Friday, August 22, 2008

August 21, 2008

Bones was hiding but his sitter put out fresh food and water even a clean litter box and he was happy!

Lion didn't want to come out and play this time, Tiger met the sitter at the door with lots to tell her and then he demanded lots of attention!

Azrick was very friendly and talkative he got lots of attention, P-nut got a compliment from the sitter on how cute he is and then he got some hay, lettuce & strawberries!

Lewis was happy that the boys were out of his room, he doesn't like sleepovers. Crunch chomped on his biscuit quickly & Hamilton enjoyed playing with his ball!
Jackson rubbed all over the sitter while she brushed him. Nina meowed that she wanted to be brushed too!

Bella walked all around the apartment complex until she was good and ready to potty!
Bella was excited to get attention, eat, and potty. Marley laid in the sitters lap and was carried around!

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