Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Savannah the beagle: Today on my walk with the sitter I found a trail. It was quite interesting so I followed it with my nose the whole walk. It was so familiar. Then I realized why. It was Max's trail I was following!

Maddie the beagle: The sitter walked with me today. There were so many fun scents in the breeze. I thought about all of them and tried to imagine what they would taste like.

Max the beagle:Oh yay! It's dinner time! How does that sitter know just how we like it? After we went for a walk, though more of a dog-jog in terms of pace. I like seeing the sitter out of breath.
Yogi: It is such a lovely day for a walk and the sitter took me out. There were fresh flowers and shrubs planted and I just had to stop and smell them. Life would be so dull without this amazing sniffer I've got.

Max the Burmese Mtn: It sure feels good outside! The sitter took me on a walk then we romped and played in the yard. I was so excited to play that I peed everywhere in celebration!

Shadow: When the sitter arrived, Max and I were playing in the yard. We were having so much fun he joined us! Then he got us all set up for the night with food,water,hugs and cuddles!!!

Bella: That sitter sure did startle me at first. But once we got to know each other we had a great time with my ball in the yard. I also had a fabulous dinner and took my meds without complaint.

Sadie: Boy I am missing all the festivities, but I found a green feather to play with before we walked. The sitter came back so I get to play outside and walk again! This can be fun even when my parents are out partying!

Lula: When the sitter arrived today, he went to grab our leashes and I started to spin furiously with excitement! he let me have at it for a while because he said he thought I was going to break the world record for consecutive rotations. He lost count but said I had to at least have been pretty close!

During our walk the sitter had to make sure neither of us stepped in any ant hills. There were a bunch out there. i guess it's getting to be that time of year again where insects are feeling like it's safer to show themselves. Yucky!

Toby: I was the first one to say hello to the sitter when he came in. Actually, I was right by the door waiting for him. I can never wait patiently for all that food to be put out! i can't help it, it's so yummy!

Patty: I was the only other ne who felt like saying hello to the sitter today. i went right up and rubbed on his leg to say hello. I followed him around while he got our food ready and then started eating right alongside Toby

Rex: I wasn't super shy towards the sitter. When he came in, I was standing right in front of him and didn't run away. I went right up to him and he let me smell him but I wasn't about to let him touch me! Not yet anyways!

Bacchus: I stayed hidden and watched the sitter give us food and clean our box from a safe distance.

Cooper: The sitter showed up and I had to hurry up and grab my toy to show him. He was very impressed with it, I could tell, even if he didn't seem that interested! We went on our walk today and it was a good one!

Raven: yeah, I'm starting a pretty good track record with these poops! The sitter is surprised that I've been pooping semi-regularly on our runs because I usually don't do it. I'm secretly just trying to one-up Cooper!

Wilson: We had a really great walk today! The weather was perfect and there was plenty of stuff to run around and sniff. Other than it being a great day, there wasn't much else going on. just a nice, leisurely stroll. I like those!

Charlie: The sitter came over and i gave him a super hug like usual. He got my gentle leader ready for our walk and as soon as he put it on, I got very stubborn all of a sudden! I didn't want to go and I used my heftiness to make it difficult on the sitter!

Shadow: The sitter woke us up this morning and took us out for a walk all around the neighborhood after he cleaned up the big wet mess that Max made in the laundry room! I led us all over and Max followed me! I had so many smells to investigate!

Dolce: I am officially the friendliest cat in Savannah! I just want to get pet all day and just roll around and purr! The sitter couldn't find any of my toys today, but I was fine with that! Just pet me!

Snowflake: I was in a good mood today! But I still growled at the sitter when he came close to me! He knows that I'm not mean, I'm just misunderstood! That's why he takes good care of me while you're gone!

Peaches: There's so much noise outside! What's going on! I'm glad I'm safe in here! Just pet me Mr. Sitter! I need attention! And fresh water would be nice! But mostly just scratch my neck while I sit on your lap! Purr!

Scratch: The sitter dropped catnip on my scratch toys and I went crazy tearing at them! Then he gave me some delicious tuna and brushed me so much he had a big clump of my hair by the time he was done! That was nice!

Pearl: The sitter scared me when he first came in! I ran and hid under the bed, but he tricked me by throwing the ball and I went after it, then he cornered me and pet me and I realized he was pretty nice. We went out for a walk but there were so many loud people that I was petrified and didn't want to stay out long! I came back in and just got my neck scratched for a while!

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