Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 21, 2008

Scout got his medication and feeling up for the day! He found something outside that I liked a lot and when the sitter called us for breakfast he had to come get me! Blue needs lots of cuddles and he gets em! The sitter thinks I'm so cute! Taylor, played with the Frisbee a lot today! Blue joined in but he's no good at it! He needs to shake his head when he gets ear drops! The Kitties - The boys make some messes in the study, nothing too bad!

Greta, we left no messes for the sitter this time but he still gave me some meds, Shayna, Is a such a happy little girl! She was chasing Greta all around outside and the sitter joined in! It got hot though so we went in for water and breakfast.

Penny, The sitter gave me all the good stuff and he tried to play with the ribbon with me but I just wasn't into it. I would like to report however that my sneezing has gone down, ah thank you!

Lady, I really didn't like the sitter at first but he persuaded me to go outside where he charmed me. He rubbed my ears and chin! I love that! Lily, never warmed up to the sitter. He tried to petting her but she yelled at him, Max, liked the sitter, I don't know what the big deal is. He gave us all fresh food and water and cleaned our little box. I liked him!

Lady, I like the sitter now so I gave him no problems! He had lots of cuddles for me! Lily snuck into the screened area when he was taking Lady out. I hissed at him when he tried to get me back inside! Max didn't come out tonight, he was sleeping, it was late!

Cooper, we went for a fast walk tonight and did our business! Raven, there were lots of dogs about tonight, non coming to say hi but we heard em!

Greta got her meds again and I'm all out! Hopefully I'll be OK until you guys get home! Shayna Ooooweee! Sitters here! I bet we'll get treats after playtime and dinner!

Loki accidentally slid off the counter trying to go around Zelda. Zelda kept trying to chew on the sitters hair and hair clip!

Beau was excited to see the sitter and had a toy in his mouth to calm him down!

Raven was excited to see the garbage man, not excited about not getting his daily yogurt. Cooper wanted to stop and sniff where Raven was sniffing so they could get all tangled up!

Taylor played with his toys over and over again. Scout was happy that he has a HUGE water bowl now & Blue howled and howled to go outside and once outside laid on the ground and didn't potty first! Scout - Peanut Butter + Medication = a delicious snack! Blue, we left no messes for the sitter tonight! And after dinner I got let outside! Taylor, wasn't up for eating green beans tonight, I'll get to em later. But I was a good for with my ear drops, again, ah thank you. The Kitties, we liked to sleep. So what? So sue us.!

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