Friday, February 27, 2009

February 26, 2009

Guiness & Bear: Oh boy! Were we relieved that the sitter waited to walk us when it stopped raining. We sure didn't want to melt, or does that just happen in the movies?

Madison: The sitter told me she wishes her hair was as pretty and shiny as mine! I try and take good care of it, eating right and staying healthy!

Tank: The sitter tired me out today. We walked for what seemed like miles and miles! But it was only blocks and blocks. A good exercise for a tank like me!

Max: I love these sitters! I got to go on a jog adventure and play fetch with Shadow and the sitter today. All I want to do is play, play, play! I wish I had a invisible fence collar like Shadow so I could run around and be silly! The sitter doesn't trust me to not be on a leash! I promise I won't run away and jump in the pond! Really!

Sweet Pea: When the sitter walked in he couldn't see me because I blended in with the shadows. But I came out and said hello. Then helped him find Bubba so he could give him his meds. Bubba made the funniest face!

Shadow: Its been so hot today I was thinking of jumping in the pool but then Max might jump in and cause a lot of waves and that could be scary! Outside is great, but at night if you stand still for too long the gnats will eat you alive. Thankfully as my name suggests I can disappear in the darkness. The sitter couldn't and the gnats had a nice meal. Max laughed at the sitter's futile attempt to not get bit.I think I need my own water bowl because Max gets it all dirty! I have been wanting to go far from the house when I get outside...I pull and I pull! I guess that's why Max and I go out separately.

Solace: I was in a real cranky mood tonight. I made it so hard for the sitter to give me my shot. But he finally did. I gave him one too, but not with a needle.

Juno: The sitter was ever so gentle and scratched my back and head. He made the red dot run around the living room. I kept almost catching it, but never did get it.

Sydney: I tell Sasha to jump on the counter and get in the sitters face because I am too old to be jumping up there. We love our food time, we used to not care but lately its what we look forward to! I got a little taste of the pills and I made crazy noises with my tongue, it was SO nasty! I don't know why the sitter keeps giving me those!!

Cujo: I walked good considering my leg is hurt. I was a little confused about where to potty since its so hard to get my back legs takes a while for me. Good thing I didn't see the mailman or garbage truck. I might forget I am hurt and jump around and that could be really bad for me!!!

Daisy: Harmon went out with me and decided to stay out, its so nice and warm I would too! The sitter gave him some water but I don't know if he will drink it. I had my bacon and went back inside to my usual area.

Harmon: Yeah! I get to stay outside! Mommy is so nice to me! I would like a door for me to go in and out of, that would make me a very happy kitty and mommy wouldn't have to scoop my litter as much or at all!

Tank: I was stubborn this morning, why do my parent's think I want to walk two times in the morning?! Once is enough for my lazy butt! The neighbor commented about me...I told her to mind her business, I am a bulldog and its my job to be lazy as can be! I pooped in the house, mom and dad knew it would happen so I don't feel guilty.

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