Friday, July 24, 2009

July 23, 2009

Miles: Our walk this morning was great! I wanted another in the afternoon, but it was too hot, so I just laid in the backyard for a while, then I joined Mingus on the couch to get some petting from the sitter!

Tank: I don't want to walk Mr. Sitter! Oh, wait! You have treats? Sure, I'll go for a walk! But once I get a few treats we'll go inside and I probably deserve some bellyscratching!

Snowflake: The sitter came in and I let him get pretty close! Not too close though! He played with me some though! He kept sticking my frog stuffed animal under the bed and I would box it! It gave me something to do!

Biscuit: Pork Chop kept stealing all the attention from me! I need so much bellyrubbing! Wolf didn't help either! The sitter just needs one more arm and he can pet all of us!

Alex - I did the cutest thing today. Everyone got a treat. Sugar ate hers real fast, Sheba broke hers in half and then ate it, but I held it in my mouth for a while and found a spot to bury it. The sitter laughed, he'd never seen that before!

Sugar - I like running around with the sitter! I still don't let him pet me yet but I'm getting there!

Sheba - I'm always happy to see the sitter! He makes sure we get lots of exercise and cuddles. I growl at him though, you know just for fun!

The kitties - Sleeping as usual, although Seymour needed some cuddles, he enoyed them!

The rats - We all got yummy food and new water! We were climbing all over the cage to get at the sitter but he wouldn't let us out.

Dakota - We were so excited to see the sitter! He came to the door and looked through the little window at me but I wouldn't take my eyes off the doorknob. I wanted him in and playing!

Bonnie - The sitter gave us a good breakfast and then let us out for the day. He tricked us both with some treats. Those treats get me every time!

Cuddles - I was no where to be found but the sitter gave me food anyway.

Snowflake - I ran the show today! We went out for a walk and I did all my business but it was waaaaay too hot for a leisurely stroll so I made the sitter turn around so we could get back inside. Then he gave me a treat!

Blue - It was a fun day as usual! The sitter let us out this afternoon and we decided to lay out in the sun and soak it up! It was very nice. He let us back in for lots of fresh water!

Taylor - The sitter gave us a little more wet food tonight for dinner! And lots of cuddles! But then he gave me a poly chew and I didn't want it. He made me eat it! Yuck! : )

The kitties - The sitter put Figaros tasty food up with him in the bed room so Maxx wouldn't get at it. Maxx loves that wet food!

Winston - The sitter had to shmooz me for about 20 minutes so he could put my collar on! I was just a little afraid is all!

Stretch - I loved the sitter! I jumped all over him and had lots of fun! But I hate that elevator thing, and the big steps out side. The sitter had to carry me out but once I got out, I was the king of the sidewalk!

Daisy - We got a big dinner! Well...big for us anyway! Stretch tried to eat everyone else's food like you said he would but the sitter stopped him so we could enjoy it!

Mingus - I loved yelling at the sitter! I Just like saying "WHO ARE YOU?" and "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Then he said "I'm here to give you cuddles and whatnot" and I was like "oh that's fine then."

Miles - The sitter brought us out so we could do our business. I was a little shy though the whole time, I let Mingus do all the talking. He gave us a good dinner though!

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