Thursday, August 5, 2010

8/04 PM - MAGGIE MAY: I was ready to go outside and get some fresh air. I always take the sitter exactly where I want to go!

8/05 AM - MAGGIE MAY: I was so happy to see the sitter this morning! After breakfast, I was barking at the door waiting to go outside.

8/05 AM - BUBBA: I wasn't sure of the sitter at first, but after she gave me my medicine in peanut butter, I was happy! What a nice walk we had.

8/05 MID - BLOSSOM: We were so excited to see the sitter and run around outside. I even licked the sitter right on the nose!

8/05 PM - MAGGIE MAY: Yay! Dinner time and walk time! I love it when the sitter shows up and gives me attention!

8/05 PM - KITTY: I came right up to the sitter when she shook the bag of treats! Wiggly didn't come, so the sitter left the kitty door unlocked.

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