Friday, July 11, 2008

July 10, 2008

Ike had to potty badly, didn't even bark at the sitter like he normally does, Inky was really frisky and barked at some people, they were making loud noises, Pica didn't say hello this time, she is not very sociable! Ike was really excited to walk today he always poops in the bushes, Inky walked and pottied to he was smelling everything on the walk, and Pica was hiding! When the sitter came back Pica came out to eat, Ike played with a purple braid and pottied, and Inky played with a purple braid and pottied!

Harmon was happy to go out for the day and get petted!

Cujo did good walking and didn't have to be dragged down the street too much!

Sadie was happy to go to the park and potty, she had lots of fun on the walk today!

Abby didn't come out of hiding but ate all her wet food from the day before and got some more this time!

Carlos walked all over the counter to make sure the food was getting put out quickly, Bobby Meowed a lot so he would get his food quicker!

Willie was so happy to lay on the couch and have his belly rubbed, he loved his cheese too!

Josie and Summer were walking with their owner and they did a great job, Summer will get a gentle leader!

Booboo was very talkative today, and Missy was relaxing in her bed and then she got a nice brushing!

Cooper pottied on the walk today then he was trying to chase a deer, Raven walked and he didn't potty but he also tried to chase the deer!

Cayenne wasn't afraid today she pottied, Jack was very playful and he let the sitter put the cone back on his head!

Harmon came to the back door to greet the sitter she had a lot to tell the sitter!

Gypsy pottied ate all her food and got lots of hugs and kisses from the sitter, and Jazz had a lot of energy he enjoyed his food and then he played!

Kramer went out and he pottied then he was jumping with excitement to get food!

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