Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 12, 2009

Meg: I was waiting at the door cleaning my paws and didn't even realize the sitter had arrived. I got up and was happy to go outside because then I get to come in and eat!

Puffy, Precious & Sadie: We had to make a tough decision..hide from the sitter or come out for treats! What do we do?!

Daisy: I went for a short walk, I was doing good then decided going any further would be a very bad idea!!

Wilson: The sitter and I had an awesome walk today. There were other dogs all over shouting and barking at me because they were jealous, but I ignored them. Then I pooped twice! It was very exciting.

Cooper: What an exciting run the sitter and I had today. I wish Raven could have been here for it. We ran all around the neighborhood, only stopping when another dog appeared in the street. But I ignored him, the sitter was grateful.

Popeye: I am a triple A, triple plus hider. The sitter changed my litter and checked my food and water but never saw me. I am so excellent!

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