Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May 5, 2008

Sams and Lily were jumping around like crazy when the sitter go there today. Sams went first on a walk, and Lily couldn't hardly wait to go on hers!

Chelsea and Bella got tired quickly on their walks because it was so hot out!

Only one kitty showed up at the Rogers house to eat, hope the raccoon doesn't eat all their food!

The Johnson kitties were all over the place, some were even hiding! One of the kitties hid food all over the place!

Raven and Cooper had a HOT walk! There wasn't anything to bark at today, good thing - it was too hot!

Gyro lounged in the sun while Tucker looked for the ball, but he couldn't find it!! Poor Tucker!

Beau was a good boy today. The neighbor dogs were out but he didn't pay any attention to him and just went about his own business!

Leo was hesitant at first to go outside, but after Kipper ran right out the door Leo followed!

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