Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rufus - I was sleeping tonight when the sitter came in and I didn't get up....ever I just laid there asking for cuddles! Hehe! Then the sitter put my food in front of me to get me up so I could have my pill!

Martha - It was pouring out there tonight and at first I didn't want to go out but then in a spur on spontaneity the sitter and I ran out so I could use the bathroom! We both got soaked but it was so fun!

Billy - Talk the sitters ear off? Me? No way, just a little and by a little I mean a crap load! Hehe! I love tuna and a fresh litter box!

Yogi - Okay, it was so hot out there I didn't want to go anywhere! Every where the the sitter went I pulled back home, too hot!! We came back to the AC so I could play with the kitty!

Armani - The sitter and I played with the bumblebee thing but really I just ran around like a nut. The sitter gave some good food and fresh water!

Chloe - The sitter came in and I was so excited I was spinning around in circles! The sitter gave me some food then it was time to go outside. I had no problem running out in the rain when the sitter threw the ball out! Fun!

Emmet - The power went out when the sitter came by! Scary! But then it came back on and it was dinner time! I didn't want my shot but I got it anyway!

Maddie - It was raining so when the sitter came by I accidently peed! Oooops! The sitter cleaned it all up though. He gave us some fresh newspaper too!

Choppie - The sitter can't keep me locked up forever! I'm gonna escape! After dinner of course!

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