Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 7, 2009

Wilson: The sitter came and walked me today. It was very windy outside. I ran through the breeze, it felt so refreshing. Fresh drinking water when I got back too!

Mattie: I was so full of energy when the sitter arrived. I acted on my best behavior while on the walk. I ignored all the bugs, berries and random McDonalds along the street. And when I got back, I went right into my crate.

: It was pretty chilly out there but we went for a walk anyway. I picked up a stick and wouldn't let go... then I had to go to the bathroom and I finally dropped it! Cuddle time!

Gabby: The sitter said I was the easiest cat to give an insulin shot too because I'm a pimp. I said, no I'm a lady. And he said sorry, that's just what kids his age say when they think someone's cool and I said oh you kids! Then cuddles! Phloyd is so cool, just hanging out on the porch, chillin. The sitter wouldn't stop saying how awesome our little kitty bathroom was, and he just told him "aint no thang."

: It was raining this morning and so Lula and I had to get our feet wet. We wanted to go all over the place and jump in the water but the sitter wouldn't let us, no fair!

: Me first! me first! I always eat first because I am the best! Sammy has been really restless at night because he wants to play when it is time to sleep for the night. When the sitter tries to eat her dinner we like to gather around and watch her but Indy is the only one (other than Mozart) that doesn't do it but we think its funny to stare since she watches us eat.

: It was a nice quiet walk today, it hasn't been as cold as it should so I haven't been able to wear my colorful sweater, what a shame!

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