Max: I could just sit on the sitters feet and stare at her all day! In between that I did remember too pee! I didn't even want to play! Just wanted to be petted! I laid on my back to get my belly rubbed and I started leaking so the sitter made me pee again! I don't know why I do that!
Shadow: The sitter couldn't find the leash so Max and I had to take turns with the electric fence collar. She wasn't sure about me because I had been running towards across the street the other week like I didn't have a "fence" around the house. But I did okay and didn't dart off.
Cujo: My leg is doing better but I don't want anyone to know because then I can't rush home like I want to! My friend across the street didn't come over which is good because she can be annoying like any neighbor can!
Snowflake the Poodle: My bow is looks like a pink mohawk! They say I can't hear but I always wake up when the sitter shuts the door. I was a little scared to walk in front of Patches but he didn't bark at me. His lunging and running around scares me since I can't see that well anymore.
Yogi: We noticed a park beside the house, I don't know why we never noticed it before! I couldn't remember if I had been there before but it looks fun so I asked mom if I could go, I am waiting a response from her! It's not freezing today, its just right! I wanted to go out on the balcony today since I have the best view ever!
Pearl: I wanted to stay in my crate but she made me get out anyway! I pulled the sitter down the street when it was time for me to go back...I am small but I am strong!
Butter: I ran to my poop area quickly! It was getting dark and chilly! I told the sitter I would give her my fur but I don't know how to take it off my back. When we went back to the house I barked and barked at her for food and treats! I barked for more and she said no but I kept barking anyway.
Magnolia: Butters is here this time so that means I don't get all the attention! No fair! I got some fresh water and food. Atleast I got to have some treats, my favorite thing!
Guiness and Bear: We walked and sniffed around the pond area for a bit today.
Tripper: I was disinterested in my red ribbon today. It was much more fun yesterday!
Daisy: I was really excited to see the sitter today! (well, either that or just excited to get outside!) When he got here, I ran downstairs really fast and started jumping up and down and spinning with excitement! As soon as I stepped outside, I went potty. Just as quickly, I got shy with the sitter and wanted to go back inside. The sitter said that i confuse him sometimes...whatever that means
Harmon: The sitter gave me a rigorous brushing and cleaned out my box...there's never very much in there because I poop outside alot! Speaking of outside, the sitter let me out there and told me to enjoy this wonderful day. Good weather, good things to explore...I don't think that'll be a problem!
Bella: The sitter stopped by today and he got to petting e right away. I like whenhe does that. barely gives me a chance to say hello! Then we went outside in the front yard for a litle bit before transferring to the backyard. It was really nice weather so I just layed down and enjoyed the sunshine.
Wilson: Today was a good day for walking. When we got outside there was already a bunch of people out there for me to say hello to. They always smile at me when I walk by because I'm such a good looking dog and I'm so well behaved! Nothing else really happened. Just nice and relaxed today.
Shadow: When the sitter came over today, both Max and i were sleeping on our beds out on the porch. We were both so out of it that we didn't hear the sitter come in and he told us that we were so cut and peaceful that he didn't want to wake us up.
Max: Yeah, but it's a good thing he did wake us up because when he let out out to play in the yard, the second I got out there I went potty. I really needed that! After getting that out of my system we played for a bi in the backyard before the sitter had to go.
Cooper: The sitter came over today and I gave him the usual bite hand/big hugs greeting that i think he deserves. He took us out on our run and got us working right away. We weren't allowed but one potty break. Man, this sitter knows how to make us sweat!
Raven: The sitter had us running pretty good but eventually brought us back inside for some water and our apple snack. He thinks it's funny how the way we eat our snack greatly reflects our personalities. I'm pretty neat and orderly and Cooper is usually more sloppy and makes a bigger mess...what does that say about him? (Oh, I'm only kidding!)
Shadow: The sitter couldn't find the leash so Max and I had to take turns with the electric fence collar. She wasn't sure about me because I had been running towards across the street the other week like I didn't have a "fence" around the house. But I did okay and didn't dart off.
Cujo: My leg is doing better but I don't want anyone to know because then I can't rush home like I want to! My friend across the street didn't come over which is good because she can be annoying like any neighbor can!
Molly: I like to get my belly rubbed but it makes me pee! Yuck. The sitter says its funny but he makes me go out first and then rubs my tummy so I;m all out! I like laying on my couch!
Hannah: The sitter gave us food and we loooved it! I like to jump around a lot and get my head scratched. When we went out back tonight I was peaking over the fence to see what the neighbors were doing.... but no one was there.

Pearl: I wanted to stay in my crate but she made me get out anyway! I pulled the sitter down the street when it was time for me to go back...I am small but I am strong!
Butter: I ran to my poop area quickly! It was getting dark and chilly! I told the sitter I would give her my fur but I don't know how to take it off my back. When we went back to the house I barked and barked at her for food and treats! I barked for more and she said no but I kept barking anyway.
Magnolia: Butters is here this time so that means I don't get all the attention! No fair! I got some fresh water and food. Atleast I got to have some treats, my favorite thing!
Guiness and Bear: We walked and sniffed around the pond area for a bit today.
Tripper: I was disinterested in my red ribbon today. It was much more fun yesterday!
Daisy: I was really excited to see the sitter today! (well, either that or just excited to get outside!) When he got here, I ran downstairs really fast and started jumping up and down and spinning with excitement! As soon as I stepped outside, I went potty. Just as quickly, I got shy with the sitter and wanted to go back inside. The sitter said that i confuse him sometimes...whatever that means
Harmon: The sitter gave me a rigorous brushing and cleaned out my box...there's never very much in there because I poop outside alot! Speaking of outside, the sitter let me out there and told me to enjoy this wonderful day. Good weather, good things to explore...I don't think that'll be a problem!
Bella: The sitter stopped by today and he got to petting e right away. I like whenhe does that. barely gives me a chance to say hello! Then we went outside in the front yard for a litle bit before transferring to the backyard. It was really nice weather so I just layed down and enjoyed the sunshine.
Wilson: Today was a good day for walking. When we got outside there was already a bunch of people out there for me to say hello to. They always smile at me when I walk by because I'm such a good looking dog and I'm so well behaved! Nothing else really happened. Just nice and relaxed today.
Shadow: When the sitter came over today, both Max and i were sleeping on our beds out on the porch. We were both so out of it that we didn't hear the sitter come in and he told us that we were so cut and peaceful that he didn't want to wake us up.
Max: Yeah, but it's a good thing he did wake us up because when he let out out to play in the yard, the second I got out there I went potty. I really needed that! After getting that out of my system we played for a bi in the backyard before the sitter had to go.
Cooper: The sitter came over today and I gave him the usual bite hand/big hugs greeting that i think he deserves. He took us out on our run and got us working right away. We weren't allowed but one potty break. Man, this sitter knows how to make us sweat!
Raven: The sitter had us running pretty good but eventually brought us back inside for some water and our apple snack. He thinks it's funny how the way we eat our snack greatly reflects our personalities. I'm pretty neat and orderly and Cooper is usually more sloppy and makes a bigger mess...what does that say about him? (Oh, I'm only kidding!)
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