Monday, September 7, 2009

9/7.Dignan,Harley&Jackson:I love going out and hunting for smells. There are so many to find. Jackson and Harley just want to be scrathed and pet all day.

Gadget: I was at the door waiting on the sitter! Good thing she has a big purse to make sure I don't get outside! I just get really excited when someone arrives!

Zeus: I was the only one as usual to say hello! Got fresh water and food! YAY!

Mcmillian: I got pulled all around on the walk with Oliver. He doesn't understand that I am older and not as hyper as him. The sitter kept him from pulling too much. He is so calm in the house though!

Lainey: I barked and I barked at the sitter! I told her to hurry up and let us out then I told her to hurry up and feed us and Dharma, I have to speak for everyone!

Jinx: I love my new friend! She saw that I pottied everywhere but my peepad! oops! It wasn't too much atleast! I did a lot of spinning around and laying on my back! I just want to be loved!

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