Monday, June 9, 2008

June 6 2008

Lily behaved going down the stairs, Sam was a good boy.

Penny didn't want to play, he just wanted to be petted.

Salem was sleeping in the salad bowl when the sitter came in.

Chance walked really well as usual.

Daisy heard lots of music going on around in the neighborhood today outside. She didn't get scared though!

Bonnie was less energetic then usual, Dakota seemed happy, and Cuddles came back inside. Dakota was very happy to see me when I came back, Bonnie wanted attention, and Cuddles was playing hide and seek with me.

Billy was very social and talkative.

Raven ran pretty slow, and Cooper actually stopped running today, but they both enjoyed apples and yogurt afterwards.

Gyro lounged around, and Tucker was all over the place! When the sitter came back Gyro was running around and Tucker wanted to be scratched.

Beau was sleeping inside, but Zeus and Venus were very friendly today!

Miracle didn't want attention today, Charisma was grumpy, and Jezzabelle was very friendly.

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