Friday, May 16, 2008

May 15, 2008

Buster was a good boy. He really enjoys playing and hanging out with the sitter!

Ozzie had a nice long walk, he didn't act his age at all! He was acting like a puppy!!

The Scarborough dogs were very social! They really appreciated the pet sitter coming to play with them!

Lucy was very glad to be going on a walk, she doesn't mind that her parents are gone at all! Pinot was friendly today and very affectionate, Shab came out to see the sitter leave.

Duke was very friendly and went on a long walk! He peed SEVEN times!

Honey still doesn't like getting a shot from Alicia. She cheered right up when she went outside though!

Chelsea and Bella had very nice walks. There weren't any distractions and they did their business in peace!

Pascal and Babe were excited to eat again! They must be so busy when no one is around that they work up a hunger!

Daisy was happy to be walking in the alley again. No strangers today! She got a bacon treat and was very content.

Cheyenne was skiddish at first, but walked good on the leash. Jack was laid back and nothing like Cheyenne.

Cooper and Raven were happy that they got to see Mommy AND the sitter today! They love going on a walk with the sitter and then coming home to tell Mommy all about it!

Missy was entertaining and very excited to be drinking from the faucet! Sarah isn't as friendly as Missy, she just comes out to see who is in her house then runs and hides!

Mercedes was VERY stubborn today! Once she was outside on a walk she was in a much better mood!

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