Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 16, 2009

Coco: I think I finally trained the sitter to carry me home when I don't want to walk anymore. He he, maybe soon I'll be able to get them to carry me the whole way. I think that the sitters might be catching onto my plans though.

Lula: The walk was fun today, except that Coco decided to keep sitting down making me wait for him. Silly Coco. One we got back we ate some delicious food and even both of the cats came out to play.

Sake: I tried to hide from the sitter but to no avail! He found me under the bed and I even let him pet me after he gave me a treat. I still didn't want to leave the safety of the bed and made that very clear! He didn't seem all that bad but I think I'll stick to hiding under the bed thank you very much.

Harmon: Today was really hot and I didn't want to play outside for very long. I was very excited to see the sitter and followed him all around the house while we looked for Daisy. We finally found her under a bed. I'd like to think the sitter couldn't have done it without me.

Daisy: Oh no! Intruders! When I heard someone come upstairs I ran and hid under the bed. It took them a while to find me and then I realized that it was just a sitter. I was still really shy and didn't want to go for a walk. The sitter convinced me that it would be fun so we went and I had a great time stopping to 'smell the roses' the whole way.

Yogi: Oh boy! Sitters! Today I went on a nice walk where I got to sniff everything along the way. My favorite part was riding the elevator! As soon as the doors opened I got to dash inside and smell where so many people had been standing. I cant wait till next time. I wonder where the kitties are hiding?

Beggar: When I heard someone come in, I ran and hid under the bed. Once I realized it was just a sitter I came out to visit. It was great, I got to get my back scratched my tummy rubbed. There were even treats for me! I definitely cant wait till the next time the sitter comes, as long as I still get those yummy treats.

Booboo: I was happy to great the sitter when he woke me up from my afternoon nap. After relentlessly meowing at him for a while he finally got the picture and gave me my wet food. After I had eaten I went back to the back porch and stretched out and continued my afternoon nap, this time with a full belly.

Missy: After I heard Booboo being fed I rushed in for my fair share. Unfortunately I got too excited and threw up. Good thing the sitter was there to run up and direct me away from the rug at just the last second. Perhaps next time I will let him pet me.

Tank: I was napping when the sitter came in. Lulu and I went out with him to do a little business. I stayed and was rewarded with a body massage.

Lulu: I only stayed outside for a little bit. Then I came back in to continue that dream I was having.

Elephant: Chicken made all sorts of noise when the sitter came in. But I remembered this guy and came right up ready to walk. I walked right by him the whole way.

Chicken: I'm a little toughie. Every time I saw someone other than my little pack, I barked and spun around at them showing them how tough I was.

Sam: Boy am I out of breath. It's definitely going to be another scorcher today. I didn't stop once today except to poop and the sitter told me I did an extra good job.

Lucy: I figured out how to open the cabinet where the food is kept and Thomas and I pulled the bag out and made another hole in it so the sitter could get the food easier.

Thomas: I am a silly kitten. I used the sitters shorts as a ladder to get to extra scratches and rubs. Wee!

Maggie: Every porch I saw today with a bit of shade looked so inviting. I tried to make myself at home on a couple but the sitter reminded me that the A/C in the room was so much better. Not to mention my ball is there.

Jack: The sitter came to take me out again this afternoon. It was dreadfully hot again, so he found us a nice shady spot under a tree for me to do all my business. Ahhh... lunchtime...

Raven: Whats this? Is the sun hiding behind the clouds? Well isn't that just our luck. Too bad the heat that's already here to stay. Cooper and I ran like canine machines.

Cooper: I was so ready to go on a run today. I met the sitter right at the door and grabbed his hand and led him to the harnesses. I was built for running.

Coal: Boy o boy! A nice long walk before a meal makes it feel even more deserved. Honestly, Maggie and I are pooped. I think we'll continue taking turns draining the water bowl.

Lily: I found all sorts of goodies today! A pizza crust and chicken bone. The sitter took them and threw them away before I could inhale them. He knows me what can I say?

Snowflake: I walked in the other direction this time. I prefer to walk to the left because I get to roam around and can stay off the hot cement as much as possible.

Yogi: Everytime I want to get on the grass I can't because its being sprayed, why do they do that so much in front my place? I went to the park...and it was so hot! Didn't take long and I was panting!

Sheba: I was a sweet girl! Sugar was a little funny about the sitter petting just Alex and I got petted. Alex buried his dog biscuit in the backyard for the second time! No more for him until he eats both of them! That is if he ever finds them!

Seymour: I was ready to go outside! I begged the sitter to go ahead and let me out. I am sure I will want to come back in later and do it all over again!

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