Friday, July 25, 2008

July 24, 2008

Solace was good about the shot and was more than happy to eat. Juno, meowed for the sitter to hurry up with the food! Solace didn't want to take her shot today but calmed down a little bit to accept it, she was very curious at everything I was doing, Juno watched her sister get her shot and then played with the laser pointer for a bit!

Penny seemed a little happier today, is starting to run out of dry food!!

Chloe wanted to go after the mail person so badly! Karina didn't want to keep walking down the street because the mail person seemed more interesting to stop and stare at!

Daisy was very excited about going outside, she didn't stay downstairs this time, Harmon came right back inside and had some treats!

Cayenne got scared when a woman made a comment about Jack and decided she needed to go back home, Jack walked by himself since Cayenne got spooked!

Grey ate his food and took his shot without much of a problem, Tybee was friendly as always and eager to eat. He wanted attention, & Summer stayed hidden like before!

Murzik was a little reluctant to get his shot today but he took it eventually. He got real feisty and played with his toys! Murzik got his shot he loves to be brushed then he played for a while but got tired quick!

Scout took his pills easily, he seemed pretty tired but he mostly stuck by my side. Taylor playful like always. Played frisbee and ran around the yard with Blue. Blue ran around with Taylor and wanted to play a lot, & the Cats didn't really see much of any of them. A quick sighting here and there but very brief! Taylor played with his toy lamb and frisbee, Blue made weird baby/howling noises while the sitter petted his belly and chin, & Scout didn't want to stay out as long as he has been! Taylor got ear drops and then he played frisbee in the back yard, Blue played outside and then he ate, & Scout got his medication he took better then the last time!

Loki was very friendly he loves his wet food, Zelda played with her toy and she was jumping all over the place, she got serious air time!

Clooney was very playful today, he played outside after he wen to potty then he was running all around the house and the sitter was chasing him all around to get him back in his kennel!

Cooper & Raven took the sitter for a walk, Cooper didn't have diarrhea anymore, and after their delicious snacks Cooper was using the sitters arm for a chewing toy!

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