Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday October 1 MIDDAY VISITS

Sparky, Billy and Macy Fendley and Rex the cat

Rex met me at the gate meowing and Sparky met me at the front door! Billy and Macy and Sparky were all glad to get outside and stretch their legs some. They all got some water and then they have settled down for a nap! Til next visit!

Woofs and Meows, Suzanne

Josey Weil

Josey was doing just fine today. He toured the yard toward the left this afternoon for a change! Inside and biscuits and tummy rubs and he is all set for the rest of the day.

Woofs, Suzanne

Patsy Cline Crystal

Patsy Cline is a beautiful St. Bernard! What a sweet girl too! She was glad for some company and enjoyed her walk. Uh oh, I see she has a pretty big "hot spot" developing on her hip at the base of her tail! She needs to visit the vet! We will give you a call to see about this. Poor Patsy Cline! Help is on the way!

Woofs, Suzanne

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