Monday, July 21, 2008

July 19, 2008

Penny ate for the sitter this time! Well... a little bit. I like the fish and shrimp a lot better. After he cleaned my litter box I chased a ribbon around the house!

Daisy was afraid of the sitter. I'd only sniff his hand and run, but he cleaned out all of our bowls and gave us some fresh food and water! The kitties, It wasn't raining today! We were excited!

Chloe was still a little afraid of this sitter but he gave me some cheese! Again, I think he's hiding something in there! Karina went for a nice walk and saw the puppy next door! He was barking at the sitter though and wouldn't come over! The kitties were in hiding the sitter cleaned our litter boxes!

Zephyr was sneezing a lot this morning and the sitter tried to calm him down. After breakfast, which he snuck some meds into, I went outback for a quick bathroom break, Zilker played fetch in the park! The sitter found out that when I retrieve the ball, I just run straight through him, never stopping! Zephyr we went outback just to pee this afternoon. It was so hot, I walked outback, peed and went straight back in. The sitter told me to go sniff around and get some fresh air but I was too hot! Zilker, the sitter tried to play fetch with me again but all I wanted to do was roll around! Roxy was out and I said a little hi, but from afar! Zephyr doesn't like to potty in the park, Zilker will potty anywhere, they loved to play in the backyard!

Greta always excited to see the visitor nowadays! He told us our fur was everywhere so he cleaned up a bit! Shayna, It's so fun outside when it's not raining! After playing outside we came in for water, breakfast and treats! I wouldn't sit for the sitter though! hehe. Greta, wasn't happy to go outside because it was hot out today! When we got back in from outside we got lots of fresh water and lunch! Shayna was chasing Greta around this afternoon! Greta was shy with this sitter but quickly warmed up to her and got lots of attention, and Shayna was very friendly, She never wants to play she just runs along the fence!

Cooper went out and pooped, Raven walked but he didn't poop then they enjoyed their dinner! Later on they ran around with another sitter and had fun!

BB went out and pottied then was running around and playing!

Max went out and pottied, Piper walked herself she was being very playful, & Buster smelled everything on the walk! Piper wanted to take Busters meds, Buster didn't want to take his meds but the sitter finally talked him into it, and Max was happy to go on a walk!

Kramer went on a long walk then he jumped around for breakfast and afterwards we went on another walk! In the afternoon Kramer wanted to walk but it was so hot we only took a short walk and we played in the house and Kramer worked for his treat!

Loki & Zelda were super excited to have company they climbed all over the sitter!

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