Thursday, September 4, 2008

September 2, 2008

Solace took her shot like a pro! No fuss what so ever! She was very hungry and I am sure that helped! Juno had a great time playing with the little red dot running around on the floor! He really worked up an appetite!

Ralph wanted cuddling more than food today. He wasn't even interested in the laser light!

Bonsie was out in the open waiting for the sitter! She was relieved that nothing happened to her when he came in. She was happy about him not trying to touch her! She also liked getting her new food. The sitter told her that her human was coming home really soon and she hissed at him that it wasn't near soon enough for her!

Delilah chased Mr. Bungles away from the sitter so she could have him all to herself. She was hogging all the cuddles! Mr. Bungles tried to sneak in a neck scratch during feeding time and then he meowed for more! They said they miss their mom cause she scratches best!

Salem had his meds and then had a tasty lunch. He got all the petting cause the other kitties like to play hide on the sitter!

Cooper gobbled his food up then pooped on his walk. Funny how quick that works! Raven heard that there is a storm coming and wondered if mom was coming home so they won't be scared. He forgot about the storm when he saw that squirrel running around!

Max has decided to like the sitter now. He enjoyed his walk and even took his meds. Buster said the walk was ok but Piper wouldn't stop making a fuss about his leash, which was distracting the sitters attention away from him. Piper vowed to destroy that leash before the next time the sitter comes over!

Josie and Summer had a walk together tonight! Josie is very happy to have her sister to keep her company and play with. Summer wanted to hurry home for her dinner! Both girls are looking forward to seeing their daddy real soon!

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