Monday, July 7, 2008

July 3, 2008

Ike growled at the sitter at firs but then he was friendly after eating, and Inky was very sweet with the sitter! Later on upon the sitters return, Ike decided to become friends with the sitter after he got a treat, Inky liked the sitter! Ike forget that the sitter was his friend, oops, but then when he realized who it was he was happy, Inky got out of bed to go on a walk he was pooped!

Ozzie went for a good walk, Bailey was fed and had lots of water, and Daisy was happy after she ate her food! When the sitter returned and took Ozzie for a walk he carried the leash in his mouth! Ozzie did whatever he wanted on the walk until the sitter went the other way then he didn't want to walk anymore!

Dixie was really playful, and Bonnie was happy to see the sitter!

Peaches was biting her brush while the sitter tried to brush her! Later that day Peaches got brushed again she got some food and water and was very happy to be petted!

Bella was so happy to go and play she held two of her tennis balls at the same time!

Sydney wanted to be pampered and Jack was very happy to eat he was jumping around the whole place!

Josie saw her two friends the pug and another dog on our walk today!

Jasmine kept walking between the sitters legs while on her walk, and Bailey set on a bush trying to poop!

Oliver walked himself he held the leash the whole time, and Chelsea was a very good guard dog she was barking at the sitter when she was coming in!

Salem woke up to greet the sitter but he couldn't hear when the sitter called him, all other cats were in hiding!

Penny had a lot to say she wanted lots of attention!

Cheyenne did ok today she was still a little scared, Jack sniffed a lot and took his time today!

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