Friday, October 17, 2008

October 17, 2008

Meg: I was wide awake when the sitter arrived. I did okay going up and down the steps. I saw some deer poop but I didn't try and eat it! I'm such a trooper the sitter said. I make him smile because I always get right up to greet him. I hoovered my food then i stepped outside to go potty. After I enjoyed walking around the house.

Snowflake: I was sleeping and the sitter had to wake me up. I showed my belly and then decided I was ready to go for my walk.

Clooney: I got really mad at the sitter when I tried to get yucky poop out my mouth. I don't know what the big deal is, I like so why can't I have it?!

Sadie: I feel so much better today! There were even more people out today and I was so excited!!

Jake: I was waiting for the sitter by the door. We got food and the sitter had to keep me away from Maggie's food.

Maggie: I was so excited to see the sitter, and was ready for dinner. We then went for a walk and came back in for treats! yum.

Solace: I took my shot like a champ! It still required the sitter to distract me but I didn't run away like I did last night. I kept peaking around the corner at the sitter.

Juno: I flipped out when the sitter brought out the laser pointer...more than usual. I was excited, I can't help it. I kept staring at the sitter, I think he thinks I'm a little weird.

Pixie: I was really friendly and followed the sitter all over and loved being petted and fed.

Puff: I hid the whole time the sitter was visiting.

Sarah: I greeted the sitter at the door.

Missy: I started drinking from the sink faucet when the sitter was cleaning out our food bowls, but then the water got to hot! so I stopped.

Sake: I came out of hiding for some treats and was friendly. Then I got mad and bit the sitter lightly. But then I felt back and came back out and played with my feather toy.

Evan and Boots: We were super friendly and loved being petted. Boots couldn't stop rubbing against the sitter but Boogie wasn't interested in visiting the sitter.

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