Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend 9/4-7/2009

September 4, 2009

Snowflake: I was ready for my walk today! I didn't even want to finish my treat! I just wanted to go outside! After I walked up and down the street, I cuddled with the sitter on the porch! It's so nice out!

Jackson: We welcomed the sitter into our new home and I laid down on his papers so he would rub my belly for a long time! Nina wanted some attention at first and then she played with her mouse toy for a little bit, but she played with the wrong end! She just wanted to play with the ribbon!

Jinx: I danced in circles for the sitter when he got here! I'm so cute! I went for a walk, but I refused to walk too far from the house so I just walked back and forth! Then we went into the backyard for bellyrubs!

September 5, 2009

Jackson: Nina was actually real affectionate today! She must be missing her people! At least the sitter's got two hands, because I need constant attention! And treats!

Gadget: I ran up to the sitter when he came in today, and then I got lots of attention! Purr! Gizmo eventually came out and want some petting too!

Zeus: I was sitting up on top of my tower when the sitter came in today! After a little bit I decided to come down and get some attention! Purr!

Tripper: Canned food! Yum! I've been waiting for this! How about giving me a good back scratching now Mr. Sitter?

Maggie:Why do the cats always run from me? I just want to play!

Lucky: Sniff, sniff! The sitter smells alright! I guess I'll stop barking now! Let's go for a walk!

Charlie: Ah! The sitter's here! I can't even contain my excitement! Aaah! Let's go out back! I left my bone out there! I think I'll just chew on it for a while!

September 6, 2009

Charlie: I took the sitter for a walk early this morning, then we came back in for bellyrubs! I love bellyrubs!

Lucky: I got a good walk this morning, but this afternoon we went real far, and I even got to run some too! I had a huge smile on my face!

Tripper: I hid from the sitter at first but then I came out to get some attention! But then he pet me while I was eating and I had to growl at him to let him know that the food was all mine! Yum!

Lexi: I was having mood swings today! At first I was real friendly with the sitter, then I started hissing, and then I started rubbing against him and wanting to be pet! I think it's because he smells like dogs! Eww!

Zsa Zsa: Ah! The sitter had to move my bowls because ants were eating my food! Get away from my food, ants! It's all mine!

Maggie: The sitter almost tired me out running around today! Almost!

Jinx: I wanted to walk real bad until I got out to the sidewalk! Then I just wanted to sit on the sitter's lap and cuddle!

September 7, 2009

Lucky: The sitter's woke me up so I could walk around and sniff everything! I got some treats too! I'm such a good dog!

Tripper: I was super friendly today! I didn't even go for my food until the sitter left! I just want neck scratching! I can't stop purring! -Tripper

Lexi: Ah! The sitter smells like dog! Gross! I guess I'll let him pet me though! I need attention!

Beila: The sitter took me outside with the dogs! He wouldn't let me down though! I want to play too!

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