Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 6, 2008

Inky wanted to stop everywhere to mark his territory this morning, Ike got surprised by another dog but he didn't bark, and Pica didn't run away anymore!when the sitter returned Pica hissed at her, and Ike & Inky smelled everything! Later that day when the sitter returns Inky needed some love and attention and of course he got it, Ike enjoyed his dinner and he misses mom, and Pica ate dinner while the boys were out for a walk!

Daphne enjoyed her breakfast, DaVinci & Dorian had fun playing around while the sitter cleaned out their litter box, Isabelle was still a bit shy but she still enjoyed her walk!

Peaches was trying to eat a pen before the sitter took it away and brushed her! When the sitter came back Peaches was the happiest kitty ever!

Ozzie had a nice meal and then he took the sitter out for a walk, Daisy enjoyed her fresh hey and food, and Baby was just happy to see someone! Later when the sitter came back Ozzie walked himself and had fun doing it! On the final walk Ozzie just wanted to sniff mailboxes!

Dixie, Maggy and Bonnie enjoyed playing in the park!

Dodge was so excited to go to the park and play! When the sitter returned Dodge ripped apart his ball in the yard he was trying to get the squeaker out!

Belle and Remi beat the sitter to the house and was waiting for her to walk in the house, and Biddy was just assessing the situation!

Azrick enjoyed sitting on the floor with the sitter and getting attention, and Peanut got some lettuce that he sniffed!

Sanchez rolled over to get the sitter to rub his belly, and Smooches ran to the bowl to get some fresh water!

Moe was very sweet with the sitter today, also the sitter noticed a little limp while he was walking.?!

Lacey was a bit shy but then she got excited after she realized it was the sitter, Precious and Angel was excited to play outside!

Sydney and Jack were happy to see the sitter, Callie and Austin were in hiding!

Bella had fun playing with the ball outside after she ate, and Sugar ate and then came out to see whats going on!

Caesar was very friendly, and Trouble was very playful with the sitter!

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