Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 4, 2009

Buck - We went on a shorter walk for me this afternoon. It was hoooot out there! I was panting pretty good so we came back in and I got some good fresh water!

Shorty - I decided to be a little trickster this morning and slip out of my collar! I only went about a foot to sniff something and the sitter got it back on. The sitter made sure we got our food for the day too! Mmm!

Abraham - I gave the sitter a big meow when he came in. He thanked me and proceeded to give me all that food and water! We tried to play as usual but I just love grabbing it and walking away with it!

Tank - The sitter remembers a time when I used to love playing outside with him. I told him "well, it wasn't so hot back then!" He agreed. I was real happy to get back in the AC for some dinner!

Decon - I ran out all excited to greet the sitter and then after some cuddles and he went to feed everyone, I waited by the bedroom asking for my leash! I wanted to get outside please!

Winnie - The brought my bowl inside, cleaned it out real good, and put some tasty dinner in there. I think that's a reason to come running!

Sabrina - The sitter likes to throw the ball but I don't like to retrieve it. Instead I run like I'm going to retrieve it and then keep sprinting around and do a couple laps! Hehe! Dinner time!

Isis - We came back in and the sitter was giving us some cuddles when Ms. Sabrina decided to get jealous and fight me. Bad idea. I won! But then I went to lay down and let Sabrina have 'em, I got mine later!

The kitties - We didn't come out to say hi or anything but the sitter made sure we had a clean litter box, delicious food, and fresh water!

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