Shadow: I made a big yawn when the sitter got here this morning! Then I was ready for my morning walk! Max was super excited to see the sitter! He's so crazy! And he devoured his breakfast in seconds! It had to have been a world record!
Luke: I was real curious about the sitter as he set up our breakfast buffet! I was scared of him though, and wouldn't let him get too close! But he heard me running around the house like a mad cat! Liberty let him pet her though! She gets along real well with him.
Lucy: Somebody's here! Hello Somebody! Let's sit out on the porch for a while, because I'm more interested in the outside than in my food right now! I would love some treats though! Yum!

L.C: As soon as the sitter walked in I started begging him for food, but once he gave it to me I just wanted to be pet! He didn't understand that, but I just wanted to know it was there! I played some with my mouse and Indie even came out, sort of. He let the sitter give him some treats. He liked those! So did I! I love wiggling and rolling around on the carpet in a patch of sunlight. I especially love when this is coupled with hands running up and down my entire body. hey, a cat has his desires.
Dolce: There is nothing better then snuggling in a comfortable lap or getting my head scratched and belly rubbed or being played with and having a meow-riffic conversation. My morning was great! How was yours?
Scratch: It was so windy outside today. It was making all kinds of racket and I was nervous. The sitter comforted me and I forgot all about the wind. Until he left and it started again!
Max: For a little dog, Shadow sure can walk fast. I like to take things easy and slow, enjoy the breeze. Well today they were more like gusts but it was still nice. I would probably take my time even if it were raining.
Shadow: O my! It is so windy outside I hope I don't get blown away! I just don't have the girth of my buddy Max and I worry sometimes that I will become a canine kite any second.
Liberty: Dinner was excellent tonight though most of my family ate outside since the weather has been good. The sitter put fresh water in all of our bowls and cleaned our litter though it seems like we have been favoring the outside soil.
Zeke: This morning the sitter and i had so much fun. First we went on a walk and I pooped out a bird! Then we came back and I had a delicious breakfast. After that we played in the yard! Woo! I realized that in the shadows I have natural camouflage. Tonight when I was out walking with the sitter I spooked someone who thought the sitter was alone. How silly!
Chelsea: The sitter came over this morning to give us some food and take us out to potty. We were already totally awake and ready for him to show up so it was craziness from the second he set foot in the house! The sitter gave us each a treat or two to take our minds off the food we weren't getting to eat. After that we both went outside for a nice stroll and a potty break.
Oliver: The sitter said that he gave us the last of our food but, no worries, he'd bring more for us when he cam back this afternoon so that we'd have some tomorrow morning! that's a relief. I love food waaaay too much to go without it! Ok, so the sitter brought food but we don't get any of it? what's the deal? I mean, I know he said it was for our breakfast and I know we already ate today and all that but it's still not fair. I won't tell, I promise!
Captain: The sitter came on and we were both going nuts in our crates until he let us out. He gave us our breakfast but we were totally more focused on him and that fact that we'd soon be out on our morning walk! We both had to go pretty bad, too! We got to go on anothr walk tonight. During the walk, there was another dog barking at us from inside his house. I'd like to see him come out here and say that to my face, huh? I also saw a kitty and tried to sneak up on it but those kitties are pretty shifty.
Paquita: When we went outside, there were a lot of boy scouts to say hello to. We were still just crazy excited to be outside so anything would have been awesome but still, it was nice to have a bunch of people to say hello to instead of just the sitter. The walk was nice. Captain was peeing on everything he saw. Sometimes he'd even lift his leg over something and nothing would cm eout! i think he tries too hard sometimes...crazy dog!
Toby: The sitter came in and said he was going to look for Baby and we all told im "yeah, good luck". I just wanted him to make with the food, he knows the deal. I've gotta sample each one before the other cats get to it, so I know which bowl is the best one to eat from!
Patty: Yeah, no luck finding Baby, she's a real good hider. Toby was in the garage buttering up the sitter like usual while the rest of us waited patiently and out of the way. That cat is so funny sometimes. (ok, all the time)
Penny: The sitter came and said hello to me. I was on the windowsill like yesterday. I didn't feel much like moving, though.
Niffy: The sitter came back over and gave me some more food and fresh water. he gave me a couple of treats too. He likes how I can take them from him without biting his fingers. he said a lot of cats won't do that, they'll just bite hard on anything that even smells like a treat...go figure.
Rex: The sitter came back over this morning to say hello and take care of me. He cracked open hat can of food and I started to go nuts. I was telling him to hurry up because I wanted to eat it! After I calmed down from the food a little bit, and fatter he scooped out my box, we played for a bit and i got some kitty scratches on my head.
Bailey: When the sitter showed up, we were waiting at the door for him. We wanted to say hello really badly so we started before he even came inside. Then we continued after he walked in. I gave him some hugs and let him know how excited I was to see him.
Jasmine: We went on a nice walk that was pretty lazy, actually. Even Bailey as pretty calm the whole time which is a major feat because he's always going nuts about every little thing!
Charlie: The sitter came over to play with me again. We ran around the yard and he tried to get my stick from me (I'm glad he found that thing!). I was dodging him and weaving al around stuff like nobody's business. I even made the sitter fall when he lunged at me and i changed directions quicker than he could react! Ok, Even though my parents won't be coming home tonight like they said they would, I'll let it slide as long as i get to play with the sitter again! We did our usual run around the backyard with him chasing me and failing at it. After a while, this time I sat down and chewed my bone and the sitter sat down with me and gave me a good belly rub which was awesome!
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