Tuesday, September 2, 2008

September 1, 2008

Beemer was a little scared but came around really quickly. Bruschi was extra friendly as always. They ran around the yard to potty and then came in to eat some food. Beemer tried eating Bruschi's food and Bruschi just let him!

It started to rain when Aspen and Jackson were just about done pottying in the alley. It didn't last long at least. Aspen howled for her treat and they were given fresh water to go with their food.

Piper didn't want to have her leash on for her walk today. Max played with the blue doggie toy and chased it all over! Buster got plenty of scratching and his leg kept shaking! He looked funny!

Candler eats all the food the sitter leaves for him. Then back to his hiding place!

Miracle, Charizma, and Jezzabell all played with the pink feather toy. The sitter left it hung up so they could get it when she wasn't there. Smart thinking!

Murzik didn't want his shot but he took it anyway. He enjoyed his dinner and his petting. Celeste didn't want to come out but when she heard the treat bag she couldn't resist!

Pascal and Babe were very happy to get some can food. Babe rubbed all over the sitter once he was done with his food. Their litter box and water was changed too.

Bonsie didn't see the sitter today. She found a better place to hide. The sitter knows when he is well of and didn't go looking for her. She doesn't like her hiding places to be found out.

Mr. Bungles got some neck scratching after breakfast. He was purring! Delilah was sitting on the desk waiting for her sitter! She is always excited to see the sitter and get some food and attention.

Juno loves dinner! Loves cuddles! Loves running around and around. Solace really doesn't like her shot tonight but she got it anyway. She tried to stare the sitter down but she lost the battle. Stuck again!

Billy was up and happy to see the sitter he told her all kinds of things. Black kitty was outside but got scared and ran when the sitter put some dry food out for it. Billy and the black kitty talked for a little while through the glass door.

Raven was very interested in sniffing the grass for some reason. Cooper wanted to walk behind the sitter instead of beside. Mondays will do that to you.

Tucker wasn't feeling like chasing his ball, he just looked out in the marsh. It was high tide so it probably looked weird to him. Gyro laid in the grass and was carried around like a baby.

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