Monday, November 30, 2009

November 26, 2009 HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Charlie - happy turkey day! I am very excited to have a restful holiday with the family away!

Jasmine, bailey, and chelsea - we all went on a little turkey trot this morning, but we saw lots of other dogs out and so we barked a lot!

Huck - why am I having dog food with fish oil on it while everybody else eats turkey today???

Taylor: Blue and I cornered the sitter when he came in this morning and forced him to scratch our necks! Yeah, that's the spot!

Luke: I don't ever want to stop walking! There's so much outside to sniff!

Sassy: Jessi tried to eat my wet food today! Luckily the sitter was looking out for me and made sure I got some! Then he put medicine in my ear! Ah! That felt strange!

Sake: I was just sleeping on the bed while the sitter was here! He gave me a little head scratching, and then some treats! That made me very happy!

Princess: Somehow we opened the cupboard and pulled out our treats! We decided to give ourselves a Thanksgiving feast!

Big Boy: All the other kitties were in hiding today! I made sure to say hello to the sitter though! I was just lounging on the couch!

Megan: I was a little timid around this new sitter, and I didn't really want to spend any time out back, but he took me out for a walk so I could relieve myself!

Molly: I entertained the sitter with my crazy noises while he pet me, and then he asked me why I don't make them when he pets me while we're walking! I was stumped!

Bean: There's one particular bush that I was obsessed with tonight! I peed on it a few times and couldn't stop sniffing it! If you humans had a nose as good as mind you would understand!

Oscar: I was real friendly with the sitter, but Nick was a little grumpy tonight! I think he just woke up! I'm surprised treats don't put him in a better mood! They'd definitely work for me!

Dixie: I was so happy to see my sitter, we played in the yard then I had breakfast.

Gabby: It was so sweet for my sitter to give me my shot this morning, then she gave me lots of attention.

Phloyd: I was hanging out on the porch when the sitter got here, but I scurried off to the back yard.

Ginger: I was so excited to have company! We had a nice walk then I got some lunch.

Reilly: I was so ready to potty! Then we ran around in the yard.

Bailey: Oh Boy! Time to go for a walk!

Jasmine: What a pretty day outside! It was a great turkey day walk

Chelsea: Treats are my favorite thing!

Charlie: I was glad to see my sitter! I was so cute and playful on our walk. It was lots of fun! then we ran around outside and fetched the little soccer ball for while! It was fun, we needed to burn off some thanksgiving calories.

Huck - I don't understand why people want to walk me. I try to show them I can walk myself, but they don't let me :(

Chelsea - I enjoy eating while jasmine and bailey are walked because jasmine growled at me earlier when I was eating.

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