Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday December 9 MIDDAY VISITS

Tank and Giada -I had a great time on my midday visit! I was a good girl outside and did "double duty" and then came in for treats and lots of attention! Tank didn't want to go outside with me but he did go after I got back in my crate! We both got treats too!

Mattie - I had a wonderful walk today! I ran and played and raced around chasing the wind! I was such a good girl! I also did "double duty" and was so good when I got back from my walk too!

Jarry, Charlie and Avery and Henrik - We were super excited to see the new sitter today! We had a blast in the backyard and then came in for treats and attention! We'll have her trained in no time!

Velvet - Speaking of training...I have a new sitter today also and she seems quite trainable! She fixed my water and food just right and gave me treats and I even let her pet me some! Yes, she just might work out after all!

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