? Every time he comes to play, it's all yucky outside!

Harmony: The sitter came over and both Zeppy and I were crazy excited to see him! He gave us both some good scratches and then let us out to take care of some business. When we go back inside, more than once, i decided to bark at those cats and scare 'em off. Sometimes you just have to remind them who runs this house!

Zeppy: Both Harmony and I couldn't wait very long for our breakfast. We hoovered it down almost before the sitter finished feeding the that's speed! After breakfast we got to play a little bit with out toys and then the sitter had to go upstairs to clean out the kitties' box. But he came back down for more playing!

Lula: one...two...three...four...Hey! Mr. Sitter, are you counting!? I'm trying to break my record for consecutive spins. I've been practicing...fifteen...sixteen...I'm a cyclone! Vrrrroooooooooom! twenty-eight...twenty-nine...thirty! I'm not even dizzy yet!

Coco: After Lula broke many world records, we went on a nice walk. At one point, out of nowhere, i decided to bark which set off the neighbor dogs that we didn't even know where outside! Sometimes you've just gotta speak your mind, you know? We went inside for some breakfast while the sitter cleaned out our boxes.

Toby: The sitter told me that he loves my unique meow-howl (he's going to trademark that word, by the way...but he said i can use it royalty-free!) He told me that he's never met another cat that does it quite like me. I kind of throttle it up and it's pretty middle range for a cat! Most cats have high-pitched meows but not me!

Patty: The sitter was getting our food ready and, just like yesterday, bot Penny and I trotted on in to see what was for breakfast. Turns out it was the same thing as always but you won't catch us complaining! we love that stuff!

Penny: Yeah! we don't care about eating the same stuff! We're cats! as long as it tastes good and keeps coming everyday, we're as happy as can be! Baby needs to stop hiding while the sitter is around. He pets us and gives us awesome is that?

Maggie: Hello again Mr. Sitter! There was no rain tonight so we got to go on a nice long walk around the complex! Took our time and got to explore, too. That didn't stop us from playing a whole bunch once we got back inside! I was so excited to play, even though i was panting pretty forcefully, i didn't want to stop to take a water break until I was REALLY parched!

Curly: the sitter arrived and all of us except for Chiquita were waiting for him at the door. He had to disarm the alarm so it wasn't an immediate hello but we can forgive him for that...we don't want that alarm going off! When he took us outside, i didn't feel much like going out there. I only made it as far as the porch then I just sat there. hey! I didn't have to go...what do you want?!

Larry: Whatever, Curly! I just like running around with Moe! Ok, I do admit, I had to go potty, too so it wasn't just that. We were playing with each other and running around with the sitter for quite a bit.

Moe: Once we got tired of being outside, the sitter brought us all back in. We were wanting to eat a treat and were all lined up at the counter waiting for one but the sitter said it wasn't time for a treat :( Aw! we all grabbed one of our chew toys and laid down together to have a chew together!

Chiquita: When the sitter first arrived, i rolled over on my back and my little tail was flapping so hard you'd think I would have taken off! It was a blur...the sitter told me he was pretty impressed and he's never seen a dog wag it's tail as fast as me!

Peekaboo: What is with Buddy? We all went on a walk and he kept stopping at every corner to do business. BOTH businesses! I kept telling him to hurry up so we could keep going and the sitter just laughed.

Buddy: Evening walks are my favorite. That's why I jumped all over the sitter with excitement when he got here. And because of the rubs.

Athena: Atlas and I barked at the sitter when he came in to let us out. We didn't quite recognize him at first. But he knew exactly how I like my dinner and in no time we were all playing together in the background.

Mia: As soon as the sitter let me out I started a hide and seek game with him. He didn't know about it though. But he did finally find me. Or more, I found him.

Atlas: Who is this guy? Whatever sitter man. I'll make you a deal, I won't get all muddy if I get an extra treat. Deal? Alright.

Madison: We went out for a walk this morning and the neighbors scared us that were outside smoking - but the funny thing is I might have scared them more and I am a big black dog with a tag that rattles!! I am sure glad it stopped raining so we could take our whole walk without any rain. There were some unusually loud and obnoxious people in the parking lot that we tried to ignore.

Sadie: I was surprised to have company. I was really thirsty, so i was glad to be able to quench my thirst and then go play outside. A stranger told me i was a pretty dog,but i already knew that.

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