Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 16, 2008

Sams was mischievous today and had trash in his mouth! Yuck! He also pulled out of his choke collar on their walk! Lily was a very sweet girl and thought Sams was crazy!

Bella and Chelsea had a chilly walk but were determined to find some kittens and they did! They had a great time chasing them away!

Cujo didn’t wan to walk too far but the sitter made him go further than he wanted.

Wolfe came back inside after running outside to go potty to get a cookie! Porkchop showered the sitter in kisses and Biscuit wouldn’t stop barking until she got a cookie! Later all three were digging under the fence by the driveway to try and escape!

Daisy had some bacon while lounging in the sun – what a nice life!

Baskerville was a little more excited to go on a walk today; she let the sitter take him on a little bit longer of a walk today!

Grace was very boisterous on their walk. The sitter thinks she was barking to let everyone know she was outside and on a walk!

Nina was very cautious of the sitter today and Jackson was into everyone’s business. They both were very friendly!

Raven played a lot on their walk today and got a couple treats!

Tucker was playful as always and Gyro just lounged around trying to keep warm!

Mercedes was very playful on her walk today and got lots of treats after!

Beau was very excited to be going on a walk with the sitter today. Zeus and Venus watched as the sitter cleaned their potty.

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