Sunday, September 14, 2008

September 13, 2008

Maggie May loves living downtown, she gets to see all the tourist. Only thing bad about it is there is so much cement!

Rey made a small appearance but decided it was best to stay in hiding, M decided to do the same. They still are happy to be taken care of!

Sushi did her best at hiding. Barkley was very friendly and got lots of petting from the sitter!

Biscuit laid on the couch and had her belly spoiled! Pork Chop got petted along with everyone else. Wolf got his back scratched also. The sitter has only so many hands!

Rufus was a lot happier once outside, he likes having new friends!

Kramer tried to trick the sitter into giving him too many treats! He jumped and played around.

Nina felt playful and decided to play with a pen on the floor. Jackson wasn't into playing with toys so he got a lot of petting.

Peaches pawed at the sitter a lot while getting petted. She meowed if the sitter stopped at all.

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