Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday October 2 PM VISITS

Gabby and Phloyd McConnell

Phloyd is so friendly! He met me at the door and meowed in greeting! Gabby was still in hiding but did come out from under the bed for her insulin injection! Good girl! But alas, Gabby could only be good for so long and so did not take her pill like a good girl...maybe next time. But overall she was much better than the other day.

Meows, Suzanne

Sparky, Billy and Macy Fendley plus Rex the cat

Rex went outside for the night! Sparky, Billy and Macy enjoyed their outting in the backyard. Some fresh water and a nibble or two and they are all set for the night. Til next time.

Woofs, Suzanne

Liberty, Gizmo and Bug Dykema

Liberty and Bug were very happy for company tonight and so was Gizmo sort of! Liberty had a great time on her walk then back in for supper! What good babies! Til next time.

Woofs and Meows, Suzanne

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