Monday, July 28, 2008

July 27, 2008

Murzik, it was raining very hard with lots of thunder so he was a little stressed out. Took a bit to get him to take his shot because of it. Brushed him to calm him down a little he was better once he was brushed!

Juno kept rubbing up against the sitters leg she played with the laser pointer and brushed her for a bit after dinner. Solace lay down fer her shot and didn't put up much of a fuss about it. Brushed her a lot, after her sister!
Solace didn't even budge when the sitter gave me my shot! He gave us breakfast and lots of fresh water! Juno, laser pointer, laser pointer! I don't know what the little red dot is but it makes me go crazy!

Josie was incredibly excited to go on her walk today, she got very jumpy as soon as the sitter got there and was very eager to get her walk started! Summer pulled the sitter around A LOT during the walk because she was very excited, She wanted to go every direction that she could because she was curious!

Scout was real talkative this morning. He kept telling the sitter "my parents are coming home today" and "I get to see my parents tonight". Taylor, ear medication is easy-peezy, in fact I love it! Blue & Scout kept eating our breakfast this morning! The sitter tried to stop him. We played a ton outside! The Kitties, Squeak was in the kitchen this morning when the sitter came. He was talking... Well trying to talk to the sitter, he he! Blue & Taylor love to soak up the sun, & Scout pottied and wanted to go back inside to cool off!

Penny got fresh water, fresh food! I've been feeling a lot better lately, no sneezing!

Kilo, at first I was a little weary of the sitter but then he scratched my ears and I said "PLAYTIME!". We ran around for a bit before I had to get some water. Pumpkin kept running away from the sitter but after he fed us and played with Kilo I came out to say hi. He seems like an alright guy. Birds, Chirp Chirp, fresh water! Chirp. Snake, Ssss just laying around, nothing to report Ssssthank you!

Chloe was pretty excited on the walk today, maybe because mom's coming home real soon? I don't know. I got some bologna when the sitter got here! Karina still a little weary of this sitter, but bologna and fresh water is always delicious. The Kitties didn't really want to say hi to the sitter when he came, so we continued to sleep!

Bebe went for a long walk had a great time running!

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