Monday, November 10, 2008

November 7, 2008

Dooley: Hurray for dinner! The sitter let us into the backyard and we pooped and ran back inside before he could even ask us to. I growled at him but he understood that's how I say "I love you." He could see it in my eyes.

Annabelle: Oh no! Not meds again. Wait, where did they go? This cheese cube looks delicious. The sitter took me on a nice stroll after giving me the cheese treat. There are so many interesting sounds at night.

Sam: I’m always such a happy little boy running around! The walk was nice and I was a good boy at breakfast this morning!

Lily: We saw so many friends at the park today! Squirrels, birds, other dogs, I wanted to play with them all! Buuut the sitter said nope and that we had to go home. He had a treat for me! If I’d known that I wouldn’t have put up such a fuss!

Dorian: I got my delicious food first again today and then got to sit on the sitters lap for some good cuddles!

Daphne: I like cuddles to so I jumped on the couch and tried to get my fill… Which I goooot!

Da Vinci: I wasn’t much into the cuddling today, mostly just wanted to watch. But I did watch the sitter give us fresh litter and water so I was pleased.

Cooper: We were breeeathin’ heavy today but it was so nice outside! I could’ve stayed out there for ever! I pooped!

Raven: I enjoy eating my snack outside on a day like today with my fur growing longer for the winter. It was a good day!

Barkley: As soon as the sitter came in I ran and hid. He was nice enough to clean our litter box, and feed us. So I came out for treats, but sushi never showed her face.

Clooney: I was such a cute and happy fuzz ball today! It was great to run around outside and I don't want the belly rubs to stop! The sitter was surprised by how much I've grown since we last walked!

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