Monday, April 20, 2009

April 19, 2009

Shayna: Greta thinks she can hog the sitter an get all the petting. So I wrestled her but I slipped and she won. The sitter pet me anyway and he gave me a hug too.

Brody: As soon as the garage door was open I ran out and gave the sitter a huge sloppy kiss. Then we played with my red ball until we were both a little worn out. Today is off to a great start.

Harmony: Rush the door! I see a sitter who needs to be licked! Once the sitter had checked on the whole family there were belly scratches and fun for everyone! Zeppo and I just laid out with our tongues out enjoying it.

Zeppo: The sitter made me so happy. We played with Harmony and Mona until we all wanted naps. Then we stretched out in the nice cool living room and got our bellies scratched.

Mona: When the sitter came I immediately showed him the wasp I found in the house. He disposed of it and pet me and told me I had done a good job telling him. It could have hurt somebody.

Greta: Today was one of those lazy days for sunbathing and belly rubs. While Shayna ran around every which way, I just laid down in the sun and relaxed. The breeze is so soothing.

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