Monday, September 8, 2008

September 6, 2008

Bb had a nice walk this morning. She was real excited to see the sitter, and did her business really quick.

Bonsie and the sitter had a stare down contest. The sitter thought she was coming out to say "Hi" but no! She still enjoyed her dinner.

Cooper said it was really hot outside. He ran fast, but tired out quickly. Raven paces himself better, and stays right with the sitter.

Babe and Paschal were happy to get lots of fresh food and water, and loads of cuddles.

Max got really sweet and played with his puppet. Piper attacked everyones leashes. Buster got right in front of everyone for his share of attention.

Barkley played with the laser light and his feather toy. Sushi was in hiding.

Noel sniffed the sitter when she walked in the door. Then she got very talkative. Oscar watched until he got his food.

Sam and Lily had their favorite sitter today. They went for a long walk around the park. Dinner and treats were yummy.

The sitter walked Josie and Summer together today. Summer still tugged him around like she always does, she's so strong. Josie was very energetic, but they both calmed down after their walk.

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