Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday October 9 MIDDAY VISITS

Bunnies and Mao the kitty Jarrell

These bunnies are soooo cute! They are very curious and I think they would enjoy some training! They got fresh hay, food and water and of course some snacks! Boy they love those crackers! Mao showed up about the time I was leaving so I made sure he had some food outside to tide him over. He is a sweet boy. Til next time.

Hops and Meows, Suzanne

Splash, Waves, Boo, Max and Jazz Arden-Joly

Everyone was doing great this afternoon! Splash and Waves are so biddable! The kitties were all ok too. A snack for the puppies and treats all around. They are set for the afternoon.

Woofs and Meows, Suzanne

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