Sunday, August 15, 2010

8/14 PM - REILLY: I went outside, did my business, then the sitter and I had playtime!

8/14 PM - COOPER: Hooray for dinner time! We were also really happy to go outside and do our business!

8/14 PM - ROXY: Yay! It's dinner time and greenie time!

8/14 MID - COLE: I was a good boy and took my shot really well. Afterwards I got lots of affection from the sitter. She cleaned out my litter box and the area around it, freshened all of my water bowls, and gave me some food! Yay!

8/14 MID - ROXY: I was ready for an afternoon stroll around the yard! It's so nice to have a friend stop by for a little bit!

8/14 MID - WINTERS: Our favorite sitter stopped by! She changed our litter and freshened our food and water. She couldn't find any more litter pan liners, we don't mind - but we hope that's okay with you, Mom!

8/14 MID - REILLY: I was ready to go outside and release some energy! After I did my business, we came back inside and played with my ball! I never seem to tire!

8/14 MID - THE GILL CATS: We just can't get enough affection from the sitter. We love to steal all of the attention away from the dogs and keep the sitter all to ourselves!

8/14 AM - THE HANSEN CATS: We were unsure of the sitter at first, but as soon as she tidied up, fed us, and cleaned out our litter boxes, we were sure the sitter was a new friend!

8/14 AM - GENO: Yay! Lori is here, and a new friend! After she changed my litter, we played with my toys and rolled around on the floor! I had so much fun, I was so sad when they left.

8/14 AM - ROXY: I ate my breakfast, took my medication, then went outside to do my business! I am such a good pup!

8/14 AM - MACY GILL: We were all ready to go outside and stretch this morning!

8/14 AM - REILLY: I made a little mess on the floor, but that's okay! The sitter cleaned it up! I was so happy to see her and go outside :)

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