Monday, July 21, 2008

July 20, 2008

Scout was real excited to go outside this morning! None of us really were dying for breakfast though, Blue needed lots of love today, he got snug right up against the sitters legs when he was playing fetch with Taylor. The sitter rubbed his chin! Taylor, Frisbee time! I love that thing! We got lots of fresh water when we got back inside! The kitties were all snoozing as kitties do. He gave us some fresh food and water when we came around to it though!

Greta was feeling much better this afternoon. The sitter gave us some delicious treats and lunch!
Shayna, It was too hot outside today! We went out and ran around but really wanted to get back inside for some fresh water! Greta, One of us had a really bad accident for the sitter to pick up. The sitter gave us some medication with breakfast. Shayna, the sitter brought someone he was training and we loved him! While the sitter was picking up the mess, the new sitter played with us outside and got running around!

Zelda got fresh food, fresh water, fresh litter! Who could ask for more!? Loki, this sitter sure loves to play and so do we!

Noelle, It sure is quiet with no puppy around, I don't mind though! I was pretty hungry this morning so I got lots of fresh food and water! The fishy, gurgle, gurgle, I like food.

Scout was really quiet around the sitter! Blue was trying to steal his Frisbee from Taylor! He'd retrieve and I'd bite it and run with him... He'd always win. Blue was trying to steal Taylor's Frisbee! That's OK, it was real hot outside and we went in to get some fresh water and take a nap! The kitties we're already sleeping!

Raven, our meals were tasty and warm and we were real excited for them! Cooper, we went for a nice walk after dinner and we both pooped! Cooper had diarrhea though!

Scout, what's this? Peanut butter? Mmmm mm... Wait a minute... There's pills in this!... Delicious! Blue was the only one who really loved dinner and ate it right away! It was delicious!
Taylor, we went out before and after dinner! How much fun is that! The sitter also said he wished his dog was as easy to give ear drops too. I'll make it harder for him next time. He he!
The kitties, just lounging around, thank you!

Greta I got some more medication which I took with no trouble and after a yummy dinner! Shayna, It cooled down a little bit so we ran around a lot outside! Yay!

Zephyr went to potty in the backyard he wanted to play, Zilker went to potty in the park, both dogs got lots of TLC! Zephyr didn't want to be out in the heat, and Zilker was happy after the walk to get water and treats!

Piper walked Buster, and Buster walked Max, everyone pottied and did well on the walk, the sitter found some torn paper in the room, she cleaned it up!

Penny was very talkative and loves attention, after the sitter cleaned the box they played with a ribbon!

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