Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 11, 2008

Aspen kicked up dirt all over Jackson after he did his potty business, & Jackson was happy to go out and stretch out a little bit!

Jack was having a great time chasing Sydney, & Sydney was barking at nothing in and out of the house!

Baily did her usual hissing but then was to occupied with ham and her pill in it!

Sam was happy to go out even though it was raining, & Lily didn't want to get wet but she went out long enough to go potty! Sam walked for about 20 minutes today & Lily walked for about 10, they they got home and all got dinner!

Penny had a lot to say today, she was happy to get some food and attention!

Kilo was happy to see the sitter and get lots of attention, Pumpkin was playing around the house, and the birds were asleep due to the rain!

Cairo enjoyed being petted and walked he enjoyed eating food with Annabelle!

Jessie knocked down Homer while getting tooo excited about a walk with the sitter, & Homer was wondering what happened until he saw the sitter and then he was happy to go out for a walk!

Tank was very cute, He enjoyed walking with the sitter for a while since it wasn't so hot and then they practiced sitting!

Cooper & Raven went for an extra long walk and then they enjoyed a nice snack!

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